Commit 25973e56 authored by dickelbeck's avatar dickelbeck

Isaac's next layer selection and configuration work step

parent 07ae1615
......@@ -149,7 +149,38 @@ enum ELEMENTS_NUMBERS
* Function IsValidLayerIndex
* tests whether a given integer is a valid layer index
* @param aLayerIndex = Layer index to test
* @return true if aLayerIndex is a valid layer index
inline bool IsValidLayerIndex( int aLayerIndex )
return aLayerIndex >= 0 && aLayerIndex < NB_LAYERS;
* Function IsValidCopperLayerIndex
* tests whether an integer is a valid copper layer index
* @param aLayerIndex = Layer index to test
* @return true if aLayerIndex is a valid copper layer index
inline bool IsValidCopperLayerIndex( int aLayerIndex )
return aLayerIndex >= FIRST_COPPER_LAYER && aLayerIndex <= LAST_COPPER_LAYER;
* Function IsValidNonCopperLayerIndex
* tests whether an integer is a valid non copper layer index
* @param aLayerIndex = Layer index to test
* @return true if aLayerIndex is a valid non copper layer index
inline bool IsValidNonCopperLayerIndex( int aLayerIndex )
return aLayerIndex >= FIRST_NO_COPPER_LAYER && aLayerIndex <= LAST_NO_COPPER_LAYER;
// Class for handle current printed board design settings
class EDA_BoardDesignSettings
......@@ -176,25 +207,17 @@ public:
int m_MaskMargin; // Solder mask margin
int m_LayerThickness; // Layer Thickness for 3D viewer
// Color options for screen display of the Printed Board:
//@@IMB: Not used int m_PcbGridColor; // Grid color
int m_EnabledLayers; // IMB: Paving the road
int m_VisibleLayers; // IMB: Bit-mask for layer visibility
int m_VisibleElements; // IMB: Bit-mask for elements visibility
int m_EnabledLayers; // Bit-mask for layer enabling
int m_VisibleLayers; // Bit-mask for layer visibility
int m_VisibleElements; // Bit-mask for element category visibility
// Color options for screen display of the Printed Board:
int m_LayerColor[32]; // Layer colors (tracks and graphic items)
int m_ViaColor[4]; // Via color (depending on is type)
//@@IMB: Not used int m_ModuleTextCMPColor; // Text module color for modules on the COMPONENT layer
//@@IMB: Not used int m_ModuleTextCUColor; // Text module color for modules on the COPPER layer
//@@IMB: Not used int m_ModuleTextNOVColor; // Text module color for "invisible" texts (must be BLACK if really not displayed)
//@@IMB: Not used int m_AnchorColor; // Anchor color for modules and texts
//@@IMB: Not used int m_PadCUColor; // Pad color for the COPPER side of the pad
//@@IMB: Not used int m_PadCMPColor; // Pad color for the COMPONENT side of the pad
// Pad color for the pads of both sides is m_PadCUColor OR m_PadCMPColor (in terms of colors)
int m_RatsnestColor; // Ratsnest color
......@@ -205,40 +228,134 @@ public:
* Function GetVisibleLayers
* returns a bit-map of all the layers that are visible.
* returns a bit-mask of all the layers that are visible
* @return int - the visible layers in bit-mapped form.
int GetVisibleLayers() const;
void SetVisibleLayers( int Mask );
* Function SetVisibleLayers
* changes the bit-mask of visible layers
* @param aMask = The new bit-mask of visible layers
void SetVisibleLayers( int aMask );
* Function IsLayerVisible
* @param LayerNumber The number of the layer to be tested.
