Commit 60eb4b00 authored by Wayne Stambaugh's avatar Wayne Stambaugh

Pcbnew netlist read performance improvements.

* Do not search for footprint when no footprint is defined for a component
  in the netlist.
parent 2810f5a5
......@@ -185,6 +185,18 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::loadFootprints( NETLIST& aNetlist, REPORTER* aReporter )
component = aNetlist.GetComponent( ii );
if( component->GetFootprintName().IsEmpty() )
if( aReporter )
msg.Printf( _( "No footprint defined for component `%s`.\n" ),
GetChars( component->GetReference() ) );
aReporter->Report( msg );
// Check if component footprint is already on BOARD and only load the footprint from
// the library if it's needed.
if( aNetlist.IsFindByTimeStamp() )
......@@ -278,6 +290,18 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::loadFootprints( NETLIST& aNetlist, REPORTER* aReporter )
component = aNetlist.GetComponent( ii );
if( component->GetFootprintName().IsEmpty() )
if( aReporter )
msg.Printf( _( "No footprint defined for component `%s`.\n" ),
GetChars( component->GetReference() ) );
aReporter->Report( msg );
// Check if component footprint is already on BOARD and only load the footprint from
// the library if it's needed.
if( aNetlist.IsFindByTimeStamp() )
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