Commit 7d1170c4 authored by dickelbeck's avatar dickelbeck


parent cdf9a229
......@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ public:
* Function AddField
* adds a field to the component. The component takes over ownership
* of the field.
* adds a field to the component. The field is copied as it is put into
* the component.
* @param aField A const reference to the SCH_CMP_FIELD to add.
void AddField( const SCH_CMP_FIELD& aField );
......@@ -516,6 +516,8 @@ static int ReadPartDescr( wxWindow* frame, char* Line, FILE* f,
SCH_COMPONENT* component;
int Failed = 0, newfmt = 0;
char* ptcar;
wxString fieldName;
component = new SCH_COMPONENT();
......@@ -671,8 +673,6 @@ static int ReadPartDescr( wxWindow* frame, char* Line, FILE* f,
wxString fieldName;
FieldUserName[0] = 0;
/* Lecture du champ */
......@@ -712,13 +712,11 @@ static int ReadPartDescr( wxWindow* frame, char* Line, FILE* f,
ReadDelimitedText( FieldUserName, ptcar, sizeof(FieldUserName) );
if( 0 == strlen(FieldUserName) )
if( !FieldUserName[0] )
fieldName = ReturnDefaultFieldName( fieldNdx );
fieldName = CONV_FROM_UTF8( FieldUserName );
D(printf("FiledUserName=\"%s\"\n", FieldUserName );)
if( fieldNdx >= component->GetFieldCount() )
// add as many fields as needed so the m_FieldId's are contiguous, no gaps.
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