Commit 860d26e4 authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck abort on first failure.

parent d6292053
#!/bin/bash -e
# Install KiCad from source onto either:
# -> a Ubuntu/Debian/Mint or
# -> a Red Hat
......@@ -25,6 +25,12 @@
# bzr-git seems not up to the task. wget or curl would also work.
# Since bash is invoked with -e by the first line of this script, all the steps in this script
# must succeed otherwise bash will abort at the first non-zero error code. Therefore any script
# functions must be crafted to anticipate numerous conditions, such that no command fails unless it
# is a serious situation.
# Set where the 3 source trees will go, use a full path
......@@ -113,9 +119,17 @@ install_prerequisites()
local dir="$1"
# this file is often created as root, so remove as root
sudo rm "$dir/install_manifest.txt" 2> /dev/null
rm -rf "$dir"
echo "removing directory $dir"
if [ -e "$dir/install_manifest.txt" ]; then
# this file is often created as root, so remove as root
sudo rm "$dir/install_manifest.txt" 2> /dev/null
if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
rm -rf "$dir"
......@@ -142,24 +156,24 @@ cmake_uninstall()
# sets an environment variable globally.
local VAR=$1
local VAL=$2
local var=$1
local val=$2
if [ -d /etc/profile.d ]; then
if [ ! -e /etc/profile.d/ ] || ! grep "$VAR" /etc/profile.d/; then
if [ ! -e /etc/profile.d/ ] || ! grep "$var" /etc/profile.d/ >> /dev/null; then
echo "Adding environment variable $VAR to file /etc/profile.d/"
echo "Adding environment variable $var to file /etc/profile.d/"
echo "Please logout and back in after this script completes for environment"
echo "variable to get set into environment."
sudo sh -c "echo export $VAR=$VAL >> /etc/profile.d/"
sudo sh -c "echo export $var=$val >> /etc/profile.d/"
elif [ -e /etc/environment ]; then
if ! grep "$VAR" /etc/environment; then
if ! grep "$var" /etc/environment >> /dev/null; then
echo "Adding environment variable $VAR to file /etc/environment"
echo "Adding environment variable $var to file /etc/environment"
echo "Please reboot after this script completes for environment variable to get set into environment."
sudo sh -c "echo $VAR=$VAL >> /etc/environment"
sudo sh -c "echo $var=$val >> /etc/environment"
......@@ -239,7 +253,7 @@ install_or_update()
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
sudo make install
echo " kicad-lib installed."
echo " kicad-lib.bzr installed."
echo "step 9) as non-root, install user configuration files..."
......@@ -256,12 +270,14 @@ install_or_update()
sudo make install
echo " kicad-doc.bzr installed."
echo 'All KiCad "--install-or-update" steps completed, you are up to date.'
echo "step 11) check for environment variables..."
if [ -z "${KIGITHUB}" ]; then
set_env_var KIGITHUB
echo 'All KiCad "--install-or-update" steps completed, you are up to date.'
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