Commit 48161dcc authored by Maciej Suminski's avatar Maciej Suminski

Yet another approach to EC_LINE and EC_CONVERGING edit constraints.

parent f6959c03
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......@@ -147,54 +147,41 @@ void EDIT_POINTS::ViewDraw( int aLayer, KIGFX::GAL* aGal ) const
void EC_45DEGREE::Apply()
void EC_45DEGREE::Apply( EDIT_POINT& aHandle )
// Current line vector
VECTOR2I lineVector( m_constrained.GetPosition() - m_constrainer.GetPosition() );
VECTOR2I lineVector( aHandle.GetPosition() - m_constrainer.GetPosition() );
double angle = lineVector.Angle();
// Find the closest angle, which is a multiple of 45 degrees
double newAngle = round( angle / ( M_PI / 4.0 ) ) * M_PI / 4.0;
VECTOR2I newLineVector = lineVector.Rotate( newAngle - angle );
m_constrained.SetPosition( m_constrainer.GetPosition() + newLineVector );
aHandle.SetPosition( m_constrainer.GetPosition() + newLineVector );
EC_LINE::EC_LINE( EDIT_POINT& aConstrained, const EDIT_POINT& aConstrainer ) :
EDIT_CONSTRAINT<EDIT_POINT>( aConstrained ), m_constrainer( aConstrainer )
// Compute line coefficients
VECTOR2D delta = m_constrainer.GetPosition() - m_constrained.GetPosition();
m_coefA = delta.y / delta.x;
m_coefB = m_constrainer.GetY() - m_coefA * m_constrainer.GetX();
m_line = m_constrained.GetPosition() - m_constrainer.GetPosition();
void EC_LINE::Apply()
void EC_LINE::Apply( EDIT_POINT& aHandle )
VECTOR2I position = m_constrained.GetPosition();
SEG main( m_constrainer.GetPosition(), m_constrainer.GetPosition() + m_line );
SEG projection( aHandle.GetPosition(), aHandle.GetPosition() + m_line.Perpendicular() );
if( std::isfinite( m_coefA ) )
if( abs( m_coefA ) < 1 )
position.y = m_coefA * position.x + m_coefB;
position.x = ( position.y - m_coefB ) / m_coefA;
else // vertical line
position.x = m_constrainer.GetX();
m_constrained.SetPosition( position );
if( OPT_VECTOR2I intersect = projection.IntersectLines( main ) )
aHandle.SetPosition( *intersect );
void EC_CIRCLE::Apply()
void EC_CIRCLE::Apply( EDIT_POINT& aHandle )
VECTOR2I centerToEnd = m_end.GetPosition() - m_center.GetPosition();
VECTOR2I centerToPoint = m_constrained.GetPosition() - m_center.GetPosition();
VECTOR2I centerToPoint = aHandle.GetPosition() - m_center.GetPosition();
int radius = centerToEnd.EuclideanNorm();
double angle = centerToPoint.Angle();
......@@ -202,20 +189,18 @@ void EC_CIRCLE::Apply()
VECTOR2I newLine( radius, 0 );
newLine = newLine.Rotate( angle );
m_constrained.SetPosition( m_center.GetPosition() + newLine );
aHandle.SetPosition( m_center.GetPosition() + newLine );
/*m_end( aLine.GetEnd() ), m_origin( aLine.GetOrigin() ),*/ m_line( aLine ),
m_editPoints( aPoints )
EDIT_CONSTRAINT<EDIT_POINT>( aLine.GetOrigin() ), m_line( aLine ), m_editPoints( aPoints )
// Dragged segment endings
EDIT_POINT& origin = aLine.GetOrigin();
EDIT_POINT& end = aLine.GetEnd();
// Add constraint to the line origin, so it moves only along it current line
// Previous and next points, to make constraining lines (adjacent to the dragged line)
EDIT_POINT& prevOrigin = *aPoints.Previous( origin );
EDIT_POINT& nextEnd = *aPoints.Next( end );