* tests whether a given layer is visible
* @param aLayerIndex = The index of the layer to be tested
* @return bool - true if the layer is visible.
inline bool IsLayerVisible( int LayerNumber ) const
inline bool IsLayerVisible( int aLayerIndex ) const
if( LayerNumber < 0 || LayerNumber >= 32 ) //@@IMB: Altough Pcbnew uses only 29, Gerbview uses all 32 layers
if( aLayerIndex < 0 || aLayerIndex >= 32 ) //@@IMB: Altough Pcbnew uses only 29, Gerbview uses all 32 layers
return false;
return (bool)( m_VisibleLayers & 1 << LayerNumber );
// If a layer is disabled, it is automatically invisible
return (bool)( m_VisibleLayers & m_EnabledLayers & 1 << aLayerIndex );
void SetLayerVisibility( int LayerNumber, bool State );
* Function SetLayerVisibility
* changes the visibility of a given layer
* @param aLayerIndex = The index of the layer to be changed
* @param aNewState = The new visibility state of the layer
void SetLayerVisibility( int aLayerIndex, bool aNewState );
* Function GetVisibleElements
* returns a bit-mask of all the element categories that are visible
* @return int - the visible element categories in bit-mapped form.
inline int GetVisibleElements() const
return m_VisibleElements;
* Function SetVisibleElements
* changes the bit-mask of visible element categories
* @param aMask = The new bit-mask of visible element categories
inline void SetVisibleElements( int aMask )
m_VisibleElements = aMask;
* Function IsElementVisible
* @param ElementNumber The number of the element to be tested.
* @return bool - true if the elememt is visible.
* tests whether a given element category is visible
* @param aCategoryIndex = The index of the element category to be tested.
* @return bool - true if the element is visible.
inline bool IsElementVisible( int ElementNumber ) const
inline bool IsElementVisible( int aCategoryIndex ) const
if( ElementNumber < 0 || ElementNumber > PAD_CMP_VISIBLE )
if( aCategoryIndex < 0 || aCategoryIndex > PAD_CMP_VISIBLE )
return false;
return (bool)( m_VisibleElements & 1 << ElementNumber );
return (bool)( m_VisibleElements & 1 << aCategoryIndex );
* Function SetElementVisibility
* changes the visibility of an element category
* @param aCategoryIndex = The index of the element category to be changed
* @param aNewState = The new visibility state of the element category
void SetElementVisibility( int aCategoryIndex, bool aNewState );
* Function GetEnabledLayers
* returns a bit-mask of all the layers that are enabled
* @return int - the enabled layers in bit-mapped form.
inline int GetEnabledLayers() const
return m_EnabledLayers;
void SetElementVisibility( int ElementNumber, bool State );
* Function SetEnabledLayers
* changes the bit-mask of enabled layers
* @param aMask = The new bit-mask of enabled layers
void SetEnabledLayers( int aMask )
// TODO; ensure consistency with m_CopperLayerCount
m_EnabledLayers = aMask;
// A disabled layer cannot be visible
m_VisibleLayers &= aMask;
* Function IsLayerEnabled
* tests whether a given layer is enabled
* @param aLayerIndex = The index of the layer to be tested
* @return bool - true if the layer is enabled
inline bool IsLayerEnabled( int aLayerIndex )
return (bool)( m_EnabledLayers & 1 << aLayerIndex );
* Function GetCopperLayerCount
* @return int - the number of neabled copper layers
inline int GetCopperLayerCount() const
return m_CopperLayerCount;
* Function SetCopperLayerCount
* do what its name says...
* @param aNewLayerCount = The new number of enabled copper layers
inline void SetCopperLayerCount( int aNewLayerCount )
// TODO; ensure consistency with the m_EnabledLayers member
m_CopperLayerCount = aNewLayerCount;
......@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ set(PCBNEW_SRCS
# dialog_copper_layers_setup_base.cpp
# dialog_copper_layers_setup.cpp
......@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ set(PCBNEW_SRCS
# dialog_initpcb.cpp
......@@ -129,9 +129,11 @@ BOARD::~BOARD()
wxString BOARD::GetLayerName( int aLayerIndex ) const
if( ! IsValidLayerIndex( aLayerIndex ))
return wxEmptyString;
// copper layer names are stored in the BOARD.
