Commit 149a04f3 authored by Blair Bonnett's avatar Blair Bonnett Committed by Wayne Stambaugh

Fix crash in footprint editor when SMD pad diameter is zero. (fixes lp:1378917)

parent 1a550b8e
......@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ private:
void PadPropertiesAccept( wxCommandEvent& event );
void PCB_BASE_FRAME::InstallPadOptionsFrame( D_PAD* aPad )
DIALOG_PAD_PROPERTIES dlg( this, aPad );
......@@ -245,14 +246,41 @@ void DIALOG_PAD_PROPERTIES::OnPaintShowPanel( wxPaintEvent& event )
dc.SetDeviceOrigin( dc_size.x / 2, dc_size.y / 2 );
// Calculate a suitable scale to fit the available draw area
int dim = m_dummyPad->GetSize().x + std::abs( m_dummyPad->GetDelta().y);
int dim = m_dummyPad->GetSize().x + std::abs( m_dummyPad->GetDelta().y );
// Invalid x size. User could enter zero, or have deleted all text prior to
// entering a new value; this is also treated as zero. If dim is left at
// zero, the drawing scale is zero and we get a crash.
if( dim == 0 )
// If drill size has been set, use that. Otherwise default to 1mm.
dim = m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().x;
if( dim == 0 )
dim = 1000000;
if( m_dummyPad->GetLocalClearance() > 0 )
dim += m_dummyPad->GetLocalClearance() * 2;
double scale = (double) dc_size.x / dim;
dim = m_dummyPad->GetSize().y + std::abs( m_dummyPad->GetDelta().x);
// If the pad is a circle, use the x size here instead.
int ysize;
if( m_dummyPad->GetShape() == PAD_CIRCLE )
ysize = m_dummyPad->GetSize().x;
ysize = m_dummyPad->GetSize().y;
dim = ysize + std::abs( m_dummyPad->GetDelta().x );
// Invalid y size. See note about x size above.
if( dim == 0 )
dim = m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().y;
if( dim == 0 )
dim = 1000000;
if( m_dummyPad->GetLocalClearance() > 0 )
dim += m_dummyPad->GetLocalClearance() * 2;
......@@ -666,13 +694,13 @@ void DIALOG_PAD_PROPERTIES::setPadLayersList( LSET layer_mask )
LSET cu_set = layer_mask & LSET::AllCuMask();
if( cu_set == LSET( F_Cu ) )
m_rbCopperLayersSel->SetSelection( 0 );
else if( cu_set == LSET( B_Cu ) )
m_rbCopperLayersSel->SetSelection( 1 );
else if( cu_set.any() )
m_rbCopperLayersSel->SetSelection( 2 );
m_rbCopperLayersSel->SetSelection( 3 );
m_PadLayerAdhCmp->SetValue( layer_mask[F_Adhes] );
m_PadLayerAdhCu->SetValue( layer_mask[B_Adhes] );
......@@ -710,6 +738,12 @@ bool DIALOG_PAD_PROPERTIES::padValuesOK()
wxString msg;
// Test for incorrect values
if( (m_dummyPad->GetSize().x <= 0) ||
((m_dummyPad->GetSize().y <= 0) && (m_dummyPad->GetShape() != PAD_CIRCLE)) )
error_msgs.Add( _( "Pad size must be greater than zero" ) );
if( (m_dummyPad->GetSize().x < m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().x) ||
(m_dummyPad->GetSize().y < m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().y) )
......@@ -730,10 +764,10 @@ bool DIALOG_PAD_PROPERTIES::padValuesOK()
if( m_dummyPad->GetAttribute() == PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )
msg += wxT("<br><br><i>");
msg += _( "For NPTH pad, set pad size value to pad drill value,"
" if you do not want this pad plotted in gerber files"
msg += wxT( "<br><br><i>" );
msg += _( "For NPTH pad, set pad size value to pad drill value,"
" if you do not want this pad plotted in gerber files"
error_msgs.Add( msg );
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