Commit 44f1fe7e authored by dickelbeck's avatar dickelbeck


parent ab2c9f7d
** General UI Guidelines for KICAD Development
For any visible text used within Kicad, follow recommendations here:
This applies to all Menus, Titles, Labels, Tooltips, Buttons, etc.
Follow the recommendations here:
paying particular attention to "initial focus", "sensible default values",
"default buttons", ESC key termination.
Use wxWidgets "sizers" in all dialogs, no matter how simple they are:
and keep dialogs resizeable.
Configure the sizers so that as the dialog window is expanded, the most
sensible use of the increased dialog window occurs automatically by the
sizers. For example, in the DRC dialog of PCBNEW, sizers should be used to
expand the text control to use the full available free window area, so that
the user's view of the items in the text control is maximized as he/she
expands the dialog window, making it easier to read more DRC error messages.
In other dialogs without one component more important than the others, the
sizers might be configured to position the controls to sensible positions
near the perimeter of the increasingly larger dialog box, not necesarily
leaving them all bundled tightly together. The dialog box should look
nice at any size large enough to show all the components.
Use tooltips to explain the functionality of each non-obvious control.
This is important because the help files and the wiki often lag behind
the source code.
......@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ Started 2007-June-11
Please add newer entries at the top, list the date and your name with
email address.
2007-Oct-21 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
+ all
added UIpolicies.txt
2007-Oct-21 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
+ pcbnew:
......@@ -15,7 +22,6 @@ email address.
Therefore, under windows, dialogs are now resizable (like under unix)
2007-Oct-21 UPDATE Geoff Harland <>
+ eeschema & pcbnew & gerbview
......@@ -63,16 +63,5 @@ as zoom changes, the effective real size of the MARKER changes.
@todo: compensate for the zoom. right now it is difficult to select marker when zoomed out.
*** Establish consistent policy on UI text upper vs. lower case usage. My
suggestions are below, but the important thing is consistency, not the actual
Window Titles: all nouns and verbs capitalized.
Tooltips: all words lower case except first word. (This is a sentence fragment, not a title).
others (what are they?):
*** Add tooltip text to cleaningoptions_dialog.cpp throughout for all options.
Might need to do this using DialogBlocks.
*** Add tooltip text to all non-obvious controls in every dialog window.
Need to do this using DialogBlocks.
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