if( (unsigned) aLayerIndex < (unsigned) GetCopperLayerCount()
|| aLayerIndex == LAST_COPPER_LAYER )
if( IsValidCopperLayerIndex( aLayerIndex ) && m_BoardSettings->IsLayerEnabled( aLayerIndex ))
// default names were set in BOARD::BOARD() but they may be
// over-ridden by BOARD::SetLayerName()
......@@ -144,30 +146,30 @@ wxString BOARD::GetLayerName( int aLayerIndex ) const
bool BOARD::SetLayerName( int aLayerIndex, const wxString& aLayerName )
if( (unsigned) aLayerIndex < (unsigned) GetCopperLayerCount()
|| aLayerIndex==LAST_COPPER_LAYER )
if( aLayerName == wxEmptyString || aLayerName.Len() > 20 )
return false;
if( ! IsValidCopperLayerIndex( aLayerIndex ))
return false;
if( aLayerName == wxEmptyString || aLayerName.Len() > 20 )
return false;
// no quote chars in the name allowed
if( aLayerName.Find( wxChar( '"' ) ) != wxNOT_FOUND )
return false;
// no quote chars in the name allowed
if( aLayerName.Find( wxChar( '"' ) ) != wxNOT_FOUND )
return false;
wxString NameTemp = aLayerName;
// ensure unique-ness of layer names
for( int layer = 0; layer<GetCopperLayerCount() || layer==LAST_COPPER_LAYER; )
// replace any spaces with underscores before we do any comparing
NameTemp.Replace( wxT( " " ), wxT( "_" ) );
if( m_BoardSettings->IsLayerEnabled( aLayerIndex ))
for( int i = 0; i < NB_COPPER_LAYERS; i++ )
if( layer!=aLayerIndex && aLayerName == m_Layer[layer].m_Name )
if( i != aLayerIndex && m_BoardSettings->IsLayerEnabled( i ) && NameTemp == m_Layer[i].m_Name )
return false;
if( ++layer == GetCopperLayerCount() )
m_Layer[aLayerIndex].m_Name = aLayerName;
// replace any spaces with underscores
m_Layer[aLayerIndex].m_Name.Replace( wxT( " " ), wxT( "_" ) );
m_Layer[aLayerIndex].m_Name = NameTemp;
return true;
......@@ -178,7 +180,12 @@ bool BOARD::SetLayerName( int aLayerIndex, const wxString& aLayerName )
LAYER_T BOARD::GetLayerType( int aLayerIndex ) const
if( (unsigned) aLayerIndex < (unsigned) GetCopperLayerCount() )
if( ! IsValidCopperLayerIndex( aLayerIndex ))
return LT_SIGNAL;
//@@IMB: The original test was broken due to the discontinuity
// in the layer sequence.
if( m_BoardSettings->IsLayerEnabled( aLayerIndex ))
return m_Layer[aLayerIndex].m_Type;
return LT_SIGNAL;
......@@ -186,7 +193,12 @@ LAYER_T BOARD::GetLayerType( int aLayerIndex ) const
bool BOARD::SetLayerType( int aLayerIndex, LAYER_T aLayerType )
if( (unsigned) aLayerIndex < (unsigned) GetCopperLayerCount() )
if( ! IsValidCopperLayerIndex( aLayerIndex ))
return false;
//@@IMB: The original test was broken due to the discontinuity
// in the layer sequence.
if( m_BoardSettings->IsLayerEnabled( aLayerIndex ))
m_Layer[aLayerIndex].m_Type = aLayerType;
return true;
......@@ -239,6 +251,36 @@ int BOARD::GetCopperLayerCount() const
return m_BoardSettings->m_CopperLayerCount;
int BOARD::GetEnabledLayers() const
return m_BoardSettings->GetEnabledLayers();
int BOARD::GetVisibleLayers() const
return m_BoardSettings->GetVisibleLayers();
void BOARD::SetEnabledLayers( int aLayerMask )
m_BoardSettings->SetEnabledLayers( aLayerMask );
void BOARD::SetVisibleLayers( int aLayerMask )
m_BoardSettings->SetVisibleLayers( aLayerMask );
void BOARD::SetVisibleElements( int aMask )
m_BoardSettings->SetVisibleElements( aMask );
int BOARD::GetVisibleElements() const
return m_BoardSettings->GetVisibleElements();
wxPoint& BOARD::GetPosition()
......@@ -207,6 +207,55 @@ public:
int GetCopperLayerCount() const;
* Function GetEnabledLayers
* is a proxy function that calls the correspondent function in m_BoardSettings
* Returns a bit-mask of all the layers that are enabled
* @return int - the enabled layers in bit-mapped form.
