Commit 34c74d17 authored by Lorenzo Marcantonio's avatar Lorenzo Marcantonio

Probable fix for compilation under wx 2.9 (doesnt hurt anyway)

parent e7711122
......@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::SaveSettings()
cfg->Write( m_FrameName + CursorShapeEntryKeyword, m_cursorShape );
cfg->Write( m_FrameName + ShowGridEntryKeyword, IsGridVisible() );
cfg->Write( m_FrameName + GridColorEntryKeyword, GetGridColor() );
cfg->Write( m_FrameName + GridColorEntryKeyword, ( long ) GetGridColor() );
cfg->Write( m_FrameName + LastGridSizeId, ( long ) m_LastGridSizeId );
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