common: minimum version of the shape library

parent b0357ce9
......@@ -162,6 +162,10 @@ set(COMMON_SRCS
add_library(common STATIC ${COMMON_SRCS})
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2013 CERN
* @author Tomasz Wlostowski <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <geometry/seg.h>
template <typename T> int sgn(T val) {
return (T(0) < val) - (val < T(0));
bool SEG::PointCloserThan (const VECTOR2I& aP, int dist) const
VECTOR2I d = b - a;
ecoord dist_sq = (ecoord) dist * dist;
SEG::ecoord l_squared = d.Dot(d);
SEG::ecoord t = d.Dot(aP - a);
if( t <= 0 || !l_squared )
return (aP - a).SquaredEuclideanNorm() < dist_sq;
else if( t >= l_squared )
return (aP - b).SquaredEuclideanNorm() < dist_sq;
int dxdy = abs(d.x) - abs(d.y);
if( (dxdy >= -1 && dxdy <= 1) || abs(d.x) <= 1 || abs(d.y) <= 1)
int ca = -sgn(d.y);
int cb = sgn(d.x);
int cc = -ca * a.x - cb * a.y;
ecoord num = ca * aP.x + cb * aP.y + cc;
num *= num;
if(ca && cb)
num >>= 1;
if(num > (dist_sq + 100))
return false;
else if(num < (dist_sq - 100))
return true;
VECTOR2I nearest;
nearest.x = a.x + rescale(t, (ecoord)d.x, l_squared);
nearest.y = a.y + rescale(t, (ecoord)d.y, l_squared);
return (nearest - aP).SquaredEuclideanNorm() <= dist_sq;
SEG::ecoord SEG::SquaredDistance( const SEG& aSeg ) const
// fixme: rather inefficient....
return 0;
const VECTOR2I pts[4] =
aSeg.NearestPoint(a) - a,
aSeg.NearestPoint(b) - b,
NearestPoint(aSeg.a) - aSeg.a,
NearestPoint(aSeg.b) - aSeg.b
ecoord m = VECTOR2I::ECOORD_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i<4 ; i++)
m = std::min(m, pts[i].SquaredEuclideanNorm());
return m;
OPT_VECTOR2I SEG::Intersect( const SEG& aSeg, bool aIgnoreEndpoints, bool aLines ) const
const VECTOR2I e (b - a);
const VECTOR2I f (aSeg.b - aSeg.a);
const VECTOR2I ac (aSeg.a - a);
ecoord d = f.Cross(e);
ecoord p = f.Cross(ac);
ecoord q = e.Cross(ac);
if(d == 0)
return OPT_VECTOR2I();
if (!aLines && d > 0 && (q < 0 || q > d || p < 0 || p > d))
return OPT_VECTOR2I();
if (!aLines && d < 0 && (q < d || p < d || p > 0 || q > 0))
return OPT_VECTOR2I();
if (!aLines && aIgnoreEndpoints && (q == 0 || q == d) && (p == 0 || p == d))
return OPT_VECTOR2I();
VECTOR2I ip ( aSeg.a.x + rescale(q, (ecoord)f.x, d),
aSeg.a.y + rescale(q, (ecoord)f.y, d) );
return ip;
bool SEG::ccw ( const VECTOR2I& a, const VECTOR2I& b, const VECTOR2I &c ) const
return (ecoord)(c.y - a.y) * (b.x - a.x) > (ecoord)(b.y - a.y) * (c.x - a.x);
bool SEG::Collide( const SEG& aSeg, int aClearance ) const
// check for intersection
// fixme: move to a method
if( ccw(a,aSeg.a,aSeg.b) != ccw(b,aSeg.a,aSeg.b) && ccw(a,b,aSeg.a) != ccw(a,b,aSeg.b) )
return true;
#define CHK(_seg, _pt) \
if( (_seg).PointCloserThan (_pt, aClearance ) ) return true;
CHK(*this, aSeg.a);
CHK(*this, aSeg.b);
CHK(aSeg, a);
CHK(aSeg, b);
#undef CHK
return false;
bool SEG::Contains(const VECTOR2I& aP) const
return PointCloserThan(aP, 1);
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2013 CERN
* @author Tomasz Wlostowski <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <math/vector2d.h>
#include <geometry/shape.h>
#include <geometry/shape_line_chain.h>
#include <geometry/shape_circle.h>
#include <geometry/shape_rect.h>
typedef typename VECTOR2I::extended_type ecoord;
static inline bool Collide( const SHAPE_CIRCLE& a, const SHAPE_CIRCLE& b, int clearance, bool needMTV, VECTOR2I& aMTV )
ecoord min_dist = clearance + a.GetRadius() + b.GetRadius();
