Commit 7ec906a3 authored by Wayne Stambaugh's avatar Wayne Stambaugh

Fix variable naming bug causing the bzr version to be dropped in FindBazaar.cmake.

parent d4770044
......@@ -54,15 +54,15 @@ if( Bazaar_EXECUTABLE )
# Fetch the Bazaar executable version.
execute_process( COMMAND ${Bazaar_EXECUTABLE} --version
OUTPUT_VARIABLE bzr_version_output
OUTPUT_VARIABLE _bzr_version_output
ERROR_VARIABLE _bzr_version_error
RESULT_VARIABLE _bzr_version_result
if( ${_bzr_version_result} EQUAL 0 )
set( Bazaar_FOUND TRUE )
string( REGEX REPLACE "^(.*\n)? \(bzr\) ([^\n]+).*"
"\\2" Bazaar_VERSION "${_bzr_version_output}" )
string( REGEX REPLACE "^[\n]*Bazaar \\(bzr\\) ([0-9.a-z]+).*"
"\\1" Bazaar_VERSION "${_bzr_version_output}" )
message( STATUS "Bazaar version control system version ${Bazaar_VERSION} found." )
endif( ${_bzr_version_result} EQUAL 0 )
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