Commit 654b8909 authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck

fix documentation bugs

parent 126fe260
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ email address.
constraints put on us by the Specctra DSN spec.
* Added Documentation/s-expressions.txt to explain all this.
* Enhanced our quoting protocol by moving away from doubling up double quotes
to a C line escape mechanism.
to a C like escape mechanism.
* Now support multi-line strings, which when properly escaped, can still be
read in as a token originating on a single line.
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ corresponds to a string, while a list corresponds to an s-expression. The
following grammar represents our definition of an s-expression:
sexpr ::= ( sx )
sx ::= atom sxtail | sexptr sxtail | NULL
sx ::= atom sxtail | sexpr sxtail | NULL
sxtail ::= sx | NULL
atom :: quoted | value
quoted :: "ws_string"
......@@ -62,23 +62,23 @@ Any null string is wrapped in quotes, and so is any string which starts with
Kicad S-expression Syntax and Quoting Protocol (non-specctraMode):
*) All Kicad s-expression files are saved using a UTF8 encoding and should
support any international characters in the atoms. Some atoms are considered
keywords, and constitute a grammar superimposed on the s-expressions.
*) Some atoms are considered keywords, and constitute a grammar superimposed on
the s-expressions. All keywords are ASCII and lowercase. International characters
are not to be used here.
*) All keywords are ASCII and lowercase. International characters are not to be
used here.
*) All Kicad s-expression files are saved using a UTF8 encoding and should
support any international characters in the atoms which are not keywords.
*) DSNLEXER::NextTok() requires that any token be on a single line of input. If
you want to save a multi-line string, Quoted() will automatically escape the \n
or \r for you and put the output on a single line. It should round-trip fine.
*) There can be escape sequences in a quoted string only. Escape sequences allow
foreign tools to generate byte patterns in the input stream. C style 2 byte hex
codes are supported, and so are 3 byte octal escape sequences. See DSNLEXER::NextTok()
for the full list of escape sequences, by searching file dsnlexer.cpp for the
string "ESCAPE SEQUENCES". Any use of the escape mechanism must still produce
UTF-8 encoded text after the escape handling is applied.
*) There can be escape sequences in a quoted string only. Escape sequences allow
foreign tools to generate byte patterns in the input stream. C style 2 byte hex
codes are supported, and so are 3 byte octal escape sequences. See
DSNLEXER::NextTok() for the full list of escape sequences, by searching file
dsnlexer.cpp for the string "ESCAPE SEQUENCES". Any use of the escape mechanism
must still produce UTF-8 encoded text after the escape handling is applied.
*) Just because an escape sequence is supported on input, does not mean that
OUTPUTFORMATTER::Quoted() must generate such an escape sequence for output. For
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