ecoord min_dist_sq = min_dist * min_dist;
const VECTOR2I delta = b.GetCenter() - a.GetCenter();
ecoord dist_sq = delta.SquaredEuclideanNorm();
if ( dist_sq >= min_dist_sq )
return false;
if ( needMTV )
aMTV = delta.Resize( sqrt (abs(min_dist_sq - dist_sq)) + 1);
return true;
static inline bool Collide( const SHAPE_RECT& a, const SHAPE_CIRCLE& b, int clearance, bool needMTV, VECTOR2I& aMTV )
const VECTOR2I c = b.GetCenter();
const VECTOR2I p0 = a.GetPosition();
const VECTOR2I size = a.GetSize();
const ecoord r = b.GetRadius();
const ecoord min_dist = clearance + r;
const ecoord min_dist_sq = min_dist * min_dist;
if (a.BBox(0).Contains(c))
return true;
const VECTOR2I vts[] = {
VECTOR2I(p0.x, p0.y),
VECTOR2I(p0.x, p0.y + size.y),
VECTOR2I(p0.x + size.x, p0.y + size.y),
VECTOR2I(p0.x + size.x, p0.y),
VECTOR2I(p0.x, p0.y) };
ecoord nearest_seg_dist_sq = VECTOR2I::ECOORD_MAX;
VECTOR2I nearest;
bool inside = c.x >= p0.x && c.x <= (p0.x + size.x)
&& c.y >= p0.y && c.y <= (p0.y + size.y);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
const SEG seg (vts[i], vts[i+1]);
ecoord dist_sq = seg.SquaredDistance ( c );
if(dist_sq < min_dist_sq)
return true;
nearest = seg.NearestPoint ( c );
nearest_seg_dist_sq = dist_sq;
if(nearest_seg_dist_sq >= min_dist_sq && !inside)
return false;
VECTOR2I delta = c - nearest;
return true;
aMTV = -delta.Resize(sqrt(abs(r * r + nearest_seg_dist_sq) + 1));
aMTV = delta.Resize(sqrt(abs(r * r - nearest_seg_dist_sq) + 1));
return true;
static inline bool Collide( const SHAPE_CIRCLE& a, const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& b, int clearance, bool needMTV, VECTOR2I& aMTV )
for (int s = 0; s < b.SegmentCount(); s++)
if ( a.Collide (b.CSegment(s), clearance))
return true;
return false;
static inline bool Collide( const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& a, const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& b, int clearance, bool needMTV, VECTOR2I& aMTV )
for( int i = 0; i < b.SegmentCount() ;i++)
if(a.Collide(b.CSegment(i), clearance))
return true;
return false;
static inline bool Collide( const SHAPE_RECT& a, const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& b, int clearance, bool needMTV, VECTOR2I& aMTV )
for (int s = 0; s < b.SegmentCount(); s++)
SEG seg = b.CSegment(s);
if ( a.Collide (seg, clearance))
return true;
return false;
bool CollideShapes ( const SHAPE *a, const SHAPE *b, int clearance, bool needMTV, VECTOR2I& aMTV )
case SH_RECT:
return Collide( *static_cast<const SHAPE_RECT *> (a), *static_cast<const SHAPE_CIRCLE *> (b), clearance, needMTV, aMTV );
return Collide( *static_cast<const SHAPE_RECT *> (a), *static_cast<const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN *> (b), clearance, needMTV, aMTV );
case SH_RECT:
return Collide( *static_cast<const SHAPE_RECT *> (b), *static_cast<const SHAPE_CIRCLE *> (a), clearance, needMTV, aMTV );
return Collide( *static_cast<const SHAPE_CIRCLE *> (a), *static_cast<const SHAPE_CIRCLE *> (b), clearance, needMTV, aMTV );
return Collide( *static_cast<const SHAPE_CIRCLE *> (a), *static_cast<const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN *> (b), clearance, needMTV, aMTV );
case SH_RECT:
return Collide( *static_cast<const SHAPE_RECT *> (b), *static_cast<const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN *> (a), clearance, needMTV, aMTV );
return Collide( *static_cast<const SHAPE_CIRCLE *> (b), *static_cast<const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN *> (a), clearance, needMTV, aMTV );
