Commit 9d839eb8 authored by charras's avatar charras

Pcbnew: make global edit pads function compatible with new pads changes and make it undoable.

parent 0893f3f3
m_Pad_Layer_Filter_CB->SetValue( m_Pad_Layer_Filter );
m_Pad_Orient_Filter_CB->SetValue( m_Pad_Orient_Filter );
GetSizer()->Fit( this );
/*Class DIALOG_GLOBAL_PADS_EDITION static variables */
/* Class DIALOG_GLOBAL_PADS_EDITION static variables */
bool DIALOG_GLOBAL_PADS_EDITION::m_Pad_Shape_Filter = true;
bool DIALOG_GLOBAL_PADS_EDITION::m_Pad_Layer_Filter = true;
bool DIALOG_GLOBAL_PADS_EDITION::m_Pad_Orient_Filter = true;
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