Commit 0652ab4f authored by stambaughw's avatar stambaughw

PCBNew UI normalization and global variable reductions.

* All: remove all remaining occurrences of g_DialogFont and dialog font menu handers.
* All: remove all remaining non-standard fonts and button text colors from common dialogs.
* PCBNew: remove all non-standard fonts and button text colors from dialogs.
* PCBNew: update project library and path dialog to match changes to CVPCB version.
* EESchema: update project library and path dialog to match changes to CVPCB version.
* EESchema: save vertical/horizontal line direction setting between sessions.
parent ac45264b
......@@ -285,38 +285,3 @@ void WinEDA_BasicFrame::GetKicadAbout( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
void WinEDA_BasicFrame::ProcessFontPreferences( int id )
wxFont font;
switch( id )
font = wxGetFontFromUser( this, *g_DialogFont );
if( font.Ok() )
int pointsize = font.GetPointSize();
*g_DialogFont = font;
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
g_DialogFontPointSize = pointsize;
g_FixedFontPointSize = pointsize;
g_FixedFont->SetPointSize( g_FixedFontPointSize );
DisplayError( this, wxT( "WinEDA_BasicFrame::ProcessFontPreferences Internal Error" ) );
......@@ -72,10 +72,8 @@ wxString g_UserLibDirBuffer;
int g_DebugLevel;
int g_MouseOldButtons;
int g_KeyPressed;
wxFont* g_DialogFont = NULL; /* Normal font used in dialog box */
wxFont* g_FixedFont = NULL; /* Affichage de Texte en fenetres de dialogue,
* fonte a pas fixe)*/
int g_DialogFontPointSize; /* taille de la fonte */
int g_FixedFontPointSize; /* taille de la fonte */
int g_FontMinPointSize; /* taille minimum des fontes */
......@@ -114,49 +114,6 @@ WinEDA_DrawFrame::~WinEDA_DrawFrame()
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::AddFontSelectionMenu( wxMenu* main_menu )
/* create the submenu for font selection and setup font size
wxMenu* fontmenu = new wxMenu();
ADD_MENUITEM( fontmenu,
_( "Dialog boxes" ),
fonts_xpm );
_( "&Font" ),
_( "Choose font type and size for dialogs, infos and status box" ),
fonts_xpm );
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::ProcessFontPreferences( wxCommandEvent& event )
int id = event.GetId();
switch( id )
WinEDA_BasicFrame::ProcessFontPreferences( id );
DisplayError( this, wxT( "WinEDA_DrawFrame::ProcessFontPreferences " \
"Internal Error" ) );
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::Affiche_Message( const wxString& message )
......@@ -248,7 +248,6 @@ WinEDA_App::~WinEDA_App()
if( m_EDA_CommonConfig )
delete m_EDA_CommonConfig;
delete m_EDA_Config;
delete g_DialogFont;
delete g_FixedFont;
if( m_Checker )
delete m_Checker;
......@@ -305,12 +304,8 @@ void WinEDA_App::InitEDA_Appl( const wxString& aName, id_app_type aId )
wxASSERT( m_EDA_CommonConfig != NULL );
/* Create the fonts used in dialogs and messages */
g_DialogFontPointSize = FONT_DEFAULT_SIZE;
g_FixedFontPointSize = FONT_DEFAULT_SIZE;
g_DialogFont = new wxFont( g_DialogFontPointSize, wxFONTFAMILY_ROMAN,
g_FixedFont = new wxFont( g_FixedFontPointSize, wxFONTFAMILY_MODERN,
......@@ -645,21 +640,9 @@ void WinEDA_App::GetSettings()
m_fileHistory.Load( *m_EDA_Config );
/* Set default font sizes */
g_DialogFontPointSize = m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "DialogFontSize" ),
g_FixedFontPointSize = m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "FixedFontSize" ),
Line = m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "DialogFontType" ), wxEmptyString );
if( !Line.IsEmpty() )
g_DialogFont->SetFaceName( Line );
ii = m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "DialogFontStyle" ), wxFONTFAMILY_ROMAN );
g_DialogFont->SetStyle( ii );
ii = m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "DialogFontWeight" ), wxNORMAL );
g_DialogFont->SetWeight( ii );
g_DialogFont->SetPointSize( g_DialogFontPointSize );
g_FixedFont->SetPointSize( g_FixedFontPointSize );
m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "ShowPageLimits" ), &g_ShowPageLimits );
......@@ -687,12 +670,6 @@ void WinEDA_App::SaveSettings()
#if wxCHECK_VERSION( 2, 9, 0 )
