Commit 2e0941a1 authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck

Fix some comments. Enhance LEGACY_PLUGIN such that it can tolerate, then fix...

Fix some comments.  Enhance LEGACY_PLUGIN such that it can tolerate, then fix bad legacy footprint libraries containing duplicate footprint names.
This may have been an undocumented bug from more than a year ago, which manifested itself in *.mod files containing duplicate names.
LEGACY_PLUGIN loads those now quietly, but appends "_v2", "_v3", etc. to each succeeding duplicate sharing the same name.
parent 6824dc71
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ bool BASE_SCREEN::SetZoom( double iu_per_du )
if( iu_per_du == m_Zoom )
return false;
wxLogDebug( "Zoom:%16g 1/Zoom:%16g", iu_per_du, 1/iu_per_du );
wxLogDebug( "Zoom:%.16g 1/Zoom:%.16g", iu_per_du, 1/iu_per_du );
if( iu_per_du < GetMinAllowedZoom() )
return false;
......@@ -410,17 +410,17 @@ void PDF_PLOTTER::closePdfStream()
wxASSERT( workFile );
// Ask for the stream length
int stream_len = ftell( workFile );
// Now we do a trick: rewind the file, read in the page stream and FLATE it
// Rewind the file, read in the page stream and DEFLATE it
fseek( workFile, 0, SEEK_SET );
unsigned char *inbuf = new unsigned char[stream_len];
int rc = fread( inbuf, 1, stream_len, workFile );
wxASSERT( rc == stream_len );
(void) rc;
// We have done with the temporary file, junk it
// We are done with the temporary file, junk it
fclose( workFile );
workFile = 0;
::wxRemoveFile( workFilename );
......@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ void PDF_PLOTTER::closePdfStream()
/* Somewhat standard parameters to compress in DEFLATE. The PDF spec is
misleading, it says it wants a FLATE stream but it really want a ZLIB
misleading, it says it wants a DEFLATE stream but it really want a ZLIB
stream! (a DEFLATE stream would be generated with -15 instead of 15)
rc = deflateInit2( &zstrm, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, Z_DEFLATED, 15,
......@@ -440,7 +440,9 @@ void PDF_PLOTTER::closePdfStream()
zos.Write( inbuf, stream_len );
} // flush the zip stream using destructor
delete[] inbuf;
} // flush the zip stream using zos destructor
wxStreamBuffer* sb = memos.GetOutputStreamBuffer();
......@@ -448,8 +450,6 @@ void PDF_PLOTTER::closePdfStream()
fwrite( sb->GetBufferStart(), 1, out_count, outputFile );
delete[] inbuf;
fputs( "endstream\n", outputFile );
......@@ -123,12 +123,12 @@ public:
bool m_FirstRedraw;
// Undo/redo list of commands
UNDO_REDO_CONTAINER m_UndoList; ///< Objects list for the undo command (old data)
UNDO_REDO_CONTAINER m_RedoList; ///< Objects list for the redo command (old data)
unsigned m_UndoRedoCountMax; ///< undo/Redo command Max depth
UNDO_REDO_CONTAINER m_UndoList; ///< Objects list for the undo command (old data)
UNDO_REDO_CONTAINER m_RedoList; ///< Objects list for the redo command (old data)
unsigned m_UndoRedoCountMax; ///< undo/Redo command Max depth
// block control
BLOCK_SELECTOR m_BlockLocate; ///< Block description for block commands
BLOCK_SELECTOR m_BlockLocate; ///< Block description for block commands
int m_ScreenNumber;
int m_NumberOfScreen;
......@@ -303,26 +303,30 @@ public:
double GetMinAllowedZoom() const { return m_ZoomList.size() ? *m_ZoomList.begin() : 1.0; }
* Function GetScalingFactor
* returns the the current scale used to draw items on screen
* draw coordinates are user coordinates * GetScalingFactor()
double GetScalingFactor() const;
* Function SetScalingFactor
* sets the scaling factor of "device units per internal unit".
* sets the scaling factor of "internal unit per device unit".
* If the output device is a screen, then "device units" are pixels. The
* "logical unit" is wx terminology, and corresponds to KiCad's "Internal Unit (IU)".
* Another way of thinking of scaling factor, when applied to a screen,
* is "pixelsPerIU"
* <p>
* This scaling factor is "internal units per device unit". This function is
* the same thing currently as SetZoom(), but clamps the argument within a
* legal range.
* @param aScale = the the current scale used to draw items onto the device context wxDC.
* device coordinates (pixels) = IU coordinates * GetScalingFactor()
* @param iu_per_du is the current scale used to draw items onto the device
* context wxDC.
void SetScalingFactor( double aScale );
void SetScalingFactor( double iu_per_du );
* Function GetScalingFactor
* returns the inverse of the current scale used to draw items on screen.
* <p>
* This function somehow got designed to be the inverse of SetScalingFactor().
* <p>
* device coordinates = user coordinates * GetScalingFactor()
double GetScalingFactor() const;
//----<grid stuff>----------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -942,6 +942,8 @@ MODULE* LEGACY_PLUGIN::LoadMODULE()
else if( TESTLINE( "Li" ) ) // Library name of footprint
// There can be whitespace in the footprint name on some old libraries.
// Grab everything after "Li" up to end of line:
module->SetLibRef( FROM_UTF8( StrPurge( line + SZ( "Li" ) ) ) );
......@@ -3903,16 +3905,54 @@ void FPL_CACHE::LoadModules( LINE_READER* aReader )
// wxString footprintName = m->GetReference();
wxString footprintName = m->GetLibRef();
std::pair<MODULE_ITER, bool> r = m_modules.insert( footprintName, m );
// m's module is gone here, both on success or failure of insertion.
// no memory leak, container deleted m on failure.
There was a bug in old legacy library management code
(pre-LEGACY_PLUGIN) which was introducing duplicate footprint names
in legacy libraries without notification. To best recover from such
bad libraries, and use them to their fullest, there are a few
strategies that could be used. (Note: footprints must have unique
names to be accepted into this cache.) The strategy used here is to
append a differentiating version counter to the end of the name as:
_v2, _v3, etc.
if( !r.second )
MODULE_CITER it = m_modules.find( footprintName );
if( it == m_modules.end() ) // footprintName is not present in cache yet.
THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format(
_( "library '%s' has a duplicate footprint named '%s'" ),
m_lib_name.GetData(), footprintName.GetData() ) );
std::pair<MODULE_ITER, bool> r = m_modules.insert( footprintName, m );
wxASSERT_MSG( r.second, wxT( "error doing cache insert using guaranteed unique name" ) );
(void) r;
// Bad library has a duplicate of this footprintName, generate a
// unique footprint name and load it anyway.
bool nameOK = false;
int version = 2;
while( !nameOK )
wxString newName = footprintName;
newName << wxT( "_v" ) << version++;
it = m_modules.find( newName );
if( it == m_modules.end() )
nameOK = true;
m->SetLibRef( newName );
std::pair<MODULE_ITER, bool> r = m_modules.insert( newName, m );
wxASSERT_MSG( r.second, wxT( "error doing cache insert using guaranteed unique name" ) );
(void) r;
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