Commit 41e41b95 authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

Plot DXF: better generation of filled zone polygons.

parent 645e1768
......@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ set( COMMON_SRCS
......@@ -247,7 +248,6 @@ set( PCB_COMMON_SRCS
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include <plot_common.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include <kicad_string.h>
#include <convert_basic_shapes_to_polygon.h>
* Oblique angle for DXF native text
......@@ -319,35 +320,43 @@ void DXF_PLOTTER::Circle( const wxPoint& centre, int diameter, FILL_T fill, int
* DXF polygon: doesn't fill it but at least it close the filled ones
* DXF does not know thick outline.
* It does not know thhick segments, therefore filled polygons with thick outline
* are converted to inflated polygon by aWidth/2
#include "clipper.hpp"
void DXF_PLOTTER::PlotPoly( const std::vector< wxPoint >& aCornerList,
FILL_T aFill, int aWidth)
if( aCornerList.size() <= 1 )
unsigned last = aCornerList.size() - 1;
// Plot outlines with lines (thickness = 0) to define the polygon
if( aWidth == 0 || aFill )
if( aWidth <= 0 )
MoveTo( aCornerList[0] );
for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < aCornerList.size(); ii++ )
LineTo( aCornerList[ii] );
// Close polygon if 'fill' requested
unsigned last = aCornerList.size() - 1;
// Close polygon if 'fill' requested
if( aFill )
if( aCornerList[last] != aCornerList[0] )
LineTo( aCornerList[0] );
if( aFill )
if( aCornerList[last] != aCornerList[0] )
LineTo( aCornerList[0] );
// if the polygon outline has thickness, plot outlines with thick segments
if( aWidth > 0 )
// if the polygon outline has thickness, and is not filled
// (i.e. is a polyline) plot outlines with thick segments
if( aWidth > 0 && !aFill )
MoveTo( aCornerList[0] );
......@@ -355,10 +364,72 @@ void DXF_PLOTTER::PlotPoly( const std::vector< wxPoint >& aCornerList,
ThickSegment( aCornerList[ii-1], aCornerList[ii],
aWidth, FILLED );
if( aCornerList[last] != aCornerList[0] )
ThickSegment( aCornerList[last], aCornerList[0],
aWidth, FILLED );
// The polygon outline has thickness, and is filled
// Build and plot the polygon which contains the initial
// polygon and its thick outline
CPOLYGONS_LIST bufferOutline;
CPOLYGONS_LIST bufferPolybase;
const int circleToSegmentsCount = 16;
// enter outline as polygon:
for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < aCornerList.size(); ii++ )
TransformRoundedEndsSegmentToPolygon( bufferOutline,
aCornerList[ii-1], aCornerList[ii], circleToSegmentsCount, aWidth );
// enter the initial polygon:
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aCornerList.size(); ii++ )
CPolyPt polypoint( aCornerList[ii].x, aCornerList[ii].y );
bufferPolybase.Append( polypoint );
// Merge polygons to build the polygon which contains the initial
// polygon and its thick outline
KI_POLYGON_SET polysBase; // Store the main outline and the final outline
KI_POLYGON_SET polysOutline; // Store the thick segments to draw the outline
bufferPolybase.ExportTo( polysBase );
bufferOutline.ExportTo( polysOutline );
polysBase += polysOutline; // create the outline which contains thick outline
// We should have only one polygon in list, now.
wxASSERT( polysBase.size() == 1 );
if( polysBase.size() < 1 ) // should not happen
KI_POLYGON poly = polysBase[0]; // Expected only one polygon here
if( poly.size() < 2 ) // should not happen
// Now, output the final polygon to DXF file:
last = poly.size() - 1;
KI_POLY_POINT point = *(poly.begin());
wxPoint startPoint( point.x(), point.y() );
MoveTo( startPoint );
for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < poly.size(); ii++ )
point = *( poly.begin() + ii );
LineTo( wxPoint( point.x(), point.y() ) );
// Close polygon, if needed
point = *(poly.begin() + last);
wxPoint endPoint( point.x(), point.y() );
if( endPoint != startPoint )
LineTo( startPoint );
......@@ -325,25 +325,32 @@ void GERBER_PLOTTER::PlotPoly( const std::vector< wxPoint >& aCornerList,
if( aCornerList.size() <= 1 )
// Gerber format does not know filled polygons with thick outline
// Thereore, to plot a filled polygon with outline having a thickness,
// one should plot outline as thick segments
SetCurrentLineWidth( aWidth );
if( aFill )
fputs( "G36*\n", outputFile );
MoveTo( aCornerList[0] );
MoveTo( aCornerList[0] );
for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < aCornerList.size(); ii++ )
LineTo( aCornerList[ii] );
for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < aCornerList.size(); ii++ )
LineTo( aCornerList[ii] );
if( aFill )
FinishTo( aCornerList[0] );
fputs( "G37*\n", outputFile );
if( aWidth > 0 )
MoveTo( aCornerList[0] );
for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < aCornerList.size(); ii++ )
LineTo( aCornerList[ii] );
......@@ -264,6 +264,8 @@ void HPGL_PLOTTER::PlotPoly( const std::vector<wxPoint>& aCornerList,
if( aCornerList.size() <= 1 )
SetCurrentLineWidth( aWidth );
MoveTo( aCornerList[0] );
for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < aCornerList.size(); ii++ )
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -775,6 +775,8 @@ void DIALOG_PLOT::Plot( wxCommandEvent& event )
// Save the current plot options in the board
m_parent->SetPlotSettings( m_plotOpts );
wxBusyCursor dummy;
for( LAYER_NUM layer = FIRST_LAYER; layer < NB_PCB_LAYERS; ++layer )
if( m_plotOpts.GetLayerSelection() & GetLayerMask( layer ) )
......@@ -539,13 +539,14 @@ void BRDITEMS_PLOTTER::PlotFilledAreas( ZONE_CONTAINER* aZone )
// Plot the current filled area and its outline
if( GetMode() == FILLED )
// Plot the current filled area polygon
if( aZone->GetFillMode() == 0 ) // We are using solid polygons
{ // (if != 0: using segments )
m_plotter->PlotPoly( cornerList, FILLED_SHAPE );
// Plot the filled area polygon.
// The area can be filled by segments or uses solid polygons
if( aZone->GetFillMode() == 0 ) // We are using solid polygons
m_plotter->PlotPoly( cornerList, FILLED_SHAPE, aZone->GetMinThickness() );
else // We are using areas filled by
{ // segments: plot them )
else // We are using areas filled by segments: plot segments and outline
for( unsigned iseg = 0; iseg < aZone->FillSegments().size(); iseg++ )
wxPoint start = aZone->FillSegments()[iseg].m_Start;
......@@ -554,11 +555,11 @@ void BRDITEMS_PLOTTER::PlotFilledAreas( ZONE_CONTAINER* aZone )
GetMode() );
// Plot the current filled area outline
// Plot the area outline only
if( aZone->GetMinThickness() > 0 )
m_plotter->PlotPoly( cornerList, NO_FILL, aZone->GetMinThickness() );
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