Commit 719d36e5 authored by plyatov's avatar plyatov

* install.txt rewritten and must be used as main source of information for

    KiCad installation.
  * how-to-build-kicad.txt deprecated.
  * how-to-build-for-windows.txt deprecated.
parent 23835ffb
......@@ -5,6 +5,14 @@ Started 2007-June-11
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2008-Mar-19 UPDATE Igor Plyatov <>
* Support for Gnome/KDE menu added.
* install.txt rewritten and must be used as main source of information for
KiCad installation.
* how-to-build-kicad.txt deprecated.
* how-to-build-for-windows.txt deprecated.
2008-Mar-18 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
This diff is collapsed.
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