Commit 9fb2c9fe authored by charras's avatar charras

some code cleaning and comments translations. Added: EDA_Rect::Merge( EDA_Rect...

some code cleaning and comments translations. Added: EDA_Rect::Merge( EDA_Rect & aRect ) (see changelog)
parent ae459044
......@@ -5,6 +5,17 @@ Started 2007-June-11
Please add newer entries at the top, list the date and your name with
email address.
2008-Mar-14 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
some code cleaning and comment translations.
/** EDA_Rect::Merge( EDA_Rect & aRect )
* Modify Position and Size of this in order to contains the given rect
* mainly used to calculate bouding boxes
* @param aRect = given rect to merge with this
2008-Mar-14 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -194,12 +194,20 @@ public:
operator wxRect() const { return wxRect( m_Pos, m_Size ); }
EDA_Rect& Inflate( wxCoord dx, wxCoord dy );
/** Function Merge
* Modify Position and Size of this in order to contain the given rect
* mainly used to calculate bounding boxes
* @param aRect = given rect to merge with this
void Merge( EDA_Rect & aRect );
/* Classes de base: servent a deriver les classes reellement utiles */
/* Basic Classes : used classes are derived from them */
/** class EDA_BaseStruct
* Basic class, not directly used.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -158,6 +158,13 @@ public:
int Read_3D_Descr( FILE* File, int* LineNum = NULL );
/* drawing functions */
/** Function Draw
* Draw the text accordint to the footprint pos and orient
* @param panel = draw panel, Used to know the clip box
* @param DC = Current Device Context
* @param offset = draw offset (usually wxPoint(0,0)
* @param draw_mode = GR_OR, GR_XOR..
void Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC,
const wxPoint& offset, int draw_mode );
void Draw3D( Pcb3D_GLCanvas* glcanvas );
......@@ -101,11 +101,12 @@ void TEXTE_MODULE::Copy( TEXTE_MODULE* source ) // copy structure
m_Pos = source->m_Pos;
SetLayer( source->GetLayer() );
m_Miroir = source->m_Miroir; // vue normale / miroir
m_Miroir = source->m_Miroir; // Show normal / mirror
m_NoShow = source->m_NoShow; // 0: visible 1: invisible
m_Type = source->m_Type; // 0: ref,1: val, autre = 2..255
m_Orient = source->m_Orient; // orientation en 1/10 degre
m_Pos0 = source->m_Pos0; // coord du debut du texte /ancre, orient 0
m_Type = source->m_Type; // 0: ref,1: val, others = 2..255
m_Orient = source->m_Orient; // orientation in 1/10 deg
m_Pos0 = source->m_Pos0; // text coordinates relatives to the footprint ancre, orient 0
// Text coordinate ref point is the text centre
m_Size = source->m_Size;
m_Width = source->m_Width;
......@@ -114,8 +115,8 @@ void TEXTE_MODULE::Copy( TEXTE_MODULE* source ) // copy structure
/* supprime du chainage la structure Struct
* les structures arrieres et avant sont chainees directement
/* Remove this from the linked list
* Update Pback and Pnext pointers
void TEXTE_MODULE::UnLink()
......@@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ void TEXTE_MODULE:: SetWidth( int new_width )
// mise a jour des coordonn�s absolues pour affichage
// Update draw ccordinates
void TEXTE_MODULE:: SetDrawCoord()
MODULE* Module = (MODULE*) m_Parent;
......@@ -175,7 +176,7 @@ void TEXTE_MODULE:: SetDrawCoord()
// mise a jour des coordonn�s relatives au module
// Update "local" cooedinates (coordinates relatives to the footprint anchor point)
void TEXTE_MODULE:: SetLocalCoord()
MODULE* Module = (MODULE*) m_Parent;
......@@ -219,45 +220,62 @@ EDA_Rect TEXTE_MODULE::GetTextRect(void)
return area;
bool TEXTE_MODULE::HitTest( const wxPoint& posref )
* Function HitTest
* tests if the given wxPoint is within the bounds of this object.