return Collide( *static_cast<const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN *> (a), *static_cast<const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN *> (b), clearance, needMTV, aMTV );
bool unsupported_collision = true;
assert(unsupported_collision == false);
return false;
bool SHAPE::Collide ( const SHAPE *aShape, int aClerance, VECTOR2I& aMTV ) const
return CollideShapes( this, aShape, aClerance, true, aMTV);
bool SHAPE::Collide ( const SHAPE *aShape, int aClerance ) const
VECTOR2I dummy;
return CollideShapes( this, aShape, aClerance, false, dummy);
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2013 CERN
* @author Tomasz Wlostowski <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef __SEG_H
#define __SEG_H
#include <cstdio>
#include <climits>
#include <math/vector2d.h>
#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
typedef boost::optional<VECTOR2I> OPT_VECTOR2I;
class SEG {
typedef VECTOR2I::extended_type ecoord;
friend inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& aStream, const SEG& aSeg );
/* Start and the of the segment. Public, to make access simpler. These are references
* to an object the segment belongs to (e.g. a line chain) or references to locally stored points
* (m_a, m_b).
VECTOR2I& a, b;
/** Default constructor
* Creates an empty (0, 0) segment, locally-referenced
SEG(): a(m_a), b(m_b)
a = m_a;
b = m_b;
m_is_local = true;
m_index = -1;
* Constructor
* Creates a segment between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), locally referenced
SEG ( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 ) : a(m_a), b(m_b)
m_a = VECTOR2I(x1, y1);
m_b = VECTOR2I(x2, y2);
a = m_a;
b = m_b;
m_is_local = true;
m_index = -1;
* Constructor
* Creates a segment between (aA) and (aB), locally referenced
SEG ( const VECTOR2I& aA, const VECTOR2I& aB ): a(m_a), b(m_b), m_a(aA), m_b(aB)
a = m_a;
b = m_b;
m_is_local = true;
m_index = -1;
* Constructor
* Creates a segment between (aA) and (aB), referenced to a multi-segment shape
* @param aA reference to the start point in the parent shape
* @param aB reference to the end point in the parent shape
* @param aIndex index of the segment within the parent shape
SEG ( VECTOR2I& aA, VECTOR2I& aB, int aIndex ): a(aA), b(aB)
m_is_local = false;
m_index = aIndex;
* Copy constructor
SEG ( const SEG& seg ): a(m_a), b(m_b)
if (seg.m_is_local)
m_a = seg.m_a;
m_b = seg.m_b;
a = m_a;
b = m_b;
m_is_local = true;
m_index = -1;
} else {
a = seg.a;
b = seg.b;
m_index = seg.m_index;
m_is_local = false;
SEG& operator=(const SEG& seg)
a = seg.a;
b = seg.b;
m_a = seg.m_a;
m_b = seg.m_b;
m_index = seg.m_index;
m_is_local = seg.m_is_local;
return *this;
* Function LineProject()
* Computes the perpendicular projection point of aP on a line passing through
* ends of the segment.
* @param aP point to project
* @return projected point
VECTOR2I LineProject( const VECTOR2I& aP ) const;
* Function Side()
* Determines on which side of directed line passing via segment ends point aP lies.
* @param aP point to determine the orientation wrs to self
* @return: < 0: left, 0 : on the line, > 0 : right
int Side( const VECTOR2I& aP ) const
const ecoord det = (b - a).Cross(aP - a);
return det < 0 ? -1 : (det > 0 ? 1 : 0);
* Function LineDistance()
* Returns the closest Euclidean distance between point aP and the line defined by
* the ends of segment (this).
