Commit 52d35351 authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck

minor tidying

parent f9ab5d2c
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -34,22 +34,22 @@ static inline wxString FROM_UTF8( const char* cstring )
* Function GetChars
* returns a wxChar* to the actual character data within a wxString, and is
* helpful for passing strings to wxString::Printf(wxT("%s"), GetChars(wxString) )
* returns a wxChar* to the actual wxChar* data within a wxString, and is
* helpful for passing strings to wxString::Printf() and wxString::Format().
* It can also be passed a UTF8 parameter which will be converted to wxString
* by the compiler.
* <p>
* wxChar is defined to be
* Example: wxString::Format( wxT( "%s" ), GetChars( UTF( "some text" ) ) );
* <p>
* When wxWidgets is properly built for KiCad, a const wxChar* points to either:
* <ul>
* <li> standard C style char when wxUSE_UNICODE==0 </li>
* <li> wchar_t when wxUSE_UNICODE==1 (the default). </li>
* <li> 32 bit unicode characters on linux/OSX or </li>
* <li> 16 bit UTF16 characters on windows. </li>
* </ul>
* i.e. it depends on how the wxWidgets library was compiled.
* ( wxUSE_UNICODE is defined in wxWidgets, inside setup.h.
* for version >= 2.9 wxUSE_UNICODE is always defined to 1 )
* There was a period
* during the development of wxWidgets 2.9 when GetData() was missing, so this
* function was used to provide insulation from that design change. It may
* no longer be needed, and is harmless. GetData() seems to be an acceptable
* alternative in all cases now.
* Note that you cannot pass 8 bit strings to wxString::Format() or Printf() so this
* is a useful conversion function to wxChar*, which is needed by wxString::Format().
* @return const wxChar* - a pointer to the UNICODE or UTF16 (on windows) text.
static inline const wxChar* GetChars( const wxString& s )
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