Commit 2c03bf41 authored by Maciej Suminski's avatar Maciej Suminski

Removed TA_ActivateTool (now tools are invoked by sending TA_Action event,...

Removed TA_ActivateTool (now tools are invoked by sending TA_Action event, with the tool name as string parameter).
Developed TOOL_Action class & added ActionManager. Hot keys registered by tools are processed.
Selection & move tool can be invoked by a hot key.
parent eb784536
......@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ set(COMMON_SRCS
......@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ const std::string TOOL_EVENT::Format() const
{ TA_ViewDirty, "view-dirty" },
{ TA_ChangeLayer, "change-layer" },
{ TA_CancelTool, "cancel-tool" },
{ TA_ActivateTool, "activate-tool" },
{ TA_ContextMenuUpdate, "context-menu-update" },
{ TA_ContextMenuChoice, "context-menu-choice" },
{ TA_Action, "action" },
{ 0, "" }
......@@ -82,9 +82,8 @@ struct TOOL_MANAGER::TOOL_STATE
m_model( NULL ), m_view( NULL )
m_actionMgr( this ), m_model( NULL ), m_view( NULL )
......@@ -128,38 +127,79 @@ bool TOOL_MANAGER::InvokeTool( TOOL_ID aToolId )
TOOL_BASE* tool = FindTool( aToolId );
if( tool && tool->GetType() == TOOL_Interactive )
// If the tool is already active, do not invoke it again
if( m_toolIdIndex[aToolId]->idle == false )
return false;
return invokeTool( tool );
m_toolIdIndex[aToolId]->idle = false;
static_cast<TOOL_INTERACTIVE*>( tool )->Reset();
return false;
TOOL_EVENT evt( TC_Command, TA_ActivateTool, tool->GetName() );
ProcessEvent( evt );
// Save the tool on the front of the processing queue
m_activeTools.push_front( aToolId );
bool TOOL_MANAGER::InvokeTool( const std::string& aToolName )
TOOL_BASE* tool = FindTool( aToolName );
return true;
if( tool && tool->GetType() == TOOL_Interactive )
return invokeTool( tool );
return false;
bool TOOL_MANAGER::InvokeTool( const std::string& aName )
bool TOOL_MANAGER::invokeTool( TOOL_BASE* aTool )
TOOL_BASE* tool = FindTool( aName );
wxASSERT( aTool != NULL );
if( tool )
return InvokeTool( tool->GetId() );
TOOL_EVENT evt( TC_Command, TA_Action, aTool->GetName() );
ProcessEvent( evt );
return true;
bool TOOL_MANAGER::runTool( TOOL_ID aToolId )
TOOL_BASE* tool = FindTool( aToolId );
if( tool && tool->GetType() == TOOL_Interactive )
return runTool( tool );
return false;
bool TOOL_MANAGER::runTool( const std::string& aToolName )
TOOL_BASE* tool = FindTool( aToolName );
if( tool && tool->GetType() == TOOL_Interactive )
return runTool( tool );
return false;
bool TOOL_MANAGER::runTool( TOOL_BASE* aTool )
wxASSERT( aTool != NULL );
if( !isRegistered( aTool ) )
return false;
TOOL_STATE* state = m_toolState[aTool];
// If the tool is already active, do not invoke it again
if( state->idle == false )
return false;
state->idle = false;
static_cast<TOOL_INTERACTIVE*>( aTool )->Reset();
// Add the tool on the front of the processing queue (it gets events first)
m_activeTools.push_front( aTool->GetId() );
return true;
TOOL_BASE* TOOL_MANAGER::FindTool( int aId ) const
std::map<TOOL_ID, TOOL_STATE*>::const_iterator it = m_toolIdIndex.find( aId );
......@@ -228,7 +268,8 @@ void TOOL_MANAGER::dispatchInternal( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
finishTool( st );
// The tool requested to stop propagating event to other tools
// If the tool did not request to propagate
// the event to other tools, we should stop it now
if( !m_passEvent )
......@@ -269,6 +310,21 @@ void TOOL_MANAGER::dispatchInternal( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
bool TOOL_MANAGER::dispatchActivation( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
BOOST_FOREACH( TOOL_STATE* st, m_toolState | boost::adaptors::map_values )
if( st->theTool->GetName() == aEvent.m_commandStr )