* @param aDetermineSide: when true, the sign of the returned value indicates
* the side of the line at which we are (negative = left)
* @return the distance
int LineDistance( const VECTOR2I& aP, bool aDetermineSide = false ) const;
* Function NearestPoint()
* Computes a point on the segment (this) that is closest to point aP.
* @return: nearest point
const VECTOR2I NearestPoint( const VECTOR2I &aP ) const;
* Function Intersect()
* Computes intersection point of segment (this) with segment aSeg.
* @param aSeg: segment to intersect with
* @param aIgnoreEndpoints: don't treat corner cases (i.e. end of one segment touching the other)
* as intersections.
* @param aLines: treat segments as infinite lines
* @return intersection point, if exists
OPT_VECTOR2I Intersect( const SEG& aSeg, bool aIgnoreEndpoints = false, bool aLines = false ) const;
* Function IntersectLines()
* Computes the intersection point of lines passing through ends of (this) and aSeg
* @param aSeg segment defining the line to intersect with
* @return intersection point, if exists
OPT_VECTOR2I IntersectLines( const SEG& aSeg ) const
return Intersect ( aSeg, false, true );
bool Collide( const SEG& aSeg, int aClearance ) const;
* Function Distance()
* Computes minimum Euclidean distance to segment aSeg.
* @param aSeg other segment
* @return minimum distance
ecoord SquaredDistance( const SEG& aSeg ) const ;
int Distance( const SEG& aSeg ) const
return sqrt ( SquaredDistance(aSeg) );
* Function Distance()
* Computes minimum Euclidean distance to point aP.
* @param aP the point
* @return minimum distance
ecoord SquaredDistance( const VECTOR2I& aP ) const
return (NearestPoint(aP) - aP).SquaredEuclideanNorm();
int Distance( const VECTOR2I& aP ) const
return sqrt ( SquaredDistance( aP) );
* Function Collinear()
* Checks if segment aSeg lies on the same line as (this).
* @param aSeg the segment to chech colinearity with
* @return true, when segments are collinear.
bool Collinear( const SEG& aSeg ) const
ecoord qa1 = a.y - b.y;
ecoord qb1 = b.x - a.x;
ecoord qc1 = -qa1 * a.x - qb1 * a.y;
ecoord qa2 = aSeg.a.y - aSeg.b.y;
ecoord qb2 = aSeg.b.x - aSeg.a.x;
ecoord qc2 = -qa2 * aSeg.a.x - qb2 * aSeg.a.y;
return (qa1 == qa2) && (qb1 == qb2) && (qc1 == qc2);
* Function Length()
* Returns the length (this)
* @return length
int Length() const
return (a - b).EuclideanNorm();
* Function Index()
* Return the index of this segment in its parent shape (applicable only to non-local segments)
* @return index value
int Index() const
return m_index;
bool Contains(const VECTOR2I& aP) const;
bool PointCloserThan ( const VECTOR2I& aP, int dist) const;
// friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& stream, const SEG& aSeg );
bool ccw ( const VECTOR2I& a, const VECTOR2I& b, const VECTOR2I &c ) const;
///> locally stored start/end coordinates (used when m_is_local == true)
VECTOR2I m_a, m_b;
///> index withing the parent shape (used when m_is_local == false)
int m_index;
///> locality flag
bool m_is_local;
inline VECTOR2I SEG::LineProject( const VECTOR2I& aP ) const
// fixme: numerical errors for large integers
/*const VECTOR2I d = aB - aA;
ecoord det = d.Dot(d);
ecoord dxdy = (ecoord) d.x * d.y;
ecoord qx =
( (extended_type) aA.x * d.y * d.y + (extended_type) d.x * d.x * x - dxdy *
(aA.y - y) ) / det;
