Commit 0bdef385 authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck

Improved PLUGIN documentation in io_mgr.h

parent 6418163d
......@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ public:
// add your type here.
// etc.
......@@ -77,7 +79,8 @@ public:
* Function PluginRelease
* releases a PLUGIN back to the system, and may cause it to be unloaded from memory.
* @param aPlugin is the one to be released, and which is no longer usable.
* @param aPlugin is the one to be released, and which is no longer usable
* after calling this.
static void PluginRelease( PLUGIN* aPlugin );
......@@ -89,7 +92,9 @@ public:
* Function Load
* finds the requested PLUGIN and loads a BOARD, or throws an exception trying.
* finds the requested PLUGIN and if found, calls the PLUGIN->Load(..) funtion
* on it using the arguments passed to this function. After the PLUGIN->Load()
* function returns, the PLUGIN is Released() as part of this call.
* @param aFileType is the PCB_FILE_T of file to load.
......@@ -109,7 +114,23 @@ public:
static BOARD* Load( PCB_FILE_T aFileType, const wxString& aFileName,
BOARD* aAppendToMe = NULL, PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL );
// etc.
* Function Save
* will write a full aBoard to a storage file in a format that this
* implementation knows about, or it can be used to write a portion of
* aBoard to a special kind of export file.
* @param aFileName is the name of a file to save to on disk.
* @param aBoard is the BOARD document (data tree) to save or export to disk.
* @param aProperties is an associative array that can be used to tell the
* saver how to save the file, because it can take any number of
* additional named tuning arguments that the plugin is known to support.
* @throw IO_ERROR if there is a problem saving or exporting.
static void Save( PCB_FILE_T aFileType, const wxString& aFileName,
PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL );
......@@ -123,7 +144,9 @@ public:
* <pre>
* try
* {
* pi->Load(...);
* IO_MGR::Load(...);
* or
* IO_MGR::Save(...);
* }
* catch( IO_ERROR ioe )
* {
......@@ -170,41 +193,47 @@ public:
//-----<PUBLIC PLUGIN API>-------------------------------------------------
* Function PluginName
* returns a brief hard coded name for this PLUGIN.
virtual const wxString& PluginName() = 0;
//-----<BOARD STUFF>----------------------------------------------------
* Function Load
* loads a board file from some input file format that this implementation
* knows about.
* loads a board file, or a portion of one, from some input file format
* that this PLUGIN implementation knows about. This may be used to load an
* entire new BOARD, or to augment an existing one if \a aAppendToMe is not NULL.
* @param aFileName is the name of the file to load and may be foreign in
* @param aFileName is the name of the file to use as input and may be foreign in
* nature or native in nature.
* @param aAppendToMe is an existing BOARD to append to but is often NULL
* meaning do not append.
* @param aAppendToMe is an existing BOARD to append to, but if NULL then
* this means "do not append, rather load anew".
* @param aProperties is an associative array that can be used to tell the
* loader how to load the file, because it can take any number of
* additional named arguments that the plugin is known to support.
* additional named arguments that the plugin is known to support. These are
* tuning parameters for the import or load. The caller continues to own
* this object (plugin may not delete it), and plugins should expect it to
* be optionally NULL.
* @return BOARD* - the successfully loaded board, and caller owns it.
* @return BOARD* - the successfully loaded board, or the same one as aAppendToMe
* if aAppendToMe was not NULL, and caller owns it.
* @throw IO_ERROR if there is a problem loading, and its contents should
* say what went wrong.
* say what went wrong, using line number and character offsets of the
* input file if possible.
virtual BOARD* Load( const wxString& aFileName, BOARD* aAppendToMe,
PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL );
* Function Save
* will write a full aBoard to a storage file in a format that only this
* implementation knows about. Or it can be used to write a portion of
* will write a full aBoard to a storage file in a format that this
* PLUGIN implementation knows about, or it can be used to write a portion of
* aBoard to a special kind of export file.
* @param aFileName is the name of a file to save to on disk.
......@@ -212,19 +241,23 @@ public:
* @param aProperties is an associative array that can be used to tell the
* saver how to save the file, because it can take any number of
* additional named arguments that the plugin is known to support.
* additional named tuning arguments that the plugin is known to support.
* The caller continues to own this object (plugin may not delete it),
* and plugins should expect it to be optionally NULL.
* @throw IO_ERROR if there is a problem loading.
* @throw IO_ERROR if there is a problem saving or exporting.
virtual void Save( const wxString* aFileName, BOARD* aBoard,
PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL );
//-----</BOARD STUFF>---------------------------------------------------
//-----</PUBLIC PLUGIN API>------------------------------------------------
#if 0
///--------- Should split into two PLUGIN base types here, rather than being combined like this
#if 0
//-----<SCHEMATIC STUFF>------------------------------------------------
// Should split into schematic specific PLUGIN base type
* Function Load
......@@ -242,7 +275,7 @@ public:
* Function Save
* will write aBoard to a storage file in a format that only this
* will write aSchematic to a storage file in a format that only this
* implementation knows about.
* @param aFileName is the name of a file to save to on disk.
......@@ -258,6 +291,6 @@ public:
//-----</SCHEMATIC STUFF>----------------------------------------------
#endif // IO_MGR_H_
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