runTool( st->theTool );
return true;
return false;
void TOOL_MANAGER::finishTool( TOOL_STATE* aState )
wxASSERT( m_activeTools.front() == aState->theTool->GetId() );
......@@ -286,8 +342,18 @@ bool TOOL_MANAGER::ProcessEvent( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
// wxLogDebug( "event: %s", aEvent.Format().c_str() );
if( aEvent.Action() == TA_KeyUp )
// Check if there is a hotkey associated
if( m_actionMgr.RunHotKey( aEvent.Modifier() | aEvent.KeyCode() ) )
return false; // hotkey event was handled so it does not go any further
} else if( aEvent.Category() == TC_Command ) // it may be a tool activation event
dispatchActivation( aEvent );
dispatchInternal( aEvent );
BOOST_FOREACH( TOOL_ID toolId, m_activeTools )
TOOL_STATE* st = m_toolIdIndex[toolId];
......@@ -359,3 +425,12 @@ void TOOL_MANAGER::SetEnvironment( EDA_ITEM* aModel, KiGfx::VIEW* aView,
static_cast<TOOL_INTERACTIVE*>( tool )->Reset();
bool TOOL_MANAGER::isActive( TOOL_BASE* aTool )
if( !isRegistered( aTool ) )
return false;
return !m_toolState[aTool]->idle;
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2013 CERN
* @author Tomasz Wlostowski <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef __TOOL_ACTION_H
#define __TOOL_ACTION_H
......@@ -5,82 +29,157 @@
#include <wx/wx.h>
#include <tool/tool_base.h>
///> Scope of tool actions
enum TOOL_ActionScope {
SCOPE_CONTEXT = 1, ///> Action belongs to a particular tool (i.e. a part of a pop-up menu)
SCOPE_GLOBAL ///> Global action (toolbar/main menu event, global shortcut)
#include <tool/action_manager.h>
// TOOL_ACTION - represents a single action. For instance:
// - changing layer to top by pressing PgUp
// - running the DRC from the menu
// and so on, and so forth....
const std::string& name,
TOOL_ActionScope scope = SCOPE_GLOBAL,
int aDefaultHotKey = 0,
const wxString& menuItem = wxT(""),
const wxString& menuDesc = wxT("")
) :
m_menuDescription(menuDesc) {}
bool operator == ( const TOOL_ACTION& rhs ) const
return m_id == rhs.m_id;
bool operator != ( const TOOL_ACTION& rhs ) const
return m_id != rhs.m_id;
bool hasHotKey() const
return m_currentHotKey > 0;
friend class TOOL_MANAGER;
void setId ( int aId )
m_id = aId;
// name of the action (convention is: app.[tool.]
std::string m_name;
TOOL_ActionScope m_scope;
int m_defaultHotKey;
int m_currentHotKey;
// Menu item text
wxString m_menuItem;
// Pop-up help
wxString m_menuDescription;
//KiBitmap m_bitmap;
// Unique ID for fast matching. Assigned by TOOL_MANAGER
int m_id;
// Origin of the action
TOOL_BASE *m_origin;
// Originating UI object
wxWindow *m_uiOrigin;
TOOL_ACTION( const std::string& aName, TOOL_ActionScope aScope = AS_CONTEXT, int aDefaultHotKey = 0,
const wxString& aMenuItem = wxT( "" ), const wxString& aMenuDesc = wxT( "" ) ) :
m_name( aName ), m_scope( aScope ), m_defaultHotKey( aDefaultHotKey ),
m_currentHotKey( aDefaultHotKey ), m_menuItem( aMenuItem ),
m_menuDescription( aMenuDesc ), m_id( -1 ), m_actionMgr( NULL )
if( m_actionMgr )
m_actionMgr->UnregisterAction( this );
bool operator==( const TOOL_ACTION& aRhs ) const
return m_id == aRhs.m_id;
bool operator!=( const TOOL_ACTION& aRhs ) const
return m_id != aRhs.m_id;
* Function GetName()
* Returns name of the action. It is the same one that is contained in TOOL_EVENT that is
* sent by activating the TOOL_ACTION.
* @return Name of the action.
const std::string& GetName() const
return m_name;
* Function GetId()
* Returns the unique id of the TOOL_ACTION object. It is valid only after registering the
* @return The unique identification number. If the number is negative, then it is not valid.
int GetId() const
return m_id;
* Function ChangeHotKey()
* Assigns a new hot key.