int GetEnabledLayers() const;
* Function GetVisibleLayers
* is a proxy function that calls the correspondent function in m_BoardSettings
* Returns a bit-mask of all the layers that are visible
* @return int - the visible layers in bit-mapped form.
int GetVisibleLayers() const;
* Function SetEnabledLayers
* is a proxy function that calls the correspondent function in m_BoardSettings
* Changes the bit-mask of enabled layers
* @param aMask = The new bit-mask of enabled layers
void SetEnabledLayers( int aLayerMask );
* Function SetVisibleLayers
* is a proxy function that calls the correspondent function in m_BoardSettings
* changes the bit-mask of visible layers
* @param aMask = The new bit-mask of visible layers
void SetVisibleLayers( int aLayerMask );
* Function SetVisibleElements
* is a proxy function that calls the correspondent function in m_BoardSettings
* changes the bit-mask of visible element categories
* @param aMask = The new bit-mask of visible element categories
void SetVisibleElements( int aMask );
* Function GetVisibleElements
* is a proxy function that calls the correspondent function in m_BoardSettings
* returns a bit-mask of all the element categories that are visible
* @return int - the visible element categories in bit-mapped form.
int GetVisibleElements() const;
* Function GetLayerName
* returns the name of the copper layer given by aLayerIndex.
......@@ -555,10 +604,10 @@ public:
* @param bMessageBoxInt == true, shows message when clipping occurs.
* @param bMessageBoxArc == true, shows message when clipping can't be done due to arcs.
* @param bRetainArcs = true to handle arcs (not really used in kicad)
* @return:
* -1 if arcs intersect other sides, so polygon can't be clipped
* 0 if no intersecting sides
* 1 if intersecting sides
* @return :
* -1 if arcs intersect other sides, so polygon can't be clipped
* 0 if no intersecting sides
* 1 if intersecting sides
* Also sets areas->utility1 flags if areas are modified
int ClipAreaPolygon( PICKED_ITEMS_LIST* aNewZonesList,
/* fonctions membres des classes utilisees dans pcbnew (voir pcbstruct.h */
/* sauf routines relatives aux pistes (voir class_track.cpp) */
/* sauf routines relatives aux pistes (voir class_track.cpp) */
#include "fctsys.h"
......@@ -198,31 +198,31 @@ EDA_BoardDesignSettings::EDA_BoardDesignSettings()
m_CopperLayerCount = 2; // Default design is a double sided board
m_ViaDrill = 250; // defualt via drill (for the entire board)
m_ViaDrillCustomValue = 250; // via drill for vias which must have a defined drill value
m_CurrentViaSize = 450; // Current via size
m_CurrentTrackWidth = 170; // current track width
m_CopperLayerCount = 2; // Default design is a double sided board
m_ViaDrill = 250; // defualt via drill (for the entire board)
m_ViaDrillCustomValue = 250; // via drill for vias which must have a defined drill value
m_CurrentViaSize = 450; // Current via size
m_CurrentTrackWidth = 170; // current track width
m_UseConnectedTrackWidth = false; // if true, when creating a new track starting on an existing track, use this track width
m_MicroViaDrill = 50; // micro via drill (for the entire board)
m_CurrentMicroViaSize = 150; // Current micro via size
m_MicroViasAllowed = false; // true to allow micro vias
m_DrawSegmentWidth = 100; // current graphic line width (not EDGE layer)
m_EdgeSegmentWidth = 100; // current graphic line width (EDGE layer only)
m_PcbTextWidth = 100; // current Pcb (not module) Text width
