Commit 6bd8fa1d authored by unknown's avatar unknown Committed by jean-pierre charras

Fix I18n issues

parent c2f8898c
......@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG g_Eeschema_Hokeys_Descr[] =
{ &g_CommonSectionTag, common_Hotkey_List, &commonSectionTitle },
{ &schematicSectionTag, schematic_Hotkey_List, &schematicSectionTitle },
{ &libEditSectionTag, libEdit_Hotkey_List, &schematicSectionTitle },
{ &libEditSectionTag, libEdit_Hotkey_List, &libEditSectionTitle },
......@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr[] =
struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr[] =
{ &g_CommonSectionTag, common_Hotkey_List, &commonSectionTitle },
{ &libEditSectionTag, libEdit_Hotkey_List, &schematicSectionTitle },
{ &libEditSectionTag, libEdit_Hotkey_List, &libEditSectionTitle },
......@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
KiBitmap( add_hierarchical_label_xpm ) );
text = AddHotkeyName( _( "H&ierarchical &Sheet" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Hierarchical &Sheet" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
HK_ADD_HIER_SHEET, IS_ACCELERATOR ); // add an accelerator, not a shortcut
AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_SHEET_SYMBOL_BUTT, text,
......@@ -355,13 +355,13 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Graphic Polyline" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Graphic Pol&yline" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
HK_ADD_GRAPHIC_POLYLINE, IS_ACCELERATOR ); // add an accelerator, not a shortcut
AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_LINE_COMMENT_BUTT, text,
KiBitmap( add_dashed_line_xpm ) );
text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Graphic Text" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Graphic &Text" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
HK_ADD_GRAPHIC_TEXT, IS_ACCELERATOR ); // add an accelerator, not a shortcut
AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_TEXT_COMMENT_BUTT, text,
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ static wxString commonSectionTitle( _HKI( "Common" ) );
// list of sections and corresponding hotkey list for Pl_Editor
// (used to create an hotkey config file)
static wxString s_PlEditorSectionTag( wxT( "[pl_editor]" ) );
static wxString s_PlEditorSectionTitle( wxT( "Part Layout Editor" ) );
static wxString s_PlEditorSectionTitle( _HKI( "Page Layout Editor" ) );
struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG s_PlEditor_Hokeys_Descr[] =
......@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ void PL_EDITOR_FRAME::UpdateStatusBar()
double dXpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, coord.x*Xsign );
double dYpos = To_User_Unit( g_UserUnit, coord.y*Ysign );
wxString pagesizeformatter = wxT( "Page size: width %.4g height %.4g" );
wxString pagesizeformatter = _( "Page size: width %.4g height %.4g" );
wxString absformatter = wxT( "X %.4g Y %.4g" );
wxString locformatter = wxT( "dx %.4g dy %.4g" );
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