* @param aNewHotKey is the new hot key.
void ChangeHotKey( int aNewHotKey )
wxASSERT_MSG( false, wxT( "It is not fully implemented yet") );
// I mean it has to be changed in the ACTION_MANAGER, or change the implementation
m_currentHotKey = aNewHotKey;
* Function RestoreHotKey()
* Changes the assigned hot key to the default one.
void RestoreHotKey()
wxASSERT_MSG( false, wxT( "It is not fully implemented yet") );
// I mean it has to be changed in the ACTION_MANAGER, or change the implementation
m_currentHotKey = m_defaultHotKey;
* Function HasHotKey()
* Checks if the action has a hot key assigned.
* @return True if there is a hot key assigned, false otherwise.
bool HasHotKey() const
return m_currentHotKey > 0;
* Function GetEvent()
* Returns the event associated with the action (ie. the event that will be sent after
* activating the action).
* @return The event associated with the action.
TOOL_EVENT GetEvent() const
return TOOL_EVENT( TC_Command, TA_Action, m_name, m_scope );
friend class ACTION_MANAGER;
/// Assigns an unique identifier. It is given by an instance of ACTION_MANAGER.
void setId( int aId )
m_id = aId;
/// Assigns ACTION_MANAGER object that handles the TOOL_ACTION.
void setActionMgr( ACTION_MANAGER* aManager )
m_actionMgr = aManager;
/// Name of the action (convention is: app.[tool.]
std::string m_name;
/// Scope of the action (ie. the event that is issued after activation).
TOOL_ActionScope m_scope;
/// Default hot key that activates the action.
const int m_defaultHotKey;
/// Custom assigned hot key that activates the action.
int m_currentHotKey;
/// Menu entry text
wxString m_menuItem;
/// Pop-up help
wxString m_menuDescription;
// Icon for menu entry
//KiBitmap m_bitmap;
/// Unique ID for fast matching. Assigned by ACTION_MANAGER.
int m_id;
/// Action manager that handles this TOOL_ACTION.
ACTION_MANAGER* m_actionMgr;
/// Origin of the action
// const TOOL_BASE* m_origin;
/// Originating UI object
// wxWindow* m_uiOrigin;
......@@ -74,15 +74,16 @@ enum TOOL_Actions
// Tool cancel event. Issued automagically when the user hits escape or selects End Tool from the context menu.
TA_CancelTool = 0x2000,
// Tool activation event. Issued by the GUI upon pressing a button/menu selection.
TA_ActivateTool = 0x4000,
// Context menu update. Issued whenever context menu is open and the user hovers the mouse over one of choices.
// Used in dynamic highligting in disambiguation menu
TA_ContextMenuUpdate = 0x8000,
TA_ContextMenuUpdate = 0x4000,
// Context menu choice. Sent if the user picked something from the context menu or closed it without selecting anything.
TA_ContextMenuChoice = 0x10000,
TA_ContextMenuChoice = 0x8000,
// Tool action
TA_Action = 0x10000,
TA_Any = 0xffffffff
......@@ -104,7 +105,15 @@ enum TOOL_Modifiers
MD_ModifierMask = MD_ModShift | MD_ModCtrl | MD_ModAlt,
// Defines when a context menu is opened.
/// Scope of tool actions
enum TOOL_ActionScope
AS_CONTEXT = 1, ///> Action belongs to a particular tool (i.e. a part of a pop-up menu)
AS_ACTIVE, ///> All active tools
AS_GLOBAL ///> Global action (toolbar/main menu event, global shortcut)
/// Defines when a context menu is opened.
CMENU_BUTTON = 0, // On the right button
......@@ -122,16 +131,19 @@ class TOOL_EVENT
const std::string Format() const;
TOOL_EVENT( TOOL_EventCategory aCategory = TC_None, TOOL_Actions aAction = TA_None ) :
TOOL_EVENT( TOOL_EventCategory aCategory = TC_None, TOOL_Actions aAction = TA_None,
TOOL_ActionScope aScope = AS_GLOBAL ) :
m_category( aCategory ),
m_actions( aAction ),
m_scope( aScope ),
m_mouseButtons( 0 ),
m_keyCode( 0 ),
m_modifiers( 0 ) {}
TOOL_EVENT( TOOL_EventCategory aCategory, TOOL_Actions aAction, int aExtraParam ) :
TOOL_EVENT( TOOL_EventCategory aCategory, TOOL_Actions aAction, int aExtraParam, TOOL_ActionScope aScope = AS_GLOBAL ) :
m_category( aCategory ),
m_actions( aAction )
m_actions( aAction ),
m_scope( aScope )
if( aCategory == TC_Mouse )
......@@ -153,16 +165,16 @@ public:
TOOL_EVENT( TOOL_EventCategory aCategory, TOOL_Actions aAction,
const std::string& aExtraParam ) :
const std::string& aExtraParam, TOOL_ActionScope aScope = AS_GLOBAL ) :
m_category( aCategory ),
m_actions( aAction ),
m_scope( aScope ),
m_mouseButtons( 0 )
if( aCategory == TC_Command )
m_commandStr = aExtraParam;
TOOL_EventCategory Category() const
return m_category;
......@@ -285,6 +297,7 @@ private:
TOOL_EventCategory m_category;
TOOL_Actions m_actions;
TOOL_ActionScope m_scope;
VECTOR2D m_mouseDelta;
VECTOR2D m_mousePos;
......@@ -314,9 +327,15 @@ public:
TOOL_EVENT_LIST( const TOOL_EVENT& aSingleEvent )
m_events.push_back( aSingleEvent );
* Function Format()
* Returns information about event in form of a human-readable string.
