Commit 1b5a1b74 authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck

fix interface mapping slip-up in wxPoint EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetCrossHairPosition(...

fix interface mapping slip-up in wxPoint EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetCrossHairPosition( bool aInvertY ) const
parent d68c727b
......@@ -720,12 +720,9 @@ void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::AdjustScrollBars( const wxPoint& aCenterPositionIU )
BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();
if( screen == NULL || m_canvas == NULL )
if( !screen || !m_canvas )
// There are no safety limits on these calculations, so in NANOMETRES build it
// still blows up. This is incomplete work.
double scale = screen->GetScalingFactor();
wxLogTrace( traceScrollSettings, wxT( "Center Position = ( %d, %d ), scale = %.10g" ),
......@@ -933,7 +930,7 @@ wxPoint EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetCrossHairPosition( bool aInvertY ) const
// subject to change, borrow from old BASE_SCREEN for now.
BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen(); // virtual call
return screen->getCrossHairPosition();
return screen->getCrossHairPosition( aInvertY );
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