Commit 0ae29fc1 authored by charras's avatar charras

Revert to previous dialog_layer_setup_base, and added (conditional...

Revert to previous dialog_layer_setup_base, and added (conditional compilation) option to hide/show no used inner copper layers and define inner layers order (see changelog) in dialog layer setup.
......@@ -4,6 +4,23 @@ KiCad ChangeLog 2010
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2010-Feb-19 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
Added (see dialog_layers_setup.cpp) compilation options to
-hide non active copper layers
-show inner layers in same order than the layer manager
Currently these options are 2 define
// if defined, displays only active copper layers
// if not displays always 1=the full set (16 layers)
//if defined, used the layer manager copper layers order
// (from FRONT to BACK) to display inner layers.
// if not, use the default order (from BACK to FRONT)
Currently not active, can be changed if the correponding lines are uncommented in dialog_layers_setup.cpp
2010-Mar-3 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
......@@ -36,6 +36,17 @@
#include "class_board_design_settings.h"
// some define to choose how copper layers widgets are shown
// if defined, displays only active copper layers
// if not displays always 1=the full set (16 layers)
//if defined, uses the layer manager copper layers order (from FRONT to BACK)
// to display inner layers.
// if not, use the default order (from BACK to FRONT)
* Struct CTLs
......@@ -43,11 +54,12 @@
struct CTLs
CTLs( wxControl* aName, wxCheckBox* aCheckBox, wxControl* aChoiceOrDesc )
CTLs( wxControl* aName, wxCheckBox* aCheckBox, wxControl* aChoiceOrDesc, wxPanel * aPanel = NULL)
name = aName;
checkbox = aCheckBox;
choice = aChoiceOrDesc;
panel = aPanel;
wxControl* name;
......@@ -197,8 +209,8 @@ static const int presets[] =
CTLs DIALOG_LAYERS_SETUP::getCTLs( int aLayerNumber )
#define RETCOP(x) return CTLs( x##Name, x##CheckBox, x##Choice );
#define RETAUX(x) return CTLs( x##Name, x##CheckBox, x##StaticText );
#define RETCOP(x) return CTLs( x##Name, x##CheckBox, x##Choice, x##Panel );
#define RETAUX(x) return CTLs( x##Name, x##CheckBox, x##StaticText, x##Panel );
switch( aLayerNumber )
......@@ -207,6 +219,22 @@ CTLs DIALOG_LAYERS_SETUP::getCTLs( int aLayerNumber )
case LAYER_N_FRONT: RETCOP( m_Front );
case LAYER_N_15: RETCOP( m_Inner2 );
case LAYER_N_14: RETCOP( m_Inner3 );
case LAYER_N_13: RETCOP( m_Inner4 );
case LAYER_N_12: RETCOP( m_Inner5 );
case LAYER_N_11: RETCOP( m_Inner6 );
case LAYER_N_10: RETCOP( m_Inner7 );
case LAYER_N_9: RETCOP( m_Inner8 );
case LAYER_N_8: RETCOP( m_Inner9 );
case LAYER_N_7: RETCOP( m_Inner10 );
case LAYER_N_6: RETCOP( m_Inner11 );
case LAYER_N_5: RETCOP( m_Inner12 );
case LAYER_N_4: RETCOP( m_Inner13 );
case LAYER_N_3: RETCOP( m_Inner14 );
case LAYER_N_2: RETCOP( m_Inner15 );
case LAYER_N_2: RETCOP( m_Inner2 );
case LAYER_N_3: RETCOP( m_Inner3 );
case LAYER_N_4: RETCOP( m_Inner4 );
......@@ -221,6 +249,7 @@ CTLs DIALOG_LAYERS_SETUP::getCTLs( int aLayerNumber )
case LAYER_N_13: RETCOP( m_Inner13 );
case LAYER_N_14: RETCOP( m_Inner14 );
case LAYER_N_15: RETCOP( m_Inner15 );
case LAYER_N_BACK: RETCOP( m_Back );
......@@ -434,19 +463,27 @@ void DIALOG_LAYERS_SETUP::setCopperLayerCheckBoxes( int copperCount )
int layer;
for( layer=LAYER_N_2; layer < NB_COPPER_LAYERS-1; ++layer, --copperCount )
CTLs ctl = getCTLs(layer);
bool state = copperCount > 0;
// This code hide non active copper layers
CTLs ctl = getCTLs(layer);>Show( state );
ctl.checkbox->Show( state );
ctl.choice->Show( state );
if( ctl.panel )
ctl.panel->Show( state );
setLayerCheckBox( layer, state );
// Send an size event to force sizers to be updated,
// because the number of copper layers can have changed.
wxSizeEvent evt_size(m_LayersListPanel->GetSize() );
m_LayersListPanel->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( evt_size );
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......@@ -146,51 +146,67 @@ class DIALOG_LAYERS_SETUP_BASE : public wxDialog
wxCheckBox* m_MaskFrontCheckBox;
wxStaticText* m_MaskFrontStaticText;
wxTextCtrl* m_FrontName;
wxPanel* m_FrontPanel;
wxCheckBox* m_FrontCheckBox;
wxChoice* m_FrontChoice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner15Name;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner15CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner15Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner14Name;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner14CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner14Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner13Name;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner13CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner13Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner12Name;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner12CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner12Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner11Name;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner11CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner11Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner10Name;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner10CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner10Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner9Name;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner9CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner9Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner8Name;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner8CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner8Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner7Name;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner7CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner7Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner6Name;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner6CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner6Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner5Name;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner5CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner5Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner4Name;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner4CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner4Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner3Name;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner3CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner3Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner2Name;
wxPanel* m_Inner2Panel;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner2CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner2Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner3Name;
wxPanel* m_Inner3Panel;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner3CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner3Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner4Name;
wxPanel* m_Inner4Panel;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner4CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner4Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner5Name;
wxPanel* m_Inner5Panel;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner5CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner5Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner6Name;
wxPanel* m_Inner6Panel;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner6CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner6Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner7Name;
wxPanel* m_Inner7Panel;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner7CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner7Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner8Name;
wxPanel* m_Inner8Panel;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner8CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner8Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner9Name;
wxPanel* m_Inner9Panel;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner9CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner9Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner10Name;
wxPanel* m_Inner10Panel;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner10CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner10Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner11Name;
wxPanel* m_Inner11Panel;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner11CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner11Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner12Name;
wxPanel* m_Inner12Panel;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner12CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner12Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner13Name;
wxPanel* m_Inner13Panel;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner13CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner13Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner14Name;
wxPanel* m_Inner14Panel;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner14CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner14Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_Inner15Name;
wxPanel* m_Inner15Panel;
wxCheckBox* m_Inner15CheckBox;
wxChoice* m_Inner15Choice;
wxTextCtrl* m_BackName;
wxPanel* m_BackPanel;
wxCheckBox* m_BackCheckBox;
wxChoice* m_BackChoice;
wxStaticText* m_MaskBackName;
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