* @return Event information.
const std::string Format() const;
boost::optional<const TOOL_EVENT&> Matches( const TOOL_EVENT &b ) const
......@@ -25,17 +25,14 @@
#ifndef __TOOL_MANAGER_H
#define __TOOL_MANAGER_H
#include <cstdio>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include <math/vector2d.h>
#include <tool/tool_event.h>
#include <tool/tool_base.h>
#include <tool/action_manager.h>
class TOOL_BASE;
......@@ -69,24 +66,61 @@ public:
* Function InvokeTool()
* Calls a tool by sending a tool activation event to tool of given ID or name.
* An user-defined parameter object can be also passed
* Calls a tool by sending a tool activation event to tool of given ID.
* @param aToolId is the ID number of the requested tool.
* @return True if the requested tool was invoked successfully.
bool InvokeTool( TOOL_ID aToolId );
bool InvokeTool( const std::string& aName );
template <class Parameters>
void InvokeTool( const std::string& aName, const Parameters& aToolParams );
* Function InvokeTool()
* Calls a tool by sending a tool activation event to tool of given name.
* @param aToolName is the name of the requested tool.
* @return True if the requested tool was invoked successfully.
bool InvokeTool( const std::string& aToolName );
* Function RegisterAction()
* Registers an action that can be used to control tools (eg. invoke, trigger specific
* behaviours).
* @param aAction is the action to be registered.
void RegisterAction( TOOL_ACTION* aAction )
m_actionMgr.RegisterAction( aAction );
* Function UnregisterAction()
* Unregisters an action, so it is no longer active.
* @param aAction is the action to be unregistered.
void UnregisterAction( TOOL_ACTION* aAction )
m_actionMgr.UnregisterAction( aAction );
* Function FindTool()
* Searches for a tool with given name or ID
* Searches for a tool with given ID.
* @return Pointer to the request tool of NULL in case of failure.
* @param aId is the ID number of the requested tool.
* @return Pointer to the requested tool or NULL in case of failure.
TOOL_BASE* FindTool( int aId ) const;
* Function FindTool()
* Searches for a tool with given name.
* @param aName is the name of the requested tool.
* @return Pointer to the requested tool or NULL in case of failure.
TOOL_BASE* FindTool( const std::string& aName ) const;
......@@ -170,19 +204,103 @@ private:
void dispatchInternal( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent );
* Function dispatchActivation()
* Checks if it is a valid activation event and invokes a proper tool.
* @param aEvent is an event to be tested.
* @return True if a tool was invoked, false otherwise.
bool dispatchActivation( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent );
* Function invokeTool()
* Invokes a tool by sending a proper event.
* @param aTool is the tool to be invoked.
bool invokeTool( TOOL_BASE* aTool );
* Function runTool()
* Makes a tool active, so it can receive events and react to them. Activated tool is pushed
* on the active tools stack, so the last activated tool receives events first.
* @param aToolId is the ID number of tool to be run.
bool runTool( TOOL_ID aToolId );
* Function runTool()
* Makes a tool active, so it can receive events and react to them. Activated tool is pushed
* on the active tools stack, so the last activated tool receives events first.
* @param aToolId is the name of tool to be run.
bool runTool( const std::string& aName );
* Function runTool()
* Makes a tool active, so it can receive events and react to them. Activated tool is pushed
* on the active tools stack, so the last activated tool receives events first.
* @param aToolId is the tool to be run.
bool runTool( TOOL_BASE* aTool );
template <class Parameters>
void invokeTool( const std::string& aName, const Parameters& aToolParams );
* Function finishTool()
* Deactivates a tool and does the necessary clean up.