* @param refPos A wxPoint to test
* @return bool - true if a hit, else false
bool TEXTE_MODULE::HitTest( const wxPoint& refPos )
int mX, mY, dx, dy;
MODULE* Module = (MODULE*) m_Parent;
int angle = m_Orient;
if( Module )
angle += Module->m_Orient;
dx = ( m_Size.x * GetLength() ) / 2;
dx = (dx * 10) / 9; /* Facteur de forme des lettres : 10/9 */
dx += m_Width / 2;
dy = ( m_Size.y + m_Width ) / 2;
/* le point de reference est tourn�de - angle
* pour se ramener a un rectangle de reference horizontal */
mX = posref.x - m_Pos.x;
mY = posref.y - m_Pos.y;
RotatePoint( &mX, &mY, -angle );
wxPoint rel_pos;
EDA_Rect area = GetTextRect();
/* Rotate refPos to - angle
* to test if refPos is within area (which is relative to an horizontal text)
rel_pos = refPos;
RotatePoint( &rel_pos, m_Pos, - GetDrawRotation() );
/* le point de reference est-il dans ce rectangle */
if( ( abs( mX ) <= abs( dx ) ) && ( abs( mY ) <= abs( dy ) ) )
if( area.Inside(rel_pos) )
return true;
return false;
* Function GetBoundingBox
* returns the bounding box of this Text (according to text and footprint orientation)
EDA_Rect TEXTE_MODULE::GetBoundingBox()
// Calculate area without text fielsd:
EDA_Rect text_area;
int angle = GetDrawRotation();
wxPoint textstart, textend;
text_area = GetTextRect();
textstart = text_area.GetOrigin();
textend = text_area.GetEnd();
RotatePoint( &textstart, m_Pos, angle);
RotatePoint( &textend, m_Pos, angle);
return text_area;
void TEXTE_MODULE::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, wxPoint offset, int draw_mode )
/* trace 1 texte de module
* Utilise la police definie dans grfonte.h
* (Se reporter a ce fichier pour les explications complementaires)
* offset = offset de trace ( reference au centre du texte)
* draw_mode = GR_OR, GR_XOR..
/** Function Draw
* Draw the text accordint to the footprint pos and orient
* @param panel = draw panel, Used to know the clip box
* @param DC = Current Device Context
* @param offset = draw offset (usually wxPoint(0,0)
* @param draw_mode = GR_OR, GR_XOR..
int zoom;
......@@ -16,15 +16,17 @@
wxPoint m_Pos; // Real coord
wxPoint m_Pos; // Real (physical)coord
int m_Width;
wxPoint m_Pos0; // coord du debut du texte /ancre, orient 0
wxPoint m_Pos0; // text coordinates relatives to the footprint ancre, orient 0
// Text coordinate ref point is the text centre
char m_Unused; // unused (reserved for future extensions)
char m_Miroir; // vue normale / miroir
char m_Miroir; // Show normal / mirror
char m_NoShow; // 0: visible 1: invisible (bool)
char m_Type; // 0: ref,1: val, autre = 2..255
int m_Orient; // orientation en 1/10 degre
wxSize m_Size; // dimensions (en X et Y) du texte
char m_Type; // 0: ref,1: val, others = 2..255
int m_Orient; // orientation in 1/10 deg relative to the footprint
// Physical orient is m_Orient + m_Parent->m_Orient
wxSize m_Size; // text size
wxString m_Text;
......@@ -55,10 +57,16 @@ public:
int GetDrawRotation(); // Return text rotation for drawings and plotting
/** Function GetTextRect
* @return an EDA_Rect which gives the position and size of the text area (for the O orient text and footprint)
* @return an EDA_Rect which gives the position and size of the text area (for the 0 orient text and footprint)
EDA_Rect GetTextRect(void);
* Function GetBoundingBox
* returns the bounding box of this Text (according to text and footprint orientation)
EDA_Rect GetBoundingBox();
void SetDrawCoord(); // mise a jour des coordonn�s absolues de trac�
// a partir des coord relatives
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