......@@ -223,9 +208,8 @@ EC_CONVERGING::EC_CONVERGING( EDIT_LINE& aLine, EDIT_POINTS& aPoints ) :
m_originSideConstraint = new EC_LINE( origin, prevOrigin );
m_endSideConstraint = new EC_LINE( end, nextEnd );
// Compute dragged segment slope
VECTOR2D delta = m_line.GetPosition() - end.GetPosition();
m_coefA = delta.y / delta.x;
// Store the current vector of the line
m_draggedVector = end.GetPosition() - origin.GetPosition() ;
......@@ -236,8 +220,12 @@ EC_CONVERGING::~EC_CONVERGING()
void EC_CONVERGING::Apply()
void EC_CONVERGING::Apply( EDIT_POINT& aHandle )
// The dragged segment
SEG dragged( m_line.GetPosition(), m_line.GetPosition() + m_draggedVector );
// The dragged segment endpoints
EDIT_POINT& origin = m_line.GetOrigin();
EDIT_POINT& end = m_line.GetEnd();
......@@ -245,42 +233,12 @@ void EC_CONVERGING::Apply()
// Find points that make adjacent segments
EDIT_POINT& prevOrigin = *m_editPoints.Previous( origin ); // point previous to origin
EDIT_POINT& nextEnd = *m_editPoints.Next( end ); // point next to end
EDIT_POINT& prevOrigin = *m_editPoints.Previous( origin );
EDIT_POINT& nextEnd = *m_editPoints.Next( end );
// Two segments adjacent to the dragged segment
SEG originSide( origin.GetPosition(), prevOrigin.GetPosition() );
SEG endSide( end.GetPosition(), nextEnd.GetPosition() );
VECTOR2I draggedCenter; // center point of the dragged segment
// Check if adjacent segments intersect (did we dragged the line to the point that it may
// create a selfintersecting polygon?)
if( OPT_VECTOR2I originEndIntersect = endSide.Intersect( originSide ) )
draggedCenter = *originEndIntersect;
draggedCenter = m_line.GetPosition();
// Line B coefficient (y=Ax+B) for the dragged segment (A coefficient is computed up on the
// the construction of EC_CONVERGING
double coefB = draggedCenter.y - m_coefA * draggedCenter.x;
VECTOR2D draggedEnd = draggedCenter + 10000;
if( std::isfinite( m_coefA ) )
if( std::abs( m_coefA ) < 1 )
draggedEnd.y = m_coefA * draggedEnd.x + coefB;
draggedEnd.x = ( draggedEnd.y - coefB ) / m_coefA;
else // vertical line
draggedEnd.x = draggedCenter.x;
draggedEnd.y = draggedEnd.x + coefB;
SEG dragged( draggedCenter, draggedEnd ); // the dragged segment
SEG originSide = SEG( origin.GetPosition(), prevOrigin.GetPosition() );
SEG endSide = SEG( end.GetPosition(), nextEnd.GetPosition() );
// First intersection point (dragged segment against origin side)
if( OPT_VECTOR2I originIntersect = dragged.IntersectLines( originSide ) )
......@@ -289,4 +247,15 @@ void EC_CONVERGING::Apply()
// Second intersection point (dragged segment against end side)
if( OPT_VECTOR2I endIntersect = dragged.IntersectLines( endSide ) )
end.SetPosition( *endIntersect );
// Check if adjacent segments intersect (did we dragged the line to the point that it may
// create a selfintersecting polygon?)
originSide = SEG( origin.GetPosition(), prevOrigin.GetPosition() );
endSide = SEG( end.GetPosition(), nextEnd.GetPosition() );
if( OPT_VECTOR2I originEndIntersect = endSide.Intersect( originSide ) )
origin.SetPosition( *originEndIntersect );
end.SetPosition( *originEndIntersect );
......@@ -58,9 +58,19 @@ public:
* Function Apply()
* Corrects coordinates of the constrained point.
