Commit 81d6ebae authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck

commit CHANGELOG.txt before splitting into to years

parent 9431c2a6
......@@ -135,6 +135,16 @@ Pcbnew:
* Remove scary frame window pointer member from board item objects.
* Add draw bounding box to gerber draw item for debugging purposes.
2012-Sept-8 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
* Write an automatic bitmap generation script in cmake, PNG2cpp.cmake
* Write an infrastructure generate *.png files from inkscape files, and do
it maintaing the "as needed" change detection support.
* Support an *.SVG maintainer mode, AND an *.SVG user mode.
* Engineer a seemless switchover from old style xpm files, with minimal
impact to system wide source code.
2011-Sept-07, UPDATE Andrey Fedorushkov <>
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