extended_type qy =
( (extended_type) aA.y * d.x * d.x + (extended_type) d.y * d.y * y - dxdy *
(aA.x - x) ) / det;
return VECTOR2<T> ( (T) qx, (T) qy );*/
inline int SEG::LineDistance( const VECTOR2I& aP, bool aDetermineSide ) const
ecoord p = a.y - b.y;
ecoord q = b.x - a.x;
ecoord r = -p * a.x - q * a.y;
ecoord dist = ( p * aP.x + q * aP.y + r ) / sqrt( p * p + q * q );
return aDetermineSide ? dist : abs(dist);
inline const VECTOR2I SEG::NearestPoint(const VECTOR2I& aP) const
VECTOR2I d = b - a;
ecoord l_squared = d.Dot(d);
if( l_squared == 0 )
return a;
ecoord t = d.Dot(aP - a);
if( t < 0 )
return a;
else if( t > l_squared )
return b;
int xp = rescale(t, (ecoord)d.x, l_squared);
int yp = rescale(t, (ecoord)d.y, l_squared);
return a + VECTOR2I(xp, yp);
inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& aStream, const SEG& aSeg )
aStream << "[ local " << aSeg.a << " - " << aSeg.b << " ]";
return aStream;
#endif // __SEG_H
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2013 CERN
* @author Tomasz Wlostowski <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef __SHAPE_H
#define __SHAPE_H
#include <math/vector2d.h>
#include <math/box2.h>
#include <geometry/seg.h>
* Enum ShapeType
* Lists all supported shapes
enum ShapeType {
SH_RECT = 0, ///> axis-aligned rectangle
SH_SEGMENT, ///> line segment
SH_LINE_CHAIN, ///> line chain (polyline)
SH_CIRCLE ///> circle
* Class SHAPE
* Represents an abstract shape on 2D plane. All SHAPEs implement SHAPE interface.
class SHAPE {
typedef typename VECTOR2I::extended_type ecoord;
* Constructor
* Creates an empty shape of type aType
SHAPE ( ShapeType aType ): m_type( aType ) { };
// Destructor
virtual ~SHAPE() {};
* Function Type()
* Returns the type of the shape.
* @retval the type
ShapeType Type() const { return m_type; }
* Function Clone()
* Returns a dynamically allocated copy of the shape
* @retval copy of the shape
virtual SHAPE* Clone() const { assert(false); };
* Function Collide()
* Checks if the boundary of shape (this) lies closer to the point aP than aClearance, indicating
* a collision.
* @return true, if there is a collision.
virtual bool Collide ( const VECTOR2I& aP, int aClearance = 0 ) const
return Collide(SEG(aP, aP), aClearance);
* Function Collide()
* Checks if the boundary of shape (this) lies closer to the shape aShape than aClearance, indicating
* a collision.
* @return true, if there is a collision.
virtual bool Collide ( const SHAPE *aShape, int aClerance, VECTOR2I& aMTV ) const;
virtual bool Collide ( const SHAPE *aShape, int aClerance = 0 ) const;
* Function Collide()
* Checks if the boundary of shape (this) lies closer to the segment aSeg than aClearance, indicating
* a collision.
* @return true, if there is a collision.
virtual bool Collide ( const SEG& aSeg, int aClearance = 0) const = 0;
* Function Collide()
* Computes a bounding box of the shape, with a margin of aClearance
* a collision.
* @aClearance how much the bounding box is expanded wrs to the minimum enclosing rectangle for the shape.
* @return the bounding box.
virtual const BOX2I BBox ( int aClearance = 0 ) const = 0;
* Function Centre()
* Computes a center-of-mass of the shape
* @return the center-of-mass point
virtual VECTOR2I Centre() const
return BBox(0).Centre(); // if nothing better is available....