#warning TODO: under wxWidgets 3.0, see how to replace the next lines
/* Dialog font settings */
m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "DialogFontSize" ), g_DialogFontPointSize );
m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "DialogFontType" ), g_DialogFont->GetFaceName() );
m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "DialogFontStyle" ), g_DialogFont->GetStyle() );
m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "DialogFontWeight" ), g_DialogFont->GetWeight() );
/* Misc settings */
m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "FixedFontSize" ), g_FixedFontPointSize );
m_EDA_Config->Write( wxT( "ShowPageLimits" ), g_ShowPageLimits );
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
/* Affichage et selection de la palette des couleurs disponibles
* dans une frame
......@@ -22,8 +23,9 @@ enum colors_id {
class WinEDA_SelColorFrame: public wxDialog
class WinEDA_SelColorFrame : public wxDialog
/* Frame d'affichage de la palette des couleurs disponibles
......@@ -31,19 +33,20 @@ private:
// Constructor and destructor
WinEDA_SelColorFrame( wxWindow *parent,
WinEDA_SelColorFrame( wxWindow* parent,
const wxPoint& framepos, int OldColor );
~WinEDA_SelColorFrame() {};
void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& event);
void SelColor(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnCancel( wxCommandEvent& event );
void SelColor( wxCommandEvent& event );
/* Construction de la table des evenements pour FrameClassMain */
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(WinEDA_SelColorFrame, wxDialog)
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( WinEDA_SelColorFrame, wxDialog )
EVT_BUTTON( wxID_CANCEL, WinEDA_SelColorFrame::OnCancel )
......@@ -51,17 +54,15 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(WinEDA_SelColorFrame, wxDialog)
int DisplayColorFrame(wxWindow * parent, int OldColor)
int DisplayColorFrame( wxWindow* parent, int OldColor )
wxPoint framepos;
int color;
wxPoint framepos;
int color;
wxGetMousePosition(&framepos.x, &framepos.y);
wxGetMousePosition( &framepos.x, &framepos.y );
WinEDA_SelColorFrame * frame = new WinEDA_SelColorFrame( parent,
framepos, OldColor );
WinEDA_SelColorFrame* frame = new WinEDA_SelColorFrame( parent,
framepos, OldColor );
color = frame->ShowModal();
if( color > NBCOLOR )
......@@ -70,78 +71,76 @@ int color;
WinEDA_SelColorFrame::WinEDA_SelColorFrame( wxWindow *parent,
const wxPoint& framepos, int OldColor ):
wxDialog( parent, -1, _("Colors"), framepos, wxDefaultSize,
WinEDA_SelColorFrame::WinEDA_SelColorFrame( wxWindow* parent,
const wxPoint& framepos,
int OldColor ) :
wxDialog( parent, -1, _( "Colors" ), framepos, wxDefaultSize,
wxBoxSizer* OuterBoxSizer = NULL;
wxBoxSizer* MainBoxSizer = NULL;
wxFlexGridSizer* FlexColumnBoxSizer = NULL;
wxBitmapButton* BitmapButton = NULL;
wxStaticText* Label = NULL;
wxStaticLine* Line = NULL;
wxBoxSizer* OuterBoxSizer = NULL;
wxBoxSizer* MainBoxSizer = NULL;
wxFlexGridSizer* FlexColumnBoxSizer = NULL;
wxBitmapButton* BitmapButton = NULL;
wxStaticText* Label = NULL;
wxStaticLine* Line = NULL;
wxStdDialogButtonSizer* StdDialogButtonSizer = NULL;
wxButton* Button = NULL;
wxButton* Button = NULL;
int ii, butt_ID, buttcolor;
int w = 20, h = 20;
bool ColorFound = false;
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
int ii, butt_ID, buttcolor;
int w = 20, h = 20;
bool ColorFound = false;
SetReturnCode( -1 );
OuterBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
OuterBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
SetSizer( OuterBoxSizer );
MainBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
OuterBoxSizer->Add(MainBoxSizer, 1, wxGROW|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP, 5);
MainBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
OuterBoxSizer->Add( MainBoxSizer, 1, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP, 5 );
for( ii = 0; ColorRefs[ii].m_Name != NULL; ii++ )
// Provide a separate column for every eight buttons (and their associated text
// strings), so provide a FlexGrid Sizer with eight rows and two columns.
