Commit 0e03fbff authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

Make hotkey string info translatable in dialogs. These strings are now...

Make hotkey string info translatable in dialogs. These strings are now prefixed by _HKI , which can be used by translation tools to extract them.
parent 03502904
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ wxString HOTKEY_LIST_CTRL::OnGetItemText( long aRow, long aColumn ) const
if( aColumn == 0 )
return hotkey_descr->m_InfoMsg;
return wxGetTranslation( hotkey_descr->m_InfoMsg );
......@@ -370,10 +370,11 @@ bool HOTKEYS_EDITOR_DIALOG::CanSetKey( long aKey, const wxString* sectionTag )
if( conflictingKey != NULL )
wxString info = wxGetTranslation( conflictingKey->m_InfoMsg );
wxString msg = wxString::Format(
_( "<%s> is already assigned to \"%s\" in section \"%s\". Are you sure you want "
"to change its assignment?" ),
KeyNameFromKeyCode( aKey ), conflictingKey->m_InfoMsg,
KeyNameFromKeyCode( aKey ), GetChars( info ),
*(conflictingSection->GetHotkeySection()->m_Title) );
wxMessageDialog dlg( this, msg, _( "Confirm change" ), wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT );
......@@ -424,6 +424,7 @@ int KeyCodeFromKeyName( const wxString& keyname )
void DisplayHotkeyList( EDA_BASE_FRAME* aFrame, struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG* aDescList )
wxString keyname;
wxString keymessage;
EDA_HOTKEY** list;
wxString msg = wxT( "<html><body bgcolor=\"#E2E2E2\">" );
......@@ -443,12 +444,13 @@ void DisplayHotkeyList( EDA_BASE_FRAME* aFrame, struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG* aDescL
if( !hk_decr->m_InfoMsg.Contains( wxT( "Macros" ) ) )
keyname = KeyNameFromKeyCode( hk_decr->m_KeyCode );
keymessage = wxGetTranslation( hk_decr->m_InfoMsg );
// Some chars should be modified, using html encoding, to be
// Some chars are modified, using html encoding, to be
// displayed by DisplayHtmlInfoMessage()
keyname.Replace( wxT( "<" ), wxT( "&lt;" ) );
keyname.Replace( wxT( ">" ), wxT( "&gt;" ) );
msg += wxT( "<tr><td>" ) + hk_decr->m_InfoMsg + wxT( "</td>" );
msg += wxT( "<tr><td>" ) + keymessage + wxT( "</td>" );
msg += wxT( "<td><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;" ) + keyname + wxT( "</b></td></tr>" );
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......@@ -31,6 +31,13 @@
#define DEFAULT_HOTKEY_FILENAME_EXT wxT( "hotkeys" )
// A define to allow translation of Hot Key message Info in hotkey help menu
// We do not want to use the _( x ) usual macro from wxWidgets, which calls wxGetTranslation(),
// because the English string is used in key file configuration
// The translated string is used only when displaying the help window.