* @param aState is the state variable of the tool to be stopped.
void finishTool( TOOL_STATE* aState );
* Function isRegistered()
* Returns information about a tool registration status.
* @param aTool is the tool to be checked.
* @return True if the tool is in the registered tools list, false otherwise.
bool isRegistered( TOOL_BASE* aTool ) const
return ( m_toolState.count( aTool ) > 0 );
* Function isActive()
* Returns information about a tool activation status.
* @param aTool is the tool to be checked.
* @return True if the tool is on the active tools stack, false otherwise.
bool isActive( TOOL_BASE* aTool );
/// Index of registered tools current states, associated by tools' objects.
std::map<TOOL_BASE*, TOOL_STATE*> m_toolState;
/// Index of the registered tools current states, associated by tools' names.
std::map<std::string, TOOL_STATE*> m_toolNameIndex;
/// Index of the registered tools current states, associated by tools' ID numbers.
std::map<TOOL_ID, TOOL_STATE*> m_toolIdIndex;
/// Stack of the active tools
std::deque<TOOL_ID> m_activeTools;
EDA_ITEM* m_model;
KiGfx::VIEW* m_view;
KiGfx::VIEW_CONTROLS* m_viewControls;
wxWindow* m_editFrame;
/// Flag saying if the currently processed event should be passed to other tools.
bool m_passEvent;
/// Pointer to the tool on the top of the active tools stack.
TOOL_STATE* m_currentTool;
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ namespace KiGfx
class VIEW_GROUP : public VIEW_ITEM
virtual ~VIEW_GROUP();
......@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ using namespace KiGfx;
using namespace std;
using boost::optional;
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_AutoEndRoute ( "AutoEndRoute", SCOPE_CONTEXT, 'F' );
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_PlaceVia ( "PlaceVia", SCOPE_CONTEXT, 'V' );
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_OpenRouteOptions ( "OpenRouterOptions", SCOPE_CONTEXT, 'E' );
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_SwitchPosture ( "SwitchPosture", SCOPE_CONTEXT, '/' );
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_EndTrack ( "SwitchPosture", SCOPE_CONTEXT, WXK_END );
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_AutoEndRoute ( "AutoEndRoute", AS_CONTEXT, 'F' );
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_PlaceVia ( "PlaceVia", AS_CONTEXT, 'V' );
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_OpenRouteOptions ( "OpenRouterOptions", AS_CONTEXT, 'E' );
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_SwitchPosture ( "SwitchPosture", AS_CONTEXT, '/' );
static TOOL_ACTION ACT_EndTrack ( "SwitchPosture", AS_CONTEXT, WXK_END );
TOOL_INTERACTIVE( "pcbnew.InteractiveRouter" )
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ void ROUTER_TOOL::Reset()
m_router->SetView( getView() );
Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::Main, TOOL_EVENT( TC_Command, TA_ActivateTool, GetName() ) );
Go( &ROUTER_TOOL::Main, TOOL_EVENT( TC_Command, TA_Action, GetName() ) );
int ROUTER_TOOL::getDefaultWidth( int aNetCode )
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#include <class_board.h>
#include <class_module.h>
#include <tool/tool_manager.h>
#include <view/view_group.h>
#include <tool/tool_action.h>
#include <view/view_controls.h>
#include "selection_tool.h"
......@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ using namespace KiGfx;
using boost::optional;
TOOL_INTERACTIVE( "pcbnew.InteractiveMove" ), m_selectionTool( NULL )
TOOL_INTERACTIVE( "pcbnew.InteractiveMove" ), m_selectionTool( NULL ),
m_activate( m_toolName, AS_GLOBAL, 'M', "Move", "Moves the selected item(s)" )
......@@ -47,6 +48,8 @@ MOVE_TOOL::~MOVE_TOOL()
void MOVE_TOOL::Reset()
m_toolMgr->RegisterAction( &m_activate );
// Find the selection tool, so they can cooperate
TOOL_BASE* selectionTool = m_toolMgr->FindTool( std::string( "pcbnew.InteractiveSelection" ) );
......@@ -60,8 +63,8 @@ void MOVE_TOOL::Reset()
// the tool launches upon reception of activate ("pcbnew.InteractiveMove")
Go( &MOVE_TOOL::Main, TOOL_EVENT( TC_Command, TA_ActivateTool, GetName() ) );
// the tool launches upon reception of action event ("pcbnew.InteractiveMove")
Go( &MOVE_TOOL::Main, m_activate.GetEvent() );
......@@ -69,13 +72,12 @@ int MOVE_TOOL::Main( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
VECTOR2D dragPosition;
bool dragging = false;
bool restore = false;
bool restore = false; // Should items' state be restored when finishing the tool?
