Commit 802a59dc authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

eeschema: fix the very minor bug #1298094. But it was due to a bad bounding...

eeschema: fix the very minor bug  #1298094. But it was due to a bad bounding box calculation, which is now fixed.
parent 948f22de
......@@ -32,14 +32,6 @@
#include <trigo.h> // RotatePoint
#include <class_drawpanel.h> // EDA_DRAW_PANEL
// until bzr rev 4476, Y position of vertical justification
// of multiline texts was incorrectly calculated for BOTTOM
// and CENTER vertical justification. (Only the first line was justified)
// If this line is left uncommented, the bug is fixed, but
// creates a (very minor) issue for existing texts, mainly in Pcbnew
// because the text position is sometimes critical.
// Conversion to application internal units defined at build time.
#if defined( PCBNEW )
#include <class_board_item.h>
......@@ -205,7 +197,6 @@ EDA_RECT EDA_TEXT::GetTextBox( int aLine, int aThickness, bool aInvertY ) const
if( linecount > 1 )
int yoffset;
linecount -= 1;
......@@ -224,7 +215,6 @@ EDA_RECT EDA_TEXT::GetTextBox( int aLine, int aThickness, bool aInvertY ) const
rect.SetY( rect.GetY() - yoffset );
rect.Inflate( thickness / 2 );
......@@ -305,7 +295,6 @@ void EDA_TEXT::GetPositionsOfLinesOfMultilineText(
offset.y = GetInterline();
if( aLineCount > 1 )
switch( m_VJustify )
......@@ -326,7 +315,7 @@ void EDA_TEXT::GetPositionsOfLinesOfMultilineText(
// Rotate the position of the first line
// around the center of the multiline text block
RotatePoint( &pos, m_Pos, m_Orient );
// Rotate the offset lines to increase happened in the right direction
RotatePoint( &offset, m_Orient );
......@@ -35,19 +35,6 @@
* They can be renamed and can appear in reports
* a justification relative to the text itself
* i.e. justification relative to an horizontal text
* or to 1 to keep the initial Eeschema behavior
* The initial behavior is:
* For vertical texts, exchange the horizontal and the vertical justification
* The idea is to keep the justification always left or top for instance,
* no matter the text orientation
* This is a bit tricky when you want to change a text field justification
* when the fiels and the component are both rotated 90.0 degrees
#include <fctsys.h>
#include <class_drawpanel.h>
#include <base_struct.h>
......@@ -206,7 +193,7 @@ void SCH_FIELD::Draw( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel, wxDC* DC,
textpos = m_Pos - origin;
textpos = parentComponent->GetScreenCoord( textpos );
textpos += parentComponent->GetPosition();
GRLine( clipbox, DC, origin.x, origin.y, textpos.x, textpos.y, 2, DARKGRAY );
GRLine( clipbox, DC, origin, textpos, 2, DARKGRAY );
/* Enable this to draw the bounding box around the text field to validate
......@@ -281,26 +268,14 @@ const EDA_RECT SCH_FIELD::GetBoundingBox() const
// Calculate the text bounding box:
EDA_RECT rect;
// a justification relative to the text itself
// i.e. justification relative to an horizontal text
// or to 1 to keep the initial behavior
if( m_Orient == TEXT_ORIENT_VERT )
if( m_id == REFERENCE ) // multi units have one letter or more added to reference
// For vertical texts, exchange the horizontal and the vertical justification
// The idea is to keep the justification always left or top for instance,
// no matter the text orientation
SCH_FIELD text( *this ); // Make a local copy to swap justifications
SCH_FIELD text( *this ); // Make a local copy to change text
// because GetBoundingBox() is const
int tmp = (int)text.m_VJustify;
NEGATE( tmp );
text.m_VJustify = (EDA_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_T)text.m_HJustify;
text.m_HJustify = (EDA_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_T)tmp;
text.SetText( GetFullyQualifiedText() );
rect = text.GetTextBox( -1, linewidth );
rect = GetTextBox( -1, linewidth );
// Calculate the bounding box position relative to the component:
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