Commit 816c1596 authored by dickelbeck's avatar dickelbeck


parent 6c737bc1
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ static const char * rightarrow_xpm[] = {
"X c #8080ff",
"o c BLUE",
"O c gray56",
" . .. ",
" .X ",
" .XX ",
" .XXX ",
" .XXXX ",
......@@ -317,6 +317,9 @@ public:
SelectLayerRow( 1 );
m_LayerScrolledWindow->SetMinSize( m_LayerScrolledWindow->GetSize() );
SetMinSize( GetSize() );
......@@ -418,6 +421,9 @@ class MYFRAME : public wxFrame
MYFRAME* frame;
// your constructor could take a BOARD argument. here I leave it
// out because this source module wants to know nothing of BOARDs
// to maximize re-use.
MYLAYERS( wxWindow* aParent, MYFRAME* aFrame ) :
LAYER_WIDGET( aParent ),
frame( aFrame )
......@@ -438,14 +444,13 @@ class MYFRAME : public wxFrame
MYFRAME( wxWindow * parent ) : wxFrame( parent, -1, _( "wxAUI Test" ),
wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( 800, 600 ),
MYFRAME( wxWindow * parent ) :
wxFrame( parent, -1, _( "wxAUI Test" ), wxDefaultPosition,
wxSize( 800, 600 ), wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE )
// notify wxAUI which frame to use
m_mgr.SetManagedWindow( this );
// create several text controls
wxPanel* layerWidget = new MYLAYERS( this, this );
wxTextCtrl* text2 = new wxTextCtrl( this, -1, _( "Pane 2 - sample text" ),
......@@ -457,7 +462,16 @@ public:
// add the panes to the manager
m_mgr.AddPane( layerWidget, wxLEFT, wxT( "Layer Visibility" ) );
wxAuiPaneInfo li;
li.MinSize( ayerWidget->GetSize() ); // ignored on linux
li.BestSize( layerWidget->GetSize() );
li.MaximizeButton( false );
li.MinimizeButton( false );
li.CloseButton( false );
li.Caption( wxT( "Layers" ) );
m_mgr.AddPane( layerWidget, li );
m_mgr.AddPane( text2, wxBOTTOM, wxT( "Pane Number Two" ) );
m_mgr.AddPane( text3, wxCENTER );
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