Commit 21b70093 authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck


parent 1385e39d
......@@ -269,10 +269,11 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::retainLastFootprint()
if( module )
pcb_io.Format( GetBoard()->m_Modules );
pcb_io.Format( module );
wxString pretty = FROM_UTF8( pcb_io.GetStringOutput( true ).c_str() );
// save the footprint in the RSTRING facility.
Prj().SetRString( PROJECT::PCB_FOOTPRINT, pretty );
......@@ -303,10 +304,21 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::restoreLastFootprint()
if( module )
GetBoard()->Add( module ); // assumes BOARD is empty.
// assumes BOARD is empty.
wxASSERT( GetBoard()->m_Modules == NULL );
// no idea, its monkey see monkey do. I would encapsulate this into
// a member function if its actually necessary.
module->SetParent( GetBoard() );
module->SetLink( 0 );
GetBoard()->Add( module );
const wxChar* FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::GetFootprintEditorFrameName()
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