m_PcbTextSize = wxSize( 500, 500 ); // current Pcb (not module) Text size
m_TrackClearance = 100; // track to track and track to pads clearance
m_TrackMinWidth = 80; // track min value for width ((min copper size value
m_ViasMinSize = 350; // vias (not micro vias) min diameter
m_MicroViasMinSize = 200; // micro vias (not vias) min diameter
m_MaskMargin = 150; // Solder mask margin
m_MicroViaDrill = 50; // micro via drill (for the entire board)
m_CurrentMicroViaSize = 150; // Current micro via size
m_MicroViasAllowed = false; // true to allow micro vias
m_DrawSegmentWidth = 100; // current graphic line width (not EDGE layer)
m_EdgeSegmentWidth = 100; // current graphic line width (EDGE layer only)
m_PcbTextWidth = 100; // current Pcb (not module) Text width
m_PcbTextSize = wxSize( 500, 500 ); // current Pcb (not module) Text size
m_TrackClearance = 100; // track to track and track to pads clearance
m_TrackMinWidth = 80; // track min value for width ((min copper size value
m_ViasMinSize = 350; // vias (not micro vias) min diameter
m_MicroViasMinSize = 200; // micro vias (not vias) min diameter
m_MaskMargin = 150; // Solder mask margin
/* Color options for screen display of the Printed Board: */
//@@IMB: Not used m_PcbGridColor = DARKGRAY; // Grid color
m_EnabledLayers = 0x1fffffff; // IMB: All layers enabled at first. TODO: Use a macro for the initial value.
m_EnabledLayers = ALL_LAYERS; // All layers enabled at first.
m_VisibleLayers = 0xffffffff; // IMB: All layers visible at first. TODO: Use a macro for the initial value.
m_VisibleElements = 0x00000fff; // IMB: All elements visible at first. TODO: Use a macro for the initial value.
......@@ -252,45 +252,28 @@ int EDA_BoardDesignSettings::GetVisibleLayers() const
return m_VisibleLayers;
void EDA_BoardDesignSettings::SetVisibleLayers( int Mask )
void EDA_BoardDesignSettings::SetVisibleLayers( int aMask )
m_VisibleLayers = Mask & 0x1fffffff;
m_VisibleLayers = aMask & m_EnabledLayers & ALL_LAYERS;
/* //@@IMB: Made inline
bool EDA_BoardDesignSettings::IsLayerVisible( int LayerNumber ) const
void EDA_BoardDesignSettings::SetLayerVisibility( int aLayerIndex, bool aNewState )
if( LayerNumber < 0 || LayerNumber >= 32 ) //@@IMB: Altough Pcbnew uses only 29, Gerbview uses all 32 layers
return false;
return (bool)( m_VisibleLayers & 1 << LayerNumber );
void EDA_BoardDesignSettings::SetLayerVisibility( int LayerNumber, bool State )
if( LayerNumber < 0 || LayerNumber >= 32 ) //@@IMB: Altough Pcbnew uses only 29, Gerbview uses all 32 layers
// Altough Pcbnew uses only 29, Gerbview uses all 32 layers
if( aLayerIndex < 0 || aLayerIndex >= 32 )
if( State )
m_VisibleLayers |= 1 << LayerNumber;
if( aNewState && IsLayerEnabled( aLayerIndex ))
m_VisibleLayers |= 1 << aLayerIndex;
m_VisibleLayers &= ~( 1 << LayerNumber );
/* //@@IMB: Made inline
bool EDA_BoardDesignSettings::IsElementVisible( int ElementNumber ) const
if( ElementNumber < 0 || ElementNumber > PAD_CMP_VISIBLE )
return false;
return (bool)( m_VisibleElements & 1 << ElementNumber );
m_VisibleLayers &= ~( 1 << aLayerIndex );
void EDA_BoardDesignSettings::SetElementVisibility( int ElementNumber, bool State )
void EDA_BoardDesignSettings::SetElementVisibility( int aElementCategory, bool aNewState )
if( ElementNumber < 0 || ElementNumber > PAD_CMP_VISIBLE )
if( aElementCategory < 0 || aElementCategory > PAD_CMP_VISIBLE )
if( State )
m_VisibleElements |= 1 << ElementNumber;
if( aNewState )
