Commit 15aa24af authored by Maciej Suminski's avatar Maciej Suminski

pcbnew: Modules can be selected with block selection tool without including...

pcbnew: Modules can be selected with block selection tool without including texts & references (GAL).
parent 4eabe231
......@@ -863,6 +863,12 @@ unsigned int MODULE::ViewGetLOD( int aLayer ) const
return 30;
const BOX2I MODULE::ViewBBox() const
EDA_RECT fpRect = GetFootprintRect();
return BOX2I( VECTOR2I( fpRect.GetOrigin() ), VECTOR2I( fpRect.GetSize() ) );
/* Test for validity of the name in a library of the footprint
* ( no spaces, dir separators ... )
......@@ -491,6 +491,9 @@ public:
/// @copydoc VIEW_ITEM::ViewGetLOD()
virtual unsigned int ViewGetLOD( int aLayer ) const;
/// @copydoc VIEW_ITEM::ViewBBox()
virtual const BOX2I ViewBBox() const;
* Function CopyNetlistSettings
* copies the netlist settings to \a aModule.
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