Commit 2f41c401 authored by Wayne Stambaugh's avatar Wayne Stambaugh

Fix FreeRoute launcher Java executable path error on Windows (fixes lp:1087589)

parent 1886082f
......@@ -38,17 +38,16 @@
#include <dialog_freeroute_exchange.h>
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
#include <wx/msw/registry.h>
#define FREEROUTE_URL_KEY wxT( "freeroute_url" )
#define FREEROUTE_RUN_KEY wxT( "freeroute_command" )
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Access_to_External_Tool( wxCommandEvent& event )
/* Run an external tool (currently, only freeroute)
DIALOG_FREEROUTE dialog( this );
......@@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ DIALOG_FREEROUTE::DIALOG_FREEROUTE( PCB_EDIT_FRAME* parent ):
/* Specific data initialisation
/* Specific data initialization
......@@ -125,21 +124,59 @@ void DIALOG_FREEROUTE::OnImportButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
void DIALOG_FREEROUTE::OnLaunchButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxString FullFileName = FindKicadFile( wxT( "freeroute.jnlp" ) );
wxString url;
wxString command;
wxFileName fileName( FindKicadFile( wxT( "freeroute.jnlp" ) ), wxPATH_UNIX );
if( wxFileExists( FullFileName ) )
if( fileName.FileExists() )
wxString javaWebStartCommand = wxT( "javaws" );
// Find the Java web start application on Windows.
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
// If you thought the registry was brain dead before, now you have to deal with
// accessing it in either 64 or 32 bit mode depending on the build version of
// Windows and the build version of KiCad.
// This key works for 32 bit Java on 32 bit Windows and 64 bit Java on 64 bit Windows.
wxRegKey key( wxRegKey::HKLM, wxT( "SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Web Start" ),
wxIsPlatform64Bit() ? wxRegKey::WOW64ViewMode_64 :
wxRegKey::WOW64ViewMode_Default );
// It's possible that 32 bit Java is installed on 64 bit Windows.
if( !key.Exists() && wxIsPlatform64Bit() )
key.SetName( wxRegKey::HKLM, wxT( "SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\JavaSoft\\Java Web Start" ) );
if( !key.Exists() )
::wxMessageBox( _( "It appears that the Java run time environment is not "
"installed on this computer. Java is required to use "
"FreeRoute." ),
_( "Pcbnew Error" ), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR );
key.Open( wxRegKey::Read );
// Get the current version of java installed to determine the executable path.
wxString value;
key.QueryValue( wxT( "CurrentVersion" ), value );
key.SetName( key.GetName() + wxT( "\\" ) + value );
key.QueryValue( wxT( "Home" ), value );
javaWebStartCommand = value + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() + javaWebStartCommand;
// Wrap FullFileName in double quotes in case it has C:\Program Files in it.
// The space is interpreted as an argument separator.
command << wxT("javaws") << wxChar(' ') << wxChar('"') << FullFileName << wxChar('"');
command << javaWebStartCommand << wxChar( ' ' ) << wxChar( '"' )
<< fileName.GetFullPath() << wxChar( '"' );
ProcessExecute( command );
command = m_FreerouteURLName->GetValue() + wxT( "/java/freeroute.jnlp" );
url = m_FreerouteURLName->GetValue() + wxT( "/java/freeroute.jnlp" );
wxLaunchDefaultBrowser( command );
wxLaunchDefaultBrowser( url );
......@@ -179,5 +216,3 @@ void DIALOG_FREEROUTE::OnTextEditFrUrlUpdated( wxCommandEvent& event )
m_FreeRouteSetupChanged = true;
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