m_VisibleElements |= 1 << aElementCategory;
m_VisibleElements &= ~( 1 << ElementNumber );
m_VisibleElements &= ~( 1 << aElementCategory );
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ void Dialog_GeneralOptions::init()
wxString timevalue;
timevalue << g_TimeOut / 60;
m_SaveTime->SetValue( timevalue );
int layer_count[] = {1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16};
for ( unsigned ii = 0; ii < sizeof(layer_count); ii++ )
......@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ void Dialog_GeneralOptions::init()
m_MaxShowLinks->SetValue( g_MaxLinksShowed );
m_DrcOn->SetValue( Drc_On );
......@@ -103,10 +104,11 @@ void Dialog_GeneralOptions::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
g_TimeOut = 60 * m_SaveTime->GetValue();
/* Mise a jour de la combobox d'affichage de la couche active */
int layer_count[] = {1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16};
g_DesignSettings.m_CopperLayerCount = layer_count[m_LayerNumber->GetSelection()];
m_Parent->ReCreateLayerBox( NULL );
g_MaxLinksShowed = m_MaxShowLinks->GetValue();
Drc_On = m_DrcOn->GetValue();
if( g_Show_Ratsnest != m_ShowGlobalRatsnest->GetValue() )
......@@ -31,55 +31,55 @@
class DialogGeneralOptionsBoardEditor_base : public wxDialog
wxID_POLAR_CTRL = 1000,
wxRadioBox* m_PolarDisplay;
wxRadioBox* m_UnitsSelection;
wxRadioBox* m_CursorShape;
wxRadioBox* m_LayerNumber;
wxStaticText* m_staticTextmaxlinks;
wxSpinCtrl* m_MaxShowLinks;
wxStaticText* m_staticTextautosave;
wxSpinCtrl* m_SaveTime;
wxCheckBox* m_DrcOn;
wxCheckBox* m_ShowGlobalRatsnest;
wxCheckBox* m_ShowModuleRatsnest;
wxCheckBox* m_TrackAutodel;
wxCheckBox* m_Track_45_Only_Ctrl;
wxCheckBox* m_Segments_45_Only_Ctrl;
wxCheckBox* m_AutoPANOpt;
wxCheckBox* m_Track_DoubleSegm_Ctrl;
wxRadioBox* m_MagneticPadOptCtrl;
wxRadioBox* m_MagneticTrackOptCtrl;
wxButton* m_buttonOK;
wxButton* m_buttonCANCEL;
// Virtual event handlers, overide them in your derived class
virtual void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
DialogGeneralOptionsBoardEditor_base( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxString& title = _("General settings"), const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxSize( 585,280 ), long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER );
wxID_POLAR_CTRL = 1000,
wxRadioBox* m_PolarDisplay;
wxRadioBox* m_UnitsSelection;
wxRadioBox* m_CursorShape;
//wxRadioBox* m_LayerNumber;
wxStaticText* m_staticTextmaxlinks;
wxSpinCtrl* m_MaxShowLinks;
wxStaticText* m_staticTextautosave;
wxSpinCtrl* m_SaveTime;
wxCheckBox* m_DrcOn;
wxCheckBox* m_ShowGlobalRatsnest;
wxCheckBox* m_ShowModuleRatsnest;
wxCheckBox* m_TrackAutodel;
wxCheckBox* m_Track_45_Only_Ctrl;
wxCheckBox* m_Segments_45_Only_Ctrl;
wxCheckBox* m_AutoPANOpt;
wxCheckBox* m_Track_DoubleSegm_Ctrl;
wxRadioBox* m_MagneticPadOptCtrl;
wxRadioBox* m_MagneticTrackOptCtrl;
wxButton* m_buttonOK;
wxButton* m_buttonCANCEL;
// Virtual event handlers, overide them in your derived class
virtual void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
DialogGeneralOptionsBoardEditor_base( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxString& title = _("General settings"), const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxSize( 585,280 ), long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER );
#endif //__dialog_general_options_BoardEditor_base__
/* Routines de lecture et sauvegarde des structures en format ASCii */