VIEW* view = m_toolMgr->GetView();
std::set<BOARD_ITEM*> selection;
VIEW_GROUP items( view );
view->Add( &items );
m_toolMgr->GetViewControls()->SetSnapping( true );
view->Add( &m_items );
getViewControls()->SetSnapping( true );
getViewControls()->SetAutoPan( true );
// Main loop: keep receiving events
while( OPT_TOOL_EVENT evt = Wait() )
......@@ -83,73 +85,68 @@ int MOVE_TOOL::Main( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
if( evt->IsCancel() )
restore = true;
break; // Finish
if( evt->IsDrag( MB_Left ) )
if( evt->IsMotion() || evt->IsDrag( MB_Left ) )
if( dragging )
// Dragging is alre
// Dragging is already active
VECTOR2D movement = ( evt->Position() - dragPosition );
std::set<BOARD_ITEM*>::iterator it, it_end;
for( it = selection.begin(), it_end = selection.end(); it != it_end; ++it )
// so move all the selected items
for( it = m_selection.begin(), it_end = m_selection.end(); it != it_end; ++it )
(*it)->Move( wxPoint( movement.x, movement.y ) );
items.ViewUpdate( VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY );
// Begin dragging
selection = m_selectionTool->GetSelection();
// Prepare to drag
m_selection = m_selectionTool->GetSelection();
if( m_selection.empty() )
break; // there are no items to operate on
std::set<BOARD_ITEM*>::iterator it;
for( it = selection.begin(); it != selection.end(); ++it )
for( it = m_selection.begin(); it != m_selection.end(); ++it )
viewGroupAdd( *it, &items );
// Gather all selected items into one VIEW_GROUP
viewGroupAdd( *it, &m_items );
// but if a MODULE was selected, then we need to redraw all of it's parts
// Modules are treated in a special way - when they are moved, we have to
// move all the parts that make the module, not the module itself
if( (*it)->Type() == PCB_MODULE_T )
MODULE* module = static_cast<MODULE*>( *it );
// Move everything that belongs to the module
// Add everything that belongs to the module (besides the module itself)
for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads().GetFirst(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
viewGroupAdd( pad, &items );
viewGroupAdd( pad, &m_items );
for( BOARD_ITEM* drawing = module->GraphicalItems().GetFirst(); drawing;
drawing = drawing->Next() )
viewGroupAdd( drawing, &items );
viewGroupAdd( drawing, &m_items );
viewGroupAdd( &module->Reference(), &items );
viewGroupAdd( &module->Value(), &items );
viewGroupAdd( &module->Reference(), &m_items );
viewGroupAdd( &module->Value(), &m_items );
items.ViewUpdate( VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY );
dragging = true;
m_items.ViewUpdate( VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY );
dragPosition = evt->Position();
else if( evt->Category() == TC_Mouse ) // Filter out other events
if( dragging )
break; // Finish
else if( evt->IsMouseUp( MB_Left ) || evt->IsClick( MB_Left ) )
break; // Finish
// Clean-up after movement
std::deque<ITEM_STATE>::iterator it, it_end;
if( restore )
// Movement has to be rollbacked, so restore previous state of items
// Movement has to be rollbacked, so restore the previous state of items
for( it = m_itemsState.begin(), it_end = m_itemsState.end(); it != it_end; ++it )
......@@ -164,9 +161,10 @@ int MOVE_TOOL::Main( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
view->Remove( &items );
m_toolMgr->GetViewControls()->SetSnapping( false );
view->Remove( &m_items );
getViewControls()->SetSnapping( false );
getViewControls()->SetAutoPan( false );
return 0;
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include <math/vector2d.h>
#include <tool/tool_interactive.h>
#include <view/view_group.h>
......@@ -38,13 +39,8 @@ class VIEW_GROUP;
* /// TODO DOCS!!
* Our sample move tool: currently supports:
* - pick single objects (click LMB)
* - add objects to existing move (Shift+LMB)
* - draw move box (drag LMB)
* Our sample move tool. Allows to move items selected by pcbnew.InteractiveSelection.
