Commit 20f512e5 authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck

Fix off by one error in libpart editor when displaying duplicate pins, unit numbers.

Fix segfault when deleting last user path from eeschema libpaths and then pressing cancel.
parent e140f79a
......@@ -69,6 +69,5 @@ Dick's Final TODO List:
Issues as a result of minimal testing:
If eeschema launched from C++ project manager does not find all libraries,
then the dialog showing the names of missing libraries is not visible,
probably because the wxFrame parent is not yet visible.
If eeschema launched from C++ project manager and does not find all libraries,
then the dialog showing the names of missing libraries is shown twice.
......@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ void DIALOG_EESCHEMA_CONFIG::OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
// Recreate the user lib path
if( m_LibPathChanged )
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_ListLibr->GetCount(); ii++ )
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_listUserPaths->GetCount(); ii++ )
lib_search.RemovePaths( m_listUserPaths->GetString(ii) );
lib_search.AddPaths( m_Parent->GetUserLibraryPath(), 1 );
......@@ -100,7 +100,9 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::LoadLibraries()
// Print the libraries not found
if( !libraries_not_found.IsEmpty() )
// parent of this dialog cannot be NULL since that breaks the Kiway() chain.
HTML_MESSAGE_BOX dialog( this, _("Files not found") );
dialog.MessageSet( _( "The following libraries could not be found:" ) );
dialog.ListSet( libraries_not_found );
......@@ -626,20 +626,16 @@ bool sort_by_pin_number( const LIB_PIN* ref, const LIB_PIN* tst )
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnCheckComponent( wxCommandEvent& event )
#define MIN_GRID_SIZE 25
int dup_error;
int offgrid_error;
wxString msg;
wxString aux_msg;
if( m_component == NULL )
m_component->GetPins( PinList );
const int MIN_GRID_SIZE = 25;
LIB_PINS pinList;
m_component->GetPins( pinList );
if( PinList.size() == 0 )
if( pinList.size() == 0 )
DisplayInfoMessage( this, _( "No pins!" ) );
......@@ -647,48 +643,49 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnCheckComponent( wxCommandEvent& event )
// Sort pins by pin num, so 2 duplicate pins
// (pins with the same number) will be consecutive in list
sort( PinList.begin(), PinList.end(), sort_by_pin_number );
sort( pinList.begin(), pinList.end(), sort_by_pin_number );
// Test for duplicates:
dup_error = 0;
DIALOG_DISPLAY_HTML_TEXT_BASE error_display( this, wxID_ANY,
_( "Marker Information" ),
wxSize( 750, 600 ) );
for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < PinList.size(); ii++ )
int dup_error = 0;
for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < pinList.size(); ii++ )
wxString stringPinNum, stringCurrPinNum;
LIB_PIN* curr_pin = PinList[ii];
Pin = PinList[ii - 1];
LIB_PIN* curr_pin = pinList[ii];
LIB_PIN* pin = pinList[ii - 1];
if( Pin->GetNumber() != curr_pin->GetNumber()
|| Pin->GetConvert() != curr_pin->GetConvert()
|| Pin->GetUnit() != curr_pin->GetUnit() )
if( pin->GetNumber() != curr_pin->GetNumber()
|| pin->GetConvert() != curr_pin->GetConvert()
|| pin->GetUnit() != curr_pin->GetUnit() )
Pin->PinStringNum( stringPinNum );
pin->PinStringNum( stringPinNum );
/* TODO I dare someone to find a way to make happy translators on
this thing! Lorenzo */
curr_pin->PinStringNum( stringCurrPinNum );
msg.Printf( _( "<b>Duplicate pin %s</b> \"%s\" at location <b>(%.3f, \
wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "<b>Duplicate pin %s</b> \"%s\" at location <b>(%.3f, \
%.3f)</b> conflicts with pin %s \"%s\" at location <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b>" ),
GetChars( stringCurrPinNum ),
GetChars( curr_pin->GetName() ),
curr_pin->GetPosition().x / 1000.0,
-curr_pin->GetPosition().y / 1000.0,
GetChars( stringPinNum ),
GetChars( Pin->GetName() ),
Pin->GetPosition().x / 1000.0,
-Pin->GetPosition().y / 1000.0 );
GetChars( pin->GetName() ),
pin->GetPosition().x / 1000.0,
-pin->GetPosition().y / 1000.0 );
if( m_component->GetPartCount() > 1 )
aux_msg.Printf( _( " in part %c" ), 'A' + curr_pin->GetUnit() );
msg += aux_msg;
msg += wxString::Format( _( " in part %c" ), 'A' + curr_pin->GetUnit() - 1 );
if( m_showDeMorgan )
......@@ -700,46 +697,47 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnCheckComponent( wxCommandEvent& event )
msg += wxT( ".<br>" );
error_display.m_htmlWindow->AppendToPage( msg );
// Test for off grid pins:
offgrid_error = 0;
int offgrid_error = 0;
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < PinList.size(); ii++ )
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < pinList.size(); ii++ )
Pin = PinList[ii];
LIB_PIN* pin = pinList[ii];
if( ( (Pin->GetPosition().x % MIN_GRID_SIZE) == 0 ) &&
( (Pin->GetPosition().y % MIN_GRID_SIZE) == 0 ) )
if( ( (pin->GetPosition().x % MIN_GRID_SIZE) == 0 ) &&
( (pin->GetPosition().y % MIN_GRID_SIZE) == 0 ) )
// A pin is found here off grid
// "pin" is off grid here.
wxString stringPinNum;
Pin->PinStringNum( stringPinNum );
pin->PinStringNum( stringPinNum );
msg.Printf( _( "<b>Off grid pin %s</b> \"%s\" at location <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b>" ),
wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "<b>Off grid pin %s</b> \"%s\" at location <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b>" ),
GetChars( stringPinNum ),
GetChars( Pin->GetName() ),
Pin->GetPosition().x / 1000.0,
-Pin->GetPosition().y / 1000.0 );
GetChars( pin->GetName() ),
pin->GetPosition().x / 1000.0,
-pin->GetPosition().y / 1000.0 );
if( m_component->GetPartCount() > 1 )
aux_msg.Printf( _( " in part %c" ), 'A' + Pin->GetUnit() );
msg += aux_msg;
msg += wxString::Format( _( " in part %c" ), 'A' + pin->GetUnit() - 1 );
if( m_showDeMorgan )
if( Pin->GetConvert() )
if( pin->GetConvert() )
msg += _( " of converted" );
msg += _( " of normal" );
msg += wxT( ".<br>" );
error_display.m_htmlWindow->AppendToPage( msg );
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