// Therefore translation tools have to use the "_" and the "_HKI" prefix to extract
// strings to translate
#define _HKI( x ) wxT( x )
......@@ -129,22 +129,28 @@ enum hotkey_id_commnand
///////////// Hotkeys management ///////////////////////////////////////
// Remark: the hotkey message info is used as keyword in hotkey config files and
// as comments in help windows, therefore translated only when displayed
// they are marked _HKI to be extracted by translation tools
// See hotkeys_basic.h for more info
// hotkeys command:
static EDA_HOTKEY HkHelp( wxT( "Help (this window)" ), HK_HELP, '?' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkLoadPrj( wxT( "Load project" ), HK_LOAD_PROJECT, 'O' + GR_KB_CTRL );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkSavePrj( wxT( "Save project" ), HK_SAVE_PROJECT, 'S' + GR_KB_CTRL );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkNewProject( wxT( "New Project" ), HK_NEW_PRJ, 'N' + GR_KB_CTRL );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkNewPrjFromTemplate( wxT( "New Prj From Template" ),
static EDA_HOTKEY HkHelp( _HKI( "Help (this window)" ), HK_HELP, '?' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkLoadPrj( _HKI( "Load project" ), HK_LOAD_PROJECT, 'O' + GR_KB_CTRL );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkSavePrj( _HKI( "Save project" ), HK_SAVE_PROJECT, 'S' + GR_KB_CTRL );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkNewProject( _HKI( "New Project" ), HK_NEW_PRJ, 'N' + GR_KB_CTRL );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkNewPrjFromTemplate( _HKI( "New Prj From Template" ),
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunEeschema( wxT( "Run Eeschema" ), HK_RUN_EESCHEMA, 'E', 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunLibedit( wxT( "Run LibEdit" ), HK_RUN_LIBEDIT, 'L', 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunPcbnew( wxT( "Run Pcbnew" ), HK_RUN_PCBNEW, 'P', 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunModedit( wxT( "Run FpEditor" ), HK_RUN_FPEDITOR, 'F', 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunGerbview( wxT( "Run Gerbview" ), HK_RUN_GERBVIEW, 'G', 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunBm2Cmp( wxT( "Run Bitmap2Component" ), HK_RUN_BM2COMPONENT, 'B', 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunPcbCalc( wxT( "Run PcbCalculator" ), HK_RUN_PCBCALCULATOR, 'C', 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunPleditor( wxT( "Run PlEditor" ), HK_RUN_PLEDITOR, 'Y', 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunEeschema( _HKI( "Run Eeschema" ), HK_RUN_EESCHEMA, 'E', 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunLibedit( _HKI( "Run LibEdit" ), HK_RUN_LIBEDIT, 'L', 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunPcbnew( _HKI( "Run Pcbnew" ), HK_RUN_PCBNEW, 'P', 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunModedit( _HKI( "Run FpEditor" ), HK_RUN_FPEDITOR, 'F', 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunGerbview( _HKI( "Run Gerbview" ), HK_RUN_GERBVIEW, 'G', 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunBm2Cmp( _HKI( "Run Bitmap2Component" ), HK_RUN_BM2COMPONENT, 'B', 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunPcbCalc( _HKI( "Run PcbCalculator" ), HK_RUN_PCBCALCULATOR, 'C', 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunPleditor( _HKI( "Run PlEditor" ), HK_RUN_PLEDITOR, 'Y', 0 );
// List of hotkey descriptors
EDA_HOTKEY* common_Hotkey_List[] =
......@@ -38,10 +38,16 @@
#include <pl_editor_id.h>
// Remark: the hotkey message info is used as keyword in hotkey config files and
// as comments in help windows, therefore translated only when displayed
// they are marked _HKI to be extracted by translation tools
// See hotkeys_basic.h for more info
/* How to add a new hotkey:
* add a new id in the enum hotkey_id_commnand like MY_NEW_ID_FUNCTION.
* add a new EDA_HOTKEY entry like:
* static EDA_HOTKEY HkMyNewEntry(wxT("Command Label"), MY_NEW_ID_FUNCTION, default key value);
* static EDA_HOTKEY HkMyNewEntry(_HKI("Command Label"), MY_NEW_ID_FUNCTION, default key value);
* 'Command Label' is the name used in hotkey list display, and the identifier in the
* hotkey list file
* 'MY_NEW_ID_FUNCTION' is the id event function used in the switch in OnHotKey() function.
