Commit 59c9f72b authored by jerryjacobs's avatar jerryjacobs

Typo solved in Delete Block rightclick menu command in eeschema

parent fd882cdb
......@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ void AddMenusForBlock( wxMenu* PopMenu, WinEDA_SchematicFrame* frame )
if( frame->GetScreen()->BlockLocate.m_Command == BLOCK_MOVE )
_( "Zoom Block (drag middle mouse)" ), zoom_selected_xpm );
_( "Zoom Block (Drag Middle Mouse)" ), zoom_selected_xpm );
ADD_MENUITEM( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_PLACE_BLOCK, _( "Place Block" ), apply_xpm );
......@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ void AddMenusForBlock( wxMenu* PopMenu, WinEDA_SchematicFrame* frame )
ADD_MENUITEM( menu_other_block_commands, ID_POPUP_DRAG_BLOCK,
_( "Drag Block (ctrl + drag mouse)" ), move_xpm );
ADD_MENUITEM( menu_other_block_commands, ID_POPUP_DELETE_BLOCK,
_( "Delelet Block (shift+ctrl + drag mouse)" ), delete_xpm );
_( "Delete Block (shift+ctrl + drag mouse)" ), delete_xpm );
ADD_MENUITEM( menu_other_block_commands, ID_POPUP_MIRROR_Y_BLOCK, _(
"Mirror Block ||" ), mirror_H_xpm );
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