Commit 1ed8cdf6 authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

Pcbnew build: Set KICAD_USE_WEBKIT option default value to OFF. There are 3 reasons:

* Using a Web navigator embedded in Kicad can create security issues in Kicad.
* The web kit is not always easily available on Linux.
* There is now a tool in kicad fp lib wizard  to list and select the .pretty libs available on Github Kicad repo (When the kicad plugin is selected, this tool can download and make a local copy of these libs)
However, using -D KICAD_USE_WEBKIT=ON when invoking  cmake still build the embedded web viewer.
parent bd199b89
......@@ -45,13 +45,17 @@ option( KICAD_KEEPCASE
# * No issues on Windows.
# * needs webkitgtk-devel package installed on Linux, and wxWidgets rebuilt with this package.
# * Seems also OK on OSX.
# However the default option is on and has effect only if BUILD_GITHUB_PLUGIN is ON
# This option could be removed soon, if no serious issue happens on Linux
# This option has effect only if BUILD_GITHUB_PLUGIN is ON
# This option is set to OFF because Kicad developers cannot be sure the use of Webkit does no open
# a security issue when runnig Kicad.
# the probability is low, but not zero.
"Use system web kit to build a web viewer in footprint library wizard to easily select github libraries (default ON)."
"Use wxGraphicsContext for rendering (default OFF). Warning, this is experimental" )
......@@ -90,7 +94,6 @@ option( KICAD_SKIP_BOOST
mark_as_advanced( KICAD_SKIP_BOOST ) # Normal builders should build Boost.
# PYTHON_EXECUTABLE can be defined when invoking cmake
# ( use -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=<python path>/python.exe or python2 )
......@@ -99,6 +102,18 @@ mark_as_advanced( KICAD_SKIP_BOOST ) # Normal builders should build Boost.
option( BUILD_GITHUB_PLUGIN "Build the GITHUB_PLUGIN for pcbnew." ON )
# When KICAD_USE_WEBKIT in on, the Kicad web viewer has access to the www.
# Kicad developers cannot be sure the use of Web viewer does no open a security issue when runnig Kicad.
# the probability is low, but not zero.
#so warn the user:
message( STATUS "by setting KICAD_USE_WEBKIT ON, you are building a web viewer inside Kicad.
Kicad developers cannot be sure the Web access does no open a security issue,
when running a Web Viewer inside Kicad. The probability is low, but not zero.
You are warned" )
# This can be set to a custom name to brag about a particular branch in the "About" dialog:
set( KICAD_REPO_NAME "product" CACHE STRING "Name of the tree from which this build came." )
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