Commit 4536e274 authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

Eeschema: Fix wx28 compatibility issue.

parent b4d0cd74
......@@ -204,8 +204,6 @@ DIALOG_BOM::DIALOG_BOM( SCH_EDIT_FRAME* parent ) :
wxString list;
// Save the plugin descriptions in config.
// the config stores only one string.
// plugins are saved inside a S expr:
......@@ -215,16 +213,16 @@ DIALOG_BOM::~DIALOG_BOM()
// )
list << wxT("(plugins");
writer.Print( 0, "(plugins" );
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_plugins.GetCount(); ii += 2 )
writer.Print( 1, "(plugin %s (cmd %s))",
writer.Quotew( m_plugins[ii] ).c_str(),
writer.Quotew( m_plugins[ii+1] ).c_str() );
writer.Print( 0, ")" );
list << writer.GetString();
list << wxT(")");
wxString list( FROM_UTF8( writer.GetString().c_str() ) );
m_config->Write( BOM_PLUGINS_KEY, list );
......@@ -238,13 +236,14 @@ DIALOG_BOM::~DIALOG_BOM()
void DIALOG_BOM::installPluginsList()
wxString list, text, active_plugin_name;
wxString list, active_plugin_name;
m_config->Read( BOM_PLUGINS_KEY, &list );
m_config->Read( BOM_PLUGIN_SELECTED_KEY, &active_plugin_name );
if( !list.IsEmpty() )
BOM_CFG_READER_PARSER cfg_parser( &m_plugins, list.c_str(), wxT( "plugins" ) );
BOM_CFG_READER_PARSER cfg_parser( &m_plugins, TO_UTF8( list ),
wxT( "plugins" ) );
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