/* Fichier common a PCBNEW et CVPCB */
/* Fichier common a PCBNEW et CVPCB */
/* ioascii.cpp */
......@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@
Sh "name" forme dimv dimH dV dH orient :forme generale dV, dH = delta dimensions
Dr diam, dV dH :drill : diametre offsets de percage
At type S/N layers : type standard,cms,conn,hole,meca.,
Dr diam, dV dH :drill : diametre offsets de percage
At type S/N layers : type standard,cms,conn,hole,meca.,
Hexadecimal 32 bits: occupation des couches
Nm net_code netname
Po posrefX posrefy : position refX,Y (= position orient 0 / ancre)
Po posrefX posrefy : position refX,Y (= position orient 0 / ancre)
****** Structure module ***********
......@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@
m_TimeCode a usage interne (groupements)
Li <namelib>
Cd <text> Description du composant (Composant Doc)
Kw <text> Liste des mots cle
Cd <text> Description du composant (Composant Doc)
Kw <text> Liste des mots cle
Sc schematimestamp de reference schematique
Sc schematimestamp de reference schematique
Op rot90 rot180 Options de placement auto (cout rot 90, 180 )
Op rot90 rot180 Options de placement auto (cout rot 90, 180 )
rot90 est sur 2x4 bits:
lsb = cout rot 90, msb = cout rot -90;
......@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@
edge: segment coord ox,oy a fx,fy, relatives
a l'ancre et orient 0
epaisseur w
DC ox oy fx fy w descr cercle (centre, 1 point, epaisseur)
DC ox oy fx fy w descr cercle (centre, 1 point, epaisseur)
$EndPAD section pads s'il y en a
$EndPAD section pads s'il y en a
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ int WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::ReadGeneralDescrPcb( FILE* File, int* LineNum )
sscanf( data, "%X", &EnabledLayers );
// Setup layer visibility
GetBoard()->m_BoardSettings->m_EnabledLayers = EnabledLayers;
GetBoard()->SetEnabledLayers( EnabledLayers );
......@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ int WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::ReadGeneralDescrPcb( FILE* File, int* LineNum )
sscanf( data, "%X", &VisibleLayers );
// Setup layer visibility
GetBoard()->m_BoardSettings->m_VisibleLayers = VisibleLayers;
GetBoard()->SetVisibleLayers( VisibleLayers );
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ int WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::ReadGeneralDescrPcb( FILE* File, int* LineNum )
sscanf( data, "%X", &VisibleElements );
// Setup elements visibility
GetBoard()->m_BoardSettings->m_VisibleElements = VisibleElements;
GetBoard()->SetVisibleElements( VisibleElements );
......@@ -665,9 +665,9 @@ bool WinEDA_PcbFrame::WriteGeneralDescrPcb( FILE* File )
// Write old format for Layer count (for compatibility with old versions of pcbnew
fprintf( File, "Ly %8X\n", g_TabAllCopperLayerMask[NbLayers - 1] | ALL_NO_CU_LAYERS ); // For compatibility with old version of pcbnew
fprintf( File, "EnabledLayers %08X\n", GetBoard()->m_BoardSettings->m_EnabledLayers );
fprintf( File, "VisibleLayers %08X\n", GetBoard()->m_BoardSettings->m_VisibleLayers );
fprintf( File, "VisibleElements %08X\n", GetBoard()->m_BoardSettings->m_VisibleElements );
fprintf( File, "EnabledLayers %08X\n", GetBoard()->GetEnabledLayers() );
fprintf( File, "VisibleLayers %08X\n", GetBoard()->GetVisibleLayers() );
fprintf( File, "VisibleElements %08X\n", GetBoard()->GetVisibleElements() );
fprintf( File, "Links %d\n", GetBoard()->GetRatsnestsCount() );
