Commit 0b9a8709 authored by Maciej Suminski's avatar Maciej Suminski

Modifiers (Alt/Shift/Control) are properly set for events when autopanning is active.

parent 82ca611e
......@@ -202,7 +202,20 @@ void WX_VIEW_CONTROLS::onTimer( wxTimerEvent& aEvent )
// Notify tools that the cursor position has changed in the world coordinates
wxCommandEvent moveEvent( EVT_REFRESH_MOUSE );
wxMouseEvent moveEvent( EVT_REFRESH_MOUSE );
// Set the modifiers state
#if wxCHECK_VERSION( 3, 0, 0 )
moveEvent.SetControlDown( wxGetKeyState( WXK_CONTROL ) );
moveEvent.SetShiftDown( wxGetKeyState( WXK_SHIFT ) );
moveEvent.SetAltDown( wxGetKeyState( WXK_ALT) );
// wx <3.0 do not have accessors, but the fields are exposed
moveEvent.m_controlDown = wxGetKeyState( WXK_CONTROL );
moveEvent.m_shiftDown = wxGetKeyState( WXK_SHIFT );
moveEvent.m_altDown = wxGetKeyState( WXK_ALT );
wxPostEvent( m_parentPanel, moveEvent );
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