......@@ -68,6 +64,7 @@ public:
int Main( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent );
/// Adds an item to the VIEW_GROUP that holds all moved items and displays them on the overlay
void viewGroupAdd( BOARD_ITEM* aItem, KiGfx::VIEW_GROUP* aGroup );
/// Structure for (re)storing BOARD_ITEM state
......@@ -108,7 +105,17 @@ private:
/// Selection tool used for obtaining selected items
SELECTION_TOOL* m_selectionTool;
/// Stores the initial state of moved items (so it is possible to rollback changes)
std::deque<ITEM_STATE> m_itemsState;
/// Set of selected items (obtained from pcbnew.
std::set<BOARD_ITEM*> m_selection;
/// VIEW_GROUP that helds currently moved items
KiGfx::VIEW_GROUP m_items;
/// Register hotkey fot activation of the move tool
TOOL_ACTION m_activate;
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2013 CERN
* @author Tomasz Wlostowski <>
* @author Maciej Suminski <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
......@@ -48,7 +49,8 @@ using namespace KiGfx;
using boost::optional;
TOOL_INTERACTIVE( "pcbnew.InteractiveSelection" ), m_multiple( false )
TOOL_INTERACTIVE( "pcbnew.InteractiveSelection" ), m_multiple( false ),
m_activate( m_toolName, AS_GLOBAL, 'S', "Selection tool", "Allows to select items" )
m_selArea = new SELECTION_AREA;
......@@ -63,93 +65,63 @@ SELECTION_TOOL::~SELECTION_TOOL()
void SELECTION_TOOL::Reset()
m_toolMgr->RegisterAction( &m_activate );
// The tool launches upon reception of activate ("pcbnew.InteractiveSelection")
Go( &SELECTION_TOOL::Main, TOOL_EVENT( TC_Command, TA_ActivateTool, GetName() ) );
// The tool launches upon reception of action event ("pcbnew.InteractiveSelection")
Go( &SELECTION_TOOL::Main, m_activate.GetEvent() );
bool dragging = false;
bool allowMultiple = true;
BOARD* board = getModel<BOARD>( PCB_T );
if( !board )
return 0;
wxASSERT( board != NULL );
// Main loop: keep receiving events
while( OPT_TOOL_EVENT evt = Wait() )
// Should selected items be added to the current selection or
// become the new selection (discarding previously selected items)
m_additive = evt->Modifier( MD_ModShift );
if( evt->IsCancel() )
if( !m_selectedItems.empty() )
if( !m_selectedItems.empty() ) // Cancel event deselects items...
break; // Finish
else // ...unless there is nothing selected
// single click? Select single object
if( evt->IsClick( MB_Left ) )
selectSingle( evt->Position() );
// unlock the multiple selection box
if( evt->IsMouseUp( MB_Left ) )
allowMultiple = true;
// drag with LMB? Select multiple objects (or at least draw a selection box) or drag them
if( evt->IsDrag( MB_Left ) )
dragging = true;
getViewControls()->SetAutoPan( true );
if( m_selectedItems.empty() || m_additive )
// If nothings has been selected or user wants to select more
// draw the selection box
if( allowMultiple )
allowMultiple = !selectMultiple();
bool runTool = false;
// Check if dragging event started within the currently selected items bounding box
std::set<BOARD_ITEM*>::iterator it, it_end;
for( it = m_selectedItems.begin(), it_end = m_selectedItems.end();
it != it_end; ++it )
if( containsSelected( evt->Position() ) )
BOX2I itemBox = (*it)->ViewBBox();
itemBox.Inflate( 500000 ); // Give some margin for gripping an item
if( itemBox.Contains( evt->Position() ) )
// Click event occurred within a selected item bounding box
// -> user wants to drag selected items
runTool = true;
if( runTool )
m_toolMgr->InvokeTool( "pcbnew.InteractiveMove" );
else if( dragging )
dragging = false;
getViewControls()->SetAutoPan( false );
// Restore the default settings
getViewControls()->SetAutoPan( false );
return 0;
......@@ -166,7 +138,7 @@ void SELECTION_TOOL::toggleSelection( BOARD_ITEM* aItem )
if( !m_additive )
// Prevent selection of invisible items
// Prevent selection of invisible or inactive items
if( selectable( aItem ) )
......@@ -272,17 +244,17 @@ BOARD_ITEM* SELECTION_TOOL::pickSmallestComponent( GENERAL_COLLECTOR* aCollector
bool SELECTION_TOOL::selectMultiple()
VIEW* v = getView();
VIEW* view = getView();
bool cancelled = false;
m_multiple = true;
m_multiple = true; // Multiple selection mode is active
getViewControls()->SetAutoPan( true );