///> type of our shape
ShapeType m_type;
bool CollideShapes ( const SHAPE *a, const SHAPE *b, int clearance, bool needMTV, VECTOR2I& aMTV );
#endif // __SHAPE_H
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2013 CERN
* @author Tomasz Wlostowski <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef __SHAPE_CIRCLE_H
#define __SHAPE_CIRCLE_H
#include "shape.h"
class SHAPE_CIRCLE : public SHAPE {
SHAPE( SH_CIRCLE ), m_radius (0) {};
SHAPE_CIRCLE( const VECTOR2I& aCenter, int aRadius ):
SHAPE( SH_CIRCLE ), m_radius (aRadius), m_center(aCenter) {};
const BOX2I BBox(int aClearance = 0) const
const VECTOR2I rc (m_radius + aClearance, m_radius + aClearance);
return BOX2I (m_center - rc, rc * 2);
bool Collide(const SEG& aSeg, int aClearance = 0) const
int rc = aClearance + m_radius;
return aSeg.Distance(m_center) <= rc;
void SetRadius(int aRadius)
m_radius = aRadius;
void SetCenter (const VECTOR2I& aCenter)
m_center = aCenter;
int GetRadius() const
return m_radius;
const VECTOR2I GetCenter() const
return m_center;
int m_radius;
VECTOR2I m_center;
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2013 CERN
* @author Tomasz Wlostowski <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef __SHAPE_INDEX_H
#define __SHAPE_INDEX_H
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
template <class T> const SHAPE *defaultShapeFunctor( const T aItem )
return aItem->GetShape();
template <class T, const SHAPE *(ShapeFunctor)(const T) = defaultShapeFunctor<T> >
struct ShapeEntry {
ShapeEntry(T aParent)
shape = ShapeFunctor(aParent);
bbox = shape->BBox(0);
parent = aParent;
T parent;
const SHAPE *shape;
BOX2I bbox;
typedef std::vector<ShapeEntry> ShapeVec;
typedef typename std::vector<ShapeEntry>::iterator ShapeVecIter;
// "Normal" iterator interface, for STL algorithms.
class iterator {
iterator() {};
iterator( ShapeVecIter aCurrent)
: m_current(aCurrent) {};
iterator(const iterator &b) :
m_current(b.m_current) {};
T operator*() const
return (*m_current).parent;
void operator++()
iterator& operator++(int dummy)
return *this;
bool operator ==( const iterator& rhs ) const
return m_current == rhs.m_current;
bool operator !=( const iterator& rhs ) const
return m_current != rhs.m_current;
const iterator& operator=(const iterator& rhs)
m_current = rhs.m_current;
return *this;
ShapeVecIter m_current;
// "Query" iterator, for iterating over a set of spatially matching shapes.
class query_iterator {
query_iterator( ShapeVecIter aCurrent, ShapeVecIter aEnd, SHAPE *aShape, int aMinDistance, bool aExact)
: m_end(aEnd),
m_refBBox = aShape->BBox();
query_iterator(const query_iterator &b)
: m_end(b.m_end),
T operator*() const
return (*m_current).parent;
query_iterator& operator++()
return *this;
query_iterator& operator++(int dummy)
return *this;
bool operator ==( const query_iterator& rhs ) const
return m_current == rhs.m_current;
bool operator !=( const query_iterator& rhs ) const
return m_current != rhs.m_current;
const query_iterator& operator=(const query_iterator& rhs)
m_end = rhs.m_end;
m_current = rhs.m_current;
m_shape = rhs.m_shape;
m_minDistance = rhs.m_minDistance;
m_exact = rhs.m_exact;
m_refBBox = rhs.m_refBBox;
return *this;
void next()
while(m_current != m_end)
if (m_refBBox.Distance(m_current->bbox) <= m_minDistance)
if(!m_exact || m_current->shape->Collide(m_shape, m_minDistance))
ShapeVecIter m_end;
ShapeVecIter m_current;
BOX2I m_refBBox;
bool m_exact;
SHAPE *m_shape;
int m_minDistance;
void Add(T aItem)
ShapeEntry s (aItem);
void Remove(const T aItem)
ShapeVecIter i;
for(i=m_shapes.begin(); i!=m_shapes.end();++i)
if(i->parent == aItem)
if(i == m_shapes.end())
int Size() const
return m_shapes.size();
template<class Visitor>
int Query( const SHAPE *aShape, int aMinDistance, Visitor &v, bool aExact = true) //const
ShapeVecIter i;
int n = 0;
VECTOR2I::extended_type minDistSq = (VECTOR2I::extended_type) aMinDistance * aMinDistance;
BOX2I refBBox = aShape->BBox();
for(i = m_shapes.begin(); i!=m_shapes.end(); ++i)
if (refBBox.SquaredDistance(i->bbox) <= minDistSq)
if(!aExact || i->shape->Collide(aShape, aMinDistance))
if(!v( i->parent ))
return n;
return n;
void Clear()
query_iterator qbegin( SHAPE *aShape, int aMinDistance, bool aExact )
return query_iterator( m_shapes.begin(), m_shapes.end(), aShape, aMinDistance, aExact);
const query_iterator qend()
return query_iterator( m_shapes.end(), m_shapes.end(), NULL, 0, false );
iterator begin()
return iterator( m_shapes.begin() );
iterator end()
return iterator( m_shapes.end() );
ShapeVec m_shapes;
This diff is collapsed.
