Commit 4e210a2d authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

ModEdit: fix a refresh issue after deleting a pad (depending on the position...

ModEdit: fix a  refresh issue after deleting a pad (depending on the position of the pad, the pad was sometimes not immediately undrawn).
Fix a few coverity wanings (not initialized members in ctors)
parent 709697ea
......@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ void EDA_3D_CANVAS::DisplayStatus()
msg.Printf( wxT( "dy %3.2f" ), m_draw3dOffset.y );
Parent()->SetStatusText( msg, 2 );
msg.Printf( wxT( "View: %3.1f" ), 45 * GetPrm3DVisu().m_Zoom );
msg.Printf( _( "Zoom: %3.1f" ), 45 * GetPrm3DVisu().m_Zoom );
Parent()->SetStatusText( msg, 3 );
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2012 SoftPLC Corporation, Dick Hollenbeck <>
* Copyright (C) 2012 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* Copyright (C) 2015 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
......@@ -148,17 +148,17 @@ void SCH_BASE_FRAME::UpdateStatusBar()
case INCHES:
absformatter = wxT( "X %.3f Y %.3f" );
locformatter = wxT( "dx %.3f dy %.3f d %.3f" );
locformatter = wxT( "dx %.3f dy %.3f dist %.3f" );
absformatter = wxT( "X %.2f Y %.2f" );
locformatter = wxT( "dx %.2f dy %.2f d %.2f" );
locformatter = wxT( "dx %.2f dy %.2f dist %.2f" );
absformatter = wxT( "X %f Y %f" );
locformatter = wxT( "dx %f dy %f d %f" );
locformatter = wxT( "dx %f dy %f dist %f" );
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateHToolbar()
m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_VIEW_DOC, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( datasheet_xpm ),
_( "Edit document file" ) );
_( "Show the associated datasheet or document" ) );
m_partSelectBox = new wxComboBox( m_mainToolBar,
......@@ -213,14 +213,18 @@ void PCB_BASE_FRAME::DeletePad( D_PAD* aPad, bool aQuery )
// Stores the initial bounding box to refresh the old area
EDA_RECT bbox = module->GetBoundingBox();
m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0;
// Refresh the modified screen area, using the initial bounding box
// which is perhaps larger than the new bounding box
m_canvas->RefreshDrawingRect( module->GetBoundingBox() );
// Update the bounding box
// Refresh the modified screen area, using the initial bounding box
// which is perhaps larger than the new bounding box
m_canvas->RefreshDrawingRect( bbox );
......@@ -349,6 +349,18 @@ PNS_ROUTER::PNS_ROUTER()
m_board = NULL;
m_dragger = NULL;
// Initialize all other variables:
m_lastNode = NULL;
m_shove = NULL;
m_iterLimit = 0;
m_showInterSteps = false;
m_snapshotIter = 0;
m_view = NULL;
m_currentEndItem = NULL;
m_snappingEnabled = false;
m_violation = false;
......@@ -80,6 +80,12 @@ PNS_SHOVE::PNS_SHOVE( PNS_NODE* aWorld, PNS_ROUTER* aRouter ) :
m_forceClearance = -1;
m_root = aWorld;
// Initialize other temporary variables:
m_currentNode = NULL;
m_draggedVia = NULL;
m_iter = 0;
m_multiLineMode = false;
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ private:
PNS_NODE* m_root;
PNS_NODE* m_currentNode;
OPT_LINE m_newHead;
OPT_LINE m_newHead;
PNS_LOGGER m_logger;
PNS_VIA* m_draggedVia;
......@@ -43,6 +43,13 @@ ROUTER_PREVIEW_ITEM::ROUTER_PREVIEW_ITEM( const PNS_ITEM* aItem, VIEW_GROUP* aPa
m_clearance = -1;
m_originLayer = m_layer = ITEM_GAL_LAYER( GP_OVERLAY );
// initialize variables, overwritten by Update( aItem ), if aItem != NULL
m_router = NULL;
m_type = PR_SHAPE;
m_style = 0;
m_width = 0;
m_depth = 0;
if( aItem )
Update( aItem );
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