// Those 2 lines remove the blink-in-the-random-place effect
m_selArea->SetOrigin( VECTOR2I( 0, 0 ) );
m_selArea->SetEnd( VECTOR2I( 0, 0 ) );
v->Add( m_selArea );
view->Add( m_selArea );
while( evt = Wait() )
while( OPT_TOOL_EVENT evt = Wait() )
if( evt->IsCancel() )
......@@ -307,17 +279,17 @@ bool SELECTION_TOOL::selectMultiple()
// End drawing a selection box
m_selArea->ViewSetVisible( false );
// Mark items within a box as selected
// Mark items within the selection box as selected
std::vector<VIEW::LayerItemPair> selectedItems;
BOX2I selectionBox = m_selArea->ViewBBox();
view->Query( selectionBox, selectedItems ); // Get the list of selected items
v->Query( selectionBox, selectedItems );
std::vector<VIEW::LayerItemPair>::iterator it, it_end;
for( it = selectedItems.begin(), it_end = selectedItems.end(); it != it_end; ++it )
BOARD_ITEM* item = static_cast<BOARD_ITEM*>( it->first );
// Add only those items which are visible and fully within the selection box
// Add only those items that are visible and fully within the selection box
if( selectable( item ) && selectionBox.Contains( item->ViewBBox() ) )
......@@ -328,8 +300,9 @@ bool SELECTION_TOOL::selectMultiple()
v->Remove( m_selArea );
m_multiple = false;
view->Remove( m_selArea );
m_multiple = false; // Multiple selection mode is inactive
getViewControls()->SetAutoPan( false );
return cancelled;
......@@ -359,12 +332,12 @@ BOARD_ITEM* SELECTION_TOOL::disambiguationMenu( GENERAL_COLLECTOR* aCollector )
if( evt->Action() == TA_ContextMenuUpdate )
// User has pointed an item, so show it in a different way
if( current )
int id = *evt->GetCommandId();
// User has pointed an item, so show it in a different way
if( id >= 0 )
current = ( *aCollector )[id];
......@@ -389,6 +362,7 @@ BOARD_ITEM* SELECTION_TOOL::disambiguationMenu( GENERAL_COLLECTOR* aCollector )
// Draw a mark to show which item is available to be selected
if( current && current->IsBrightened() )
brightBox.reset( new BRIGHT_BOX( current ) );
......@@ -474,3 +448,21 @@ bool SELECTION_TOOL::selectable( const BOARD_ITEM* aItem )
// All other items are selected only if the layer on which they exist is visible
return board->IsLayerVisible( aItem->GetLayer() );
bool SELECTION_TOOL::containsSelected( const VECTOR2I& aPoint ) const
// Check if the point is located within any of the currently selected items bounding boxes
std::set<BOARD_ITEM*>::iterator it, it_end;
for( it = m_selectedItems.begin(), it_end = m_selectedItems.end();
it != it_end; ++it )
BOX2I itemBox = (*it)->ViewBBox();
itemBox.Inflate( 500000 ); // Give some margin for gripping an item
if( itemBox.Contains( aPoint ) )
return true;
return false;
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2013 CERN
* @author Tomasz Wlostowski <>
* @author Maciej Suminski <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
......@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@
#include <math/vector2d.h>
#include <tool/tool_interactive.h>
#include <tool/tool_action.h>
......@@ -42,6 +44,9 @@ class GENERAL_COLLECTOR;
* - pick single objects (click LMB)
* - add objects to existing selection (Shift+LMB)
* - draw selection box (drag LMB)
* - handles MODULEs properly (ie. selects either MODULE or its PADs, TEXTs, etc.)
* - takes into account high-contrast & layer visibility settings
* - invokes InteractiveMove tool when user starts to drag selected items
......@@ -131,10 +136,18 @@ private:
bool selectable( const BOARD_ITEM* aItem );
* Function containsSelected()
* Checks if the given point is placed within any of selected items' bounding box.
* @return True if the given point is contained in any of selected items' bouding box.
bool containsSelected( const VECTOR2I& aPoint ) const;
/// Container storing currently selected items
std::set<BOARD_ITEM*> m_selectedItems;
/// Visual representation of selection area
/// Visual representation of selection box
/// Menu shown in case of selection ambiguity
......@@ -145,6 +158,9 @@ private:
/// Flag saying if multiple selection mode is active
bool m_multiple;
/// Register hotkey fot activation of the selection tool
TOOL_ACTION m_activate;
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