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2013 CERN
* @author Tomasz Wlostowski <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef __SHAPE_RECT_H
#define __SHAPE_RECT_H
#include <geometry/shape.h>
#include <geometry/shape_line_chain.h>
#include <geometry/shape_circle.h>
#include <geometry/seg.h>
class SHAPE_RECT : public SHAPE {
* Constructor
* Creates an empty (0-sized) rectangle
SHAPE( SH_RECT ), m_w (0), m_h(0) {};
* Constructor
* Creates a rectangle defined by top-left corner (x0, y0), width w and height h.
SHAPE_RECT( int x0, int y0, int w, int h ):
SHAPE(SH_RECT), m_p0(x0, y0), m_w(w), m_h(h) {};
* Constructor
* Creates a rectangle defined by top-left corner p0, width w and height h.
SHAPE_RECT( const VECTOR2I &p0, int w, int h ):
SHAPE(SH_RECT), m_p0(p0), m_w(w), m_h(h) {};
/// @copydoc SHAPE::BBox()
const BOX2I BBox(int aClearance = 0) const
BOX2I bbox( VECTOR2I (m_p0.x - aClearance, m_p0.y - aClearance ),
VECTOR2I (m_w + 2 * aClearance, m_h + 2 * aClearance ));
//printf("bb : %s\n",bbox.Format().c_str());
return bbox;
* Function Diagonal()
* Returns length of the diagonal of the rectangle
* @return diagonal length
int Diagonal() const
return VECTOR2I(m_w, m_h).EuclideanNorm();
/// @copydoc SHAPE::Collide()
bool Collide(const SEG& aSeg, int aClearance = 0) const
//VECTOR2I pmin = VECTOR2I(std::min(aSeg.a.x, aSeg.b.x), std::min(aSeg.a.y, aSeg.b.y));
//VECTOR2I pmax = VECTOR2I(std::max(aSeg.a.x, aSeg.b.x), std::max(aSeg.a.y, aSeg.b.y));
//BOX2I r(pmin, VECTOR2I(pmax.x - pmin.x, pmax.y - pmin.y));
//if (BBox(0).SquaredDistance(r) > aClearance * aClearance)
// return false;
if(BBox(0).Contains(aSeg.a) || BBox(0).Contains(aSeg.b))
return true;
VECTOR2I vts[] = { VECTOR2I(m_p0.x, m_p0.y),
VECTOR2I(m_p0.x, m_p0.y + m_h),
VECTOR2I(m_p0.x + m_w, m_p0.y + m_h),
VECTOR2I(m_p0.x + m_w, m_p0.y),
VECTOR2I(m_p0.x, m_p0.y) };
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
SEG s(vts[i], vts[i+1], i);
if(s.Distance(aSeg) <= aClearance)
return true;
return false;
* Function GetPosition()
* @return top-left corner of the rectangle
const VECTOR2I& GetPosition() const { return m_p0; }
* Function GetSize()
* @return size of the rectangle
const VECTOR2I GetSize() const { return VECTOR2I(m_w, m_h); }
* Function GetWidth()
* @return width of the rectangle
const int GetWidth() const { return m_w; }
* Function GetHeight()
* @return height of the rectangle
const int GetHeight() const { return m_h; }
///> Top-left corner
VECTOR2I m_p0;
///> Width
int m_w;
///> Height
int m_h;
#endif // __SHAPE_RECT_H
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