Commit 1acc3813 authored by dickelbeck's avatar dickelbeck


parent ca8b1cab
......@@ -37,18 +37,6 @@ asked by: Dick Hollenbeck
Review the GEDA source code and other sources to gather ideas before doing 2).
2008-May-19 Assigned To: need a volunteer
asked by: Dick Hollenbeck
*** improved xpm handling
Move all *.xpm files into the bitmap/ directory, and add those additions to:
> include/bitmaps.h
> bitmaps/CMakeLists.txt as *.xpm
Should there be any remaining *.h files that do #include ...*.xpm, kill those off
and make sure that the referenced bit map's extern char* [] gets put into bitmaps.h
and that the *.cpp files which were including the killed off *.h's now include
bitmaps.h instead.
2008-Feb-8 Assigned To: dick
asked by: dick
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