Commit 893618bf authored by Maciej Suminski's avatar Maciej Suminski

Fixed a hot key conflict.

parent 13b0784c
......@@ -58,6 +58,15 @@ void ACTION_MANAGER::RegisterAction( TOOL_ACTION* aAction )
m_actionNameIndex[aAction->m_name] = aAction;
m_actionIdIndex[aAction->m_id] = aAction;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Check if there are two global actions assigned to the same hotkey
if( aAction->GetScope() == AS_GLOBAL )
BOOST_FOREACH( const TOOL_ACTION* action, m_actionHotKeys[aAction->m_currentHotKey] )
assert( action->GetScope() != AS_GLOBAL );
#endif /* not NDEBUG */
if( aAction->HasHotKey() )
m_actionHotKeys[aAction->m_currentHotKey].push_back( aAction );
......@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ TOOL_ACTION COMMON_ACTIONS::moduleTextOutlines( "pcbnew.ModuleEditor.textOutline
// Miscellaneous
TOOL_ACTION COMMON_ACTIONS::selectionTool( "pcbnew.Control.selectionTool",
"", "", AF_ACTIVATE );
TOOL_ACTION COMMON_ACTIONS::resetCoords( "pcbnew.Control.resetCoords",
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