* Corrects coordinates of the constrained edit handle.
virtual void Apply() = 0;
virtual void Apply( EDIT_TYPE& aHandle ) = 0;
* Function Apply()
* Corrects coordinates of the constrained edit handle.
void Apply()
Apply( m_constrained );
EDIT_TYPE& m_constrained; ///< Point that is constrained by rules implemented by Apply()
......@@ -234,7 +244,7 @@ public:
///> @copydoc EDIT_POINT::GetPosition()
virtual VECTOR2I GetPosition() const
return m_origin.GetPosition() + ( m_end.GetPosition() - m_origin.GetPosition() ) / 2;
return ( m_origin.GetPosition() + m_end.GetPosition() ) / 2;
///> @copydoc EDIT_POINT::GetPosition()
......@@ -266,6 +276,11 @@ public:
return m_origin;
const EDIT_POINT& GetOrigin() const
return m_origin;
* Function GetEnd()
......@@ -276,6 +291,11 @@ public:
return m_end;
const EDIT_POINT& GetEnd() const
return m_end;
bool operator==( const EDIT_POINT& aOther ) const
return GetPosition() == aOther.GetPosition();
......@@ -458,11 +478,11 @@ public:
///> @copydoc EDIT_CONSTRAINT::Apply()
virtual void Apply()
virtual void Apply( EDIT_POINT& aHandle )
VECTOR2I point = m_constrained.GetPosition();
VECTOR2I point = aHandle.GetPosition();
point.x = m_constrainer.GetPosition().x;
m_constrained.SetPosition( point );
aHandle.SetPosition( point );
......@@ -489,11 +509,11 @@ public:
///> @copydoc EDIT_CONSTRAINT::Apply()
virtual void Apply()
virtual void Apply( EDIT_POINT& aHandle )
VECTOR2I point = m_constrained.GetPosition();
VECTOR2I point = aHandle.GetPosition();
point.y = m_constrainer.GetPosition().y;
m_constrained.SetPosition( point );
aHandle.SetPosition( point );
......@@ -521,7 +541,7 @@ public:
///> @copydoc EDIT_CONSTRAINT::Apply()
virtual void Apply();
virtual void Apply( EDIT_POINT& aHandle );
const EDIT_POINT& m_constrainer; ///< Point that imposes the constraint.
......@@ -540,12 +560,11 @@ public:
EC_LINE( EDIT_POINT& aConstrained, const EDIT_POINT& aConstrainer );
///> @copydoc EDIT_CONSTRAINT::Apply()
virtual void Apply();
virtual void Apply( EDIT_POINT& aHandle );
EDIT_POINT m_constrainer; ///< Point that imposes the constraint.
double m_coefA; ///< Line A coefficient (y = Ax + B)
double m_coefB; ///< Line B coefficient (y = Ax + B)
VECTOR2I m_line; ///< Vector representing the constraining line.
......@@ -569,7 +588,7 @@ public:
///> @copydoc EDIT_CONSTRAINT::Apply()
virtual void Apply();
virtual void Apply( EDIT_POINT& aHandle );
///> Point that imposes the constraint (center of the circle).
......@@ -594,14 +613,23 @@ public:
virtual ~EC_CONVERGING();
///> @copydoc EDIT_CONSTRAINT::Apply()
virtual void Apply();
virtual void Apply( EDIT_POINT& aHandle );
EC_LINE* m_originSideConstraint; ///< Constraint for origin side segment
EC_LINE* m_endSideConstraint; ///< Constraint for end side segment
EDIT_LINE& m_line; ///< Dragged segment
EDIT_POINTS& m_editPoints; ///< EDIT_POINT instance storing modified lines
double m_coefA; ///< Original dragged segment A coefficient (y = Ax + B)
///> Constraint for origin side segment.
EDIT_CONSTRAINT<EDIT_POINT>* m_originSideConstraint;
///> Constraint for end side segment.
///> Dragged segment.
EDIT_LINE& m_line;
///> EDIT_POINTS instance that stores currently modified lines.
EDIT_POINTS& m_editPoints;
///> Vector that represents the initial direction of the dragged segment.
VECTOR2I m_draggedVector;
#endif /* EDIT_POINTS_H_ */
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