fprintf( File, "NoConn %d\n", GetBoard()->m_NbNoconnect );
......@@ -213,10 +213,18 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ReCreateMenuBar()
item->SetBitmap( hammer_xpm );
designRulesMenu->Append( item );
item = new wxMenuItem( designRulesMenu, ID_PCB_COPPER_LAYERS_SETUP, _( "Copper &Layers" ),
_( "Select copper layers count and layers names" ) );
item->SetBitmap( copper_layers_setup_xpm );
designRulesMenu->Append( item );
item = new wxMenuItem( configmenu, ID_PCB_LAYERS_SETUP, _( "&Layers Setup" ),
_( "Enable and set properties of layers" ) );
item->SetBitmap( copper_layers_setup_xpm );
designRulesMenu->Append( item );
// Ajustage de dimensions: //
......@@ -274,10 +282,10 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ReCreateMenuBar()
postprocess_menu->Append( item );
item = new wxMenuItem( postprocess_menu, ID_PCB_GEN_BOM_FILE_FROM_BOARD,
_( "Create &BOM File" ),
_( "Recreate .csv file for CvPcb" ) );
item->SetBitmap( tools_xpm );
postprocess_menu->Append( item );
_( "Create &BOM File" ),
_( "Recreate .csv file for CvPcb" ) );
item->SetBitmap( tools_xpm );
postprocess_menu->Append( item );
// Menu d'outils divers //
/** pcbcfg() : configuration **/
/** pcbcfg() : configuration **/
/* lit ou met a jour la configuration de PCBNEW */
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
#include "pcbnew_id.h"
#include "hotkeys.h"
#include "protos.h"
#include "dialog_copper_layers_setup.h"
//#include "dialog_copper_layers_setup.h"
/* Routines Locales */
......@@ -49,12 +49,18 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::Process_Config( wxCommandEvent& event )
DisplayColorSetupFrame( this, pos );
DisplayDialogLayerSetup( this );
case ID_CONFIG_REQ: // Creation de la fenetre de configuration
InstallConfigFrame( pos );
EVT_MENU( ID_COLORS_SETUP, WinEDA_PcbFrame::Process_Config )
EVT_MENU( ID_OPTIONS_SETUP, WinEDA_PcbFrame::Process_Config )
EVT_MENU( ID_PCB_LAYERS_SETUP, WinEDA_PcbFrame::Process_Config )
EVT_MENU( ID_PCB_TRACK_SIZE_SETUP, WinEDA_PcbFrame::Process_Config )
EVT_MENU( ID_PCB_PAD_SETUP, WinEDA_PcbFrame::Process_Config )
......@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ enum pcbnew_ids
......@@ -385,4 +385,10 @@ void DisplayColorSetupFrame( WinEDA_PcbFrame* parent,
const wxPoint& framepos );
void DisplayDialogLayerSetup( WinEDA_PcbFrame* parent );
#endif /* #define PROTO_H */
......@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ReCreateAuxiliaryToolbar()
wxSize( LISTBOX_WIDTH + 20, -1 ),
m_ClearanceBox->SetToolTip(_("Current NetClass clearance value") );
m_AuxiliaryToolBar->AddControl( m_ClearanceBox );
m_AuxiliaryToolBar->AddControl( m_ClearanceBox );
// Creates box to display the current NetClass:
......@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ReCreateAuxiliaryToolbar()
wxSize( LISTBOX_WIDTH, -1 ),
m_NetClassSelectedBox->SetToolTip(_("Name of the current NetClass") );
m_AuxiliaryToolBar->AddControl( m_NetClassSelectedBox );
m_AuxiliaryToolBar->AddControl( m_NetClassSelectedBox );
// Creates box to display and choose strategy to handle tracks an
......@@ -729,11 +729,12 @@ WinEDAChoiceBox* WinEDA_PcbFrame::ReCreateLayerBox( WinEDA_Toolbar* parent )
parent->AddControl( m_SelLayerBox );
int layer_mask = g_TabAllCopperLayerMask[g_DesignSettings.m_CopperLayerCount - 1];
layer_mask |= ALL_NO_CU_LAYERS;
int layer_mask = g_DesignSettings.GetEnabledLayers();
unsigned length = 0;
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