......@@ -58,30 +64,30 @@
// Hotkey list:
// mouse click command:
static EDA_HOTKEY HkMouseLeftClick( wxT( "Mouse Left Click" ), HK_LEFT_CLICK, WXK_RETURN, 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkMouseLeftDClick( wxT( "Mouse Left Double Click" ), HK_LEFT_DCLICK, WXK_END, 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkMouseLeftClick( _HKI( "Mouse Left Click" ), HK_LEFT_CLICK, WXK_RETURN, 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkMouseLeftDClick( _HKI( "Mouse Left Double Click" ), HK_LEFT_DCLICK, WXK_END, 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkResetLocalCoord( wxT( "Reset Local Coordinates" ),
static EDA_HOTKEY HkResetLocalCoord( _HKI( "Reset Local Coordinates" ),
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomAuto( wxT( "Zoom Auto" ), HK_ZOOM_AUTO, WXK_HOME, ID_ZOOM_PAGE );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomCenter( wxT( "Zoom Center" ), HK_ZOOM_CENTER, WXK_F4,
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomAuto( _HKI( "Zoom Auto" ), HK_ZOOM_AUTO, WXK_HOME, ID_ZOOM_PAGE );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomCenter( _HKI( "Zoom Center" ), HK_ZOOM_CENTER, WXK_F4,
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomRedraw( wxT( "Zoom Redraw" ), HK_ZOOM_REDRAW, WXK_F3, ID_ZOOM_REDRAW );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomOut( wxT( "Zoom Out" ), HK_ZOOM_OUT, WXK_F2, ID_POPUP_ZOOM_OUT );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomIn( wxT( "Zoom In" ), HK_ZOOM_IN, WXK_F1, ID_POPUP_ZOOM_IN );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkHelp( wxT( "Help (this window)" ), HK_HELP, '?' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkMoveItem( wxT( "Move Item" ), HK_MOVE_ITEM, 'M', ID_POPUP_ITEM_MOVE );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkPlaceItem( wxT( "Place Item" ), HK_PLACE_ITEM, 'P', ID_POPUP_ITEM_PLACE );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkMoveStartPoint( wxT( "Move Start Point" ), HK_MOVE_START_POINT, 'S',
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomRedraw( _HKI( "Zoom Redraw" ), HK_ZOOM_REDRAW, WXK_F3, ID_ZOOM_REDRAW );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomOut( _HKI( "Zoom Out" ), HK_ZOOM_OUT, WXK_F2, ID_POPUP_ZOOM_OUT );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomIn( _HKI( "Zoom In" ), HK_ZOOM_IN, WXK_F1, ID_POPUP_ZOOM_IN );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkHelp( _HKI( "Help (this window)" ), HK_HELP, '?' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkMoveItem( _HKI( "Move Item" ), HK_MOVE_ITEM, 'M', ID_POPUP_ITEM_MOVE );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkPlaceItem( _HKI( "Place Item" ), HK_PLACE_ITEM, 'P', ID_POPUP_ITEM_PLACE );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkMoveStartPoint( _HKI( "Move Start Point" ), HK_MOVE_START_POINT, 'S',
static EDA_HOTKEY HkMoveEndPoint( wxT( "Move End Point" ), HK_MOVE_END_POINT, 'E',
static EDA_HOTKEY HkMoveEndPoint( _HKI( "Move End Point" ), HK_MOVE_END_POINT, 'E',
static EDA_HOTKEY HkDeleteItem( wxT( "Delete Item" ), HK_DELETE_ITEM, WXK_DELETE,
static EDA_HOTKEY HkDeleteItem( _HKI( "Delete Item" ), HK_DELETE_ITEM, WXK_DELETE,
// Undo Redo
static EDA_HOTKEY HkUndo( wxT( "Undo" ), HK_UNDO, GR_KB_CTRL + 'Z', (int) wxID_UNDO );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRedo( wxT( "Redo" ), HK_REDO, GR_KB_CTRL + 'Y', (int) wxID_REDO );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkUndo( _HKI( "Undo" ), HK_UNDO, GR_KB_CTRL + 'Z', (int) wxID_UNDO );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRedo( _HKI( "Redo" ), HK_REDO, GR_KB_CTRL + 'Y', (int) wxID_REDO );
// List of common hotkey descriptors
EDA_HOTKEY* s_Common_Hotkey_List[] =
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