Commit 7f84f6ae authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck

Another constructor for FILE_LINE_READER which enables more consistent file...

Another constructor for FILE_LINE_READER which enables more consistent file open strategies, and only call setvbuf() when the file is at position 0
parent 2d1a7e09
......@@ -89,6 +89,27 @@ void LINE_READER::expandCapacity( unsigned newsize )
FILE_LINE_READER::FILE_LINE_READER( const wxString& aFileName,
unsigned aStartingLineNumber,
unsigned aMaxLineLength ) throw( IO_ERROR ) :
LINE_READER( aMaxLineLength ),
iOwn( true )
fp = wxFopen( aFileName, wxT( "rt" ) );
if( !fp )
wxString msg = wxString::Format(
_( "Unable to open filename '%s' for reading" ), aFileName.GetData() );
setvbuf( fp, NULL, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ * 8 );
source = aFileName;
lineNum = aStartingLineNumber;
FILE_LINE_READER::FILE_LINE_READER( FILE* aFile, const wxString& aFileName,
bool doOwn,
unsigned aStartingLineNumber,
......@@ -97,7 +118,7 @@ FILE_LINE_READER::FILE_LINE_READER( FILE* aFile, const wxString& aFileName,
iOwn( doOwn ),
fp( aFile )
if( doOwn )
if( doOwn && ftell( aFile ) == 0L )
setvbuf( fp, NULL, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ * 8 );
......@@ -308,6 +308,27 @@ protected:
* Constructor FILE_LINE_READER
* takes @a aFileName and the size of the desired line buffer and opens
* the file and assumes the obligation to close it.
* @param aFileName is the name of the file to open and to use for error reporting purposes.
* @param aStartingLineNumber is the initial line number to report on error, and is
* accessible here for the case where multiple DSNLEXERs are reading from the
* same file in sequence, all from the same open file (with @a doOwn = false).
* Internally it is incremented by one after each ReadLine(), so the first
* reported line number will always be one greater than what is provided here.
* @param aMaxLineLength is the number of bytes to use in the line buffer.
* @throw IO_ERROR if @a aFileName cannot be opened.
FILE_LINE_READER( const wxString& aFileName,
unsigned aStartingLineNumber = 0,
unsigned aMaxLineLength = LINE_READER_LINE_DEFAULT_MAX ) throw( IO_ERROR );
* Constructor FILE_LINE_READER
* takes an open FILE and the size of the desired line buffer and takes
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