Commit 612e2ddb authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

fix bugs 1264240, 1264247, 1264239, 1264233 (clang report errors)

parent a455ab4a
......@@ -221,7 +221,8 @@ void EDA_BASE_FRAME::LoadSettings()
// Once this is fully implemented, wxAuiManager will be used to maintain the persistance of
// the main frame and all it's managed windows and all of the legacy frame persistence
// position code can be removed.
config->Read( m_FrameName + entryPerspective, &m_perspective );
if( config )
config->Read( m_FrameName + entryPerspective, &m_perspective );
......@@ -828,10 +828,14 @@ bool FP_LIB_TABLE::ConvertFromLegacy( NETLIST& aNetList, const wxArrayString& aL
if( !newFPID.IsValid() )
msg.Printf( _( "Component `%s` FPID <%s> is not valid.\n" ),
GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
GetChars( FROM_UTF8( newFPID.Format().c_str() ) ) );
aReporter->Report( msg );
if( aReporter )
msg.Printf( _( "Component `%s` FPID <%s> is not valid.\n" ),
GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
GetChars( FROM_UTF8( newFPID.Format().c_str() ) ) );
aReporter->Report( msg );
retv = false;
......@@ -269,19 +269,15 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::PutDataInPreviousState( PICKED_ITEMS_LIST* aList, bool aRed
for( int ii = aList->GetCount() - 1; ii >= 0; ii-- )
item = (SCH_ITEM*) aList->GetPickedItem( ii );
wxAssert( item );
if( item )
SCH_ITEM* image = (SCH_ITEM*) aList->GetPickedItemLink( ii );
switch( aList->GetPickedItemStatus( ii ) )
case UR_CHANGED: /* Exchange old and new data for each item */
// tmp = item->Clone();
// *item = *image;
// *image = *tmp;
// delete tmp;
item->SwapData( image );
......@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@ void DRC::RunTests( wxTextCtrl* aMessages )
m_mainWindow->Fill_All_Zones( aMessages->GetParent(), false );
m_mainWindow->Fill_All_Zones( aMessages ? aMessages->GetParent() : m_mainWindow,
false );
// test zone clearances to other zones
if( aMessages )
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