Commit 719d36e5 authored by plyatov's avatar plyatov

* install.txt rewritten and must be used as main source of information for

    KiCad installation.
  * how-to-build-kicad.txt deprecated.
  * how-to-build-for-windows.txt deprecated.
parent 23835ffb
......@@ -5,6 +5,14 @@ Started 2007-June-11
Please add newer entries at the top, list the date and your name with
email address.
2008-Mar-19 UPDATE Igor Plyatov <>
* Support for Gnome/KDE menu added.
* install.txt rewritten and must be used as main source of information for
KiCad installation.
* how-to-build-kicad.txt deprecated.
* how-to-build-for-windows.txt deprecated.
2008-Mar-18 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
/***** English version *******/
KiCad binaries exists for Linux and Windows (XP, 2000).
Files (schematic, boards, libraries) created on both systems are totally compatible.
== Used language: ==
Doc files are in french, but KiCad user interface is internationalized:
User interface is in English for most countries.
User interface is in you native language only if you run KiCad from a localized version of you operation system.
It is easy to add a new translation with poedit.
KiCad can use this translation without any change.
'poedit' is used to create the french (and many other) translations.
Contact me for more details.
== Installation from release archive ==
kicad-{year}{month}{day}.zip - archive with statically linked KiCad for Windows XP and 2000 (not Windows 98).
kicad-{year}{month}{day}.tar.bz2 - archive with statically linked KiCad for Linux.
Untar or unzip KiCad archive (this create the KiCad tree in the current directory).
=== Under Windows: ===
Goto C:\ or D:\ (or other prefered directory).
Examples are for an install on C:\.
Unzip archive kicad-{year}{month}{day}.zip
You must have created c:\kicad.
Windows executables are in c:\kicad\winexe.
The main program is kicad.exe and from it you can run other programs
(schematic editor - eeschema, pcb editor - pcbnew, utilities: cvpcb and gerbview).
I suggest you create a shortcut to c:\kicad\winexe\kicad.exe
=== Under Linux: ===
You do must have (KiCad doesn't work with
You must have the "root" rights.
goto /usr/local
Untar kicad-{year}{month}{day}.tar.bz2 by command
tar -xjpf kicad-{year}{month}{day}.tar.bz2.
The main program is /usr/local/bin/kicad
If you use KDE, then you can copy the shortcut /usr/local/share/kicad/kicad.desktop
in <user home directory>/Desktop and use it to run kicad.
== 3D modeler wings3D: ==
(Usefull only if you plan to create 3D shapes for Printed board modules)
goto to have more details.
Pcbnew use the exported files in wrml (.wrl) format from wings3d (not the native .wings format).
== Documentation: ==
Currenty in different languages.
Interactive help in HTML format.
Source files (200 sheets) are in ( format and
can be obtained from kicad-doc-x.y.tar.bz2 archive (in doc_src directory).
Can be read, printed and/or modified with Writer.
== Windows KiCad tree: ==
kicad/bin - binaries (executable files).
kicad/doc/ - Various documentation.
KiCad installation
KiCad consists of 3 packages:
kicad - KiCad programs and core files.
kicad-doc - Documentation and interactive help (optional package).
kicad-library - KiCad schematic, pcb & 3D-model libraries (optional package).
Installation from binary packages
KiCad binary packages exist for Linux and Windows (XP, 2000).
Data files (schematic, boards, libraries) are compatible with all platforms.
*.zip - KiCad packages for Windows.
*.tbz2 - KiCad for Linux.
Installation from binary packages for Windows
KiCad can be installed in 'C:\kicad', 'D:\kicad', 'C:\Program files\kicad',
'D:\Program files\kicad'.
For example, for an installation in the folder 'C:\kicad', unzip KiCad
to the folder 'C:\kicad'.
The main program is the project manager (kicad.exe) and from it you can run
the other programs (schematic editor - eeschema, pcb editor - pcbnew,
utilities: cvpcb and gerbview).
You can create a shortcut to 'C:\kicad\bin\kicad.exe'.
Installation from binary packages for Linux
KiCad can be installed in '/usr' or '/usr/local'.
