Commit 1e68c5f8 authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck

comment fix, simplified unhandled IO_ERROR exception report in single_top.cpp.

parent 8f0a773b
......@@ -621,7 +621,6 @@ add_subdirectory( 3d-viewer )
add_subdirectory( cvpcb )
add_subdirectory( eeschema )
add_subdirectory( gerbview )
add_subdirectory( kicad )
add_subdirectory( lib_dxf )
add_subdirectory( pcbnew )
add_subdirectory( polygon )
......@@ -629,9 +628,11 @@ add_subdirectory( pagelayout_editor )
add_subdirectory( potrace )
add_subdirectory( bitmap2component )
add_subdirectory( pcb_calculator )
add_subdirectory( kicad ) # should follow pcbnew, eeschema
add_subdirectory( tools )
add_subdirectory( utils )
add_subdirectory( qa )
#add_subdirectory( new )
......@@ -651,16 +652,16 @@ add_dependencies( pnsrouter boost )
add_dependencies( pcbnew lib-dependencies )
add_dependencies( eeschema lib-dependencies )
add_dependencies( cvpcb lib-dependencies )
add_dependencies( common lib-dependencies )
add_dependencies( gal lib-dependencies )
add_dependencies( pcbcommon lib-dependencies )
add_dependencies( 3d-viewer lib-dependencies )
add_dependencies( pcad2kicadpcb lib-dependencies )
add_dependencies( pl_editor lib-dependencies )
add_dependencies( pnsrouter lib-dependencies )
add_dependencies( pcbnew lib-dependencies )
add_dependencies( eeschema lib-dependencies )
add_dependencies( cvpcb lib-dependencies )
add_dependencies( common lib-dependencies )
add_dependencies( gal lib-dependencies )
add_dependencies( pcbcommon lib-dependencies )
add_dependencies( 3d-viewer lib-dependencies )
add_dependencies( pcad2kicadpcb lib-dependencies )
add_dependencies( pl_editor lib-dependencies )
add_dependencies( pnsrouter lib-dependencies )
......@@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ KIFACE* KIWAY::KiFACE( FACE_T aFaceId, bool doLoad )
// This is a fatal error, one from which we cannot recover, nor do we want
// to protect against in client code which would require numerous noisy
// tests in numerous places. So we inform the user that the installation
// is bad. This exception will likely not get caught until way up in
// PGM_BASE or a derivative, at which point the process will exit gracefully.
// is bad. This exception will likely not get caught until way up in the
// wxApp derivative, at which point the process will exit gracefully.
......@@ -176,9 +176,7 @@ struct APP_SINGLE_TOP : public wxApp
catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
wxLogError( wxT( "Unhandled exception class: %s what: %s" ),
GetChars( FROM_UTF8( typeid( ioe ).name() ) ),
GetChars( ioe.errorText ) );
wxLogError( GetChars( ioe.errorText ) );
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