Commit 4e18b14f authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

Finishing dialog_freeroute_exchange.cpp changes to run freeroute.jar if found in kicad binaries.

Very minor other fix
parent 121494d3
......@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ void NETLIST_OBJECT::ConvertBusToNetListItems( NETLIST_OBJECT_LIST& aNetListItem
i = busNumber.Find( '[' );
while( busNumber[i] != '.' && i < busNumber.Len() )
while( i < busNumber.Len() && busNumber[i] != '.' )
tmp.Append( busNumber[i] );
......@@ -267,12 +267,12 @@ void NETLIST_OBJECT::ConvertBusToNetListItems( NETLIST_OBJECT_LIST& aNetListItem
tmp.ToLong( &begin );
while( busNumber[i] == '.' && i < busNumber.Len() )
while( i < busNumber.Len() && busNumber[i] == '.' )
while( busNumber[i] != ']' && i < busNumber.Len() )
while( i < busNumber.Len() && busNumber[i] != ']' )
tmp.Append( busNumber[i] );
......@@ -203,10 +203,14 @@ void DIALOG_FREEROUTE::OnLaunchButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
#warning Kicad needs wxWidgets >= 2.9.4. version 2.8 is only supported for testing purposes
#endif // wxCHECK_VERSION( 2, 9, 0 )
#endif // __WINDOWS__
if( m_freeRouterIsLocal )
command << wxT("bin\\") << javaCommand;
#else // __WINDOWS__
if( m_freeRouterIsLocal )
command << javaCommand;
// Wrap FullFileName in double quotes in case it has C:\Program Files in it.
// The space is interpreted as an argument separator.
......@@ -254,7 +258,11 @@ wxString DIALOG_FREEROUTE::CmdRunFreeRouterLocal()
wxFileName jarfileName( FindKicadFile( wxT( "freeroute.jar" ) ), wxPATH_UNIX );
wxString command = wxT("java -jar ");
command << wxChar( '"' ) << jarfileName.GetFullPath() << wxT( "\" -de " );
// add "freeroute.jar" to command line:
command << wxChar( '"' ) << jarfileName.GetFullPath() << wxChar( '"' );
// add option to load the .dsn file
command << wxT( " -de " );
// add *.dsn full filename (quoted):
command << wxChar( '"' ) << fullFileName << wxChar( '"' );
return command;
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