You must have "root" access for installation.
cd /
tar -xjf kicad-{version}.tbz2
tar -xjf kicad-doc-{version}.tbz2
tar -xjf kicad-library-{version}.tbz2
The main program is '/usr/bin/kicad'.
Windows KiCad tree:
kicad/bin - Binaries (executable files).
kicad/doc - Various documentation.
kicad/doc/help - Interactive help.
kicad/share/demos - demos of schematic and printed boards.
kicad/share/internat - dictionaries for interface localization.
kicad/share/library - libraries for schematic.
kicad/share/modules - module libraries for printed boards.
kicad/share/modules/packages3d - many 3D shapes (.wrl and .wings
format) for existing modules.
files *.mod are the libraries,
and files *.brd are printed board you can see with pcbnew
files *.brd show the existing modules (and 3D shapes) in libraries.
== Linux KiCad tree: ==
/usr/local/bin - binaries (executable files).
/usr/local/share/doc/kicad/ - Various documentation.
/usr/local/share/doc/kicad/help - Interactive help.
/usr/local/share/kicad/demos - demos of schematic and printed boards.
/usr/local/share/kicad/internat - dictionaries for interface localization.
/usr/local/share/kicad/library - libraries for schematic.
/usr/local/share/kicad/modules - module libraries for printed boards.
/usr/local/share/kicad/modules/packages3d - many 3D shapes (.wrl and .wings
format) for existing modules.
files *.mod are the libraries,
and files *.brd are printed board you can see with pcbnew
files *.brd show the existing modules (and 3D shapes) in libraries.
kicad/share/demos - Sample schematics and printed boards.
kicad/share/internat - Interface localization files.
kicad/share/library - Libraries for schematic.
kicad/share/modules - Module libraries for printed boards.
kicad/share/modules/packages3d - 3D component models (.wrl and .wings format).
Files '*.mod' are libraries, and files '*.brd' are printed boards you can
view with pcbnew.
Files *.brd show the existing modules (and 3D shapes) in libraries.
Linux KiCad tree:
/usr/bin - Binaries (executable files).
/usr/share/doc/kicad/ - Various documentation.
/usr/share/doc/kicad/help - Interactive help.
/usr/share/kicad/demos - Sample schematics and printed boards.
/usr/share/kicad/internat - Dictionaries for interface localization.
/usr/share/kicad/library - Interface localization files.
/usr/share/kicad/modules - Module libraries for printed boards.
/usr/share/kicad/modules/packages3d - 3D component models (.wrl and .wings format).
Files '*.mod' are the libraries, and files '*.brd' are printed boards you can
view with pcbnew.
Files *.brd show the existing modules (and 3D shapes) in libraries.
Do not change the KiCad tree, or the location of binary files,
or KiCad will **not** be able to found other KiCad files (configuration, libraries...)
/***** version Francaise *******/
Les executable kicad existent pour Linux et Windows (XP, 2000)
Les fichiers crees (Schematique, circuits imprimes, librairies) sous ces 2 systemes sont
totalement compatibles.
Installation a partir des archives
(toutes les 2 contiennent **tous** les executables):
kicad.tgz (s'il est disponible)
Le decompactage cree le repertoire kicad (et ses sous repertoires) a partir
du repertoire courant.
**Sous Windows:
se placer dans C:\ (ou D:\ ou tout disque et repertoire de son choix)
On supposera ici que l'on s'est plac� dans c:\
Cr�er un raccourci vers c:\kicad\winexe\kicad.exe
On pourra alors lancer le gestionnaire de projets kicad.exe
Sous Linux
On se placera de pr�f�rence en /usr/local
Il faudra sans doute aussi etre "root"
Decompacter kicad.tgz ou
- kicad.tgz: faire tar zxvf <chemin de kicad.tgz>/kicad.tgz
- (unzip <chemin de kicad.tgz>/ Il faudra alors dans ce
cas rendre executable kicad, cvpcb, eeschema, gerbview et pcbnew:
se placer dans /usr/local/kicad/linux et faire la commande chmod 755 nom_fichier
pour ces 5 fichiers.
On lancera kicad par /usr/local/kicad/linux/kicad
Sous KDE on pourra copier /usr/local/kicad/linux/kicad.desktop sur le bureau
de KDE comme raccourci.
Installation du modeleur 3D wings3D pour cr�er les formes 3D des modules du PCB:
Il est fourni dans ..kicad/wings3d pour Windows et Linux.
Se reporter au site du cr�ateur pour tous d�tails (
Se reporter aussi a la doc de pcbnew pour la g�n�ration des fichiers 3d
L'impression de la documentation (environ 200 pages) peut se faire
sous OpenOffice ( (magnifique logiciel libre de traitement de texte).
Principaux repertoires de kicad:
kicad/winexe: executables sous windows (teste sous XP et 2000)
kicad/linux: executables sous linux (testes sous Mandrake 9.2 et 10.0)
kicad/library: fichiers libraires de composants schematiques
kicad/library/doc: fichiers documentation des composants schematiques (.pdf)
(accessibles directement de la schematique si l'on a install� acrobat ou Xpdf)
kicad/modules: fichiers de composants (modules) pour le circuit imprim�
kicad/modules/packages3d: fichiers de formes 3D des modules
kicad/demos: C'est toujours utile...
kicad/internat: dictionnaires des langues (actuellement anglais->francais) pour les menus
kicad/help: fichiers d'aides en ligne
kicad/help/doc_src: fichiers d'aides (doc source, 200 pages) sous OpenOffice,
a lire avant de se plaindre.
-En cas de difficult�:
Un probl�me peut surgir pour kicad lors de la recherche des fichiers utiles
comme fichiers de config, librairies, dictionnaire anglais->fran�ais, docs...
Sous Windows:
La recherche se fait l� ou sont lus les executables.
Il ne faut donc pas recopier les executables ailleurs que l� ou ils sont.
Toutefois, si cela ne marche pas, kicad cherche le repertoire c:\kicad
Sous linux:
La recherche se fait sur /usr/local/kicad (installation conseill�e),
ou dans le chemin des executables si /usr/local/kicad n'est pas trouv�.
Uniquement en cas d'installation non standard (et en cas de difficult�),
definir la variable d'environnement kicad = <chemin de kicad>
ex: kicad=/usr/local/cao/kicad
else KiCad will not be able to find its required files (configuration,
libraries, etc.).
Installation from source code
Some dependencies must be satisfied for the correct installation of KiCad:
wxWidgets >=
CMake >= 2.4.6
Boost C++ Libraries
Linux: Mesa 3D Graphics Library
Windows: built-in
Zlib Compression Library
In source-tree-build are mostly unwanted, so make a subdir called "build" and
change to it.
Call cmake with the path to KiCad. E.g., when your build-folder is "build"
within source-tree, type "cmake ../".
Now your system get checked if it is able compiling KiCad and cmake generates
the Makefiles.
After calling cmake just type "make" and build begins.
It is easy to build only a specific binary such as pcbnew alone:
make pcbnew
After "make" type "make install" and install begins.
You may install to a temporary-root with
make install DESTDIR=<temproot>
If you want to uninstall KiCad again type "make uninstall" from within the
build directory.
Important parameters to cmake
<buildtype> may current one of "Debug" and "Release".
Default to "/usr/local".
Required for Windows platform.
Can be used only with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
For building statically linked executables. Can be used only if wxWidgets
configured and builded with "--enable-monolithic --disable-shared" parameters.
For building dinamically linked executables. Can be used only if wxWidgets
configured and builded with "--disable-monolithic --enable-shared" parameters.
Build the "minizip" executable. Use OFF to disable it building.
Build the KiCad with Python support.
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=<some extra flags>
Extra flags for the c++ compiler for your system required.
When more output is wanted use this cmake parameter or call "make VERBOSE=1".
Extra cflags and linker flags
If you require extra flags for compiler and linker you may give them via
environment variables
"CXXFLAGS" (c++ compiler)
"LDFLAGS" (for linker)
"CFLAGS" (for c-compiler, not needed in kdesvn build)
eg., it may usefull on 64bit systems "-m64" to CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS.
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