// Provide a separate column for every eight buttons (and their
// associated text strings), so provide a FlexGrid Sizer with
// eight rows and two columns.
if( ii % 8 == 0 )
FlexColumnBoxSizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(8, 2, 0, 0);
FlexColumnBoxSizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 8, 2, 0, 0 );
// Specify that all of the rows can be expanded.
for( int ii = 0; ii < 8; ii++ )
FlexColumnBoxSizer->AddGrowableRow( ii );
// Specify that the second column can also be expanded.
FlexColumnBoxSizer->AddGrowableCol( 1 );
MainBoxSizer->Add(FlexColumnBoxSizer, 1, wxGROW|wxTOP, 5);
MainBoxSizer->Add( FlexColumnBoxSizer, 1, wxGROW | wxTOP, 5 );
butt_ID = ID_COLOR_BLACK + ii;
wxMemoryDC iconDC;
wxBitmap ButtBitmap( w, h );
wxBrush Brush;
wxBitmap ButtBitmap( w, h );
wxBrush Brush;
iconDC.SelectObject( ButtBitmap );
buttcolor = ColorRefs[ii].m_Numcolor;
iconDC.SetPen( *wxBLACK_PEN );
Brush.SetColour( ColorRefs[buttcolor].m_Red,
ColorRefs[buttcolor].m_Blue );
Brush.SetStyle( wxSOLID );
iconDC.SetBrush( Brush );
iconDC.SetBackground( *wxGREY_BRUSH );
iconDC.DrawRoundedRectangle( 0, 0, w, h, (double)h / 3 );
iconDC.DrawRoundedRectangle( 0, 0, w, h, (double) h / 3 );
BitmapButton = new wxBitmapButton( this, butt_ID, ButtBitmap,
wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( w, h ) );
FlexColumnBoxSizer->Add(BitmapButton, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxLEFT|wxBOTTOM, 5);
FlexColumnBoxSizer->Add( BitmapButton, 0,
wxLEFT | wxBOTTOM, 5 );
// Set focus to this button if its color matches the
// color which had been selected previously (for
......@@ -154,23 +153,26 @@ WinEDA_SelColorFrame::WinEDA_SelColorFrame( wxWindow *parent,
Label = new wxStaticText( this, -1, ColorRefs[ii].m_Name,
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
FlexColumnBoxSizer->Add(Label, 1, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxBOTTOM, 5);
FlexColumnBoxSizer->Add( Label, 1,
wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxBOTTOM, 5 );
// Provide a Cancel button as well, so that this dialog
// box can also be cancelled by pressing the Esc key
// box can also be canceled by pressing the Esc key
// (and also provide a horizontal static line to separate
// that button from all of the other buttons).
Line = new wxStaticLine( this, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxLI_HORIZONTAL );
OuterBoxSizer->Add(Line, 0, wxGROW|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP, 5);
Line = new wxStaticLine( this, -1, wxDefaultPosition,
wxDefaultSize, wxLI_HORIZONTAL );
OuterBoxSizer->Add( Line, 0, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP, 5 );
StdDialogButtonSizer = new wxStdDialogButtonSizer;
OuterBoxSizer->Add(StdDialogButtonSizer, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 10);
OuterBoxSizer->Add( StdDialogButtonSizer, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 10 );
Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxBLUE );
Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _( "Cancel" ), wxDefaultPosition,
wxDefaultSize, 0 );
StdDialogButtonSizer->AddButton( Button );
......@@ -183,29 +185,23 @@ WinEDA_SelColorFrame::WinEDA_SelColorFrame( wxWindow *parent,
// Resize the dialog
if( GetSizer() )
GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this );
void WinEDA_SelColorFrame::OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
/* Called by the Cancel button
void WinEDA_SelColorFrame::OnCancel( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED( event ) )
// Setting the return value to -1 indicates that the
// dialog box has been cancelled (and thus that the
// dialog box has been canceled (and thus that the
// previously selected color is to be retained).
EndModal( -1 );
void WinEDA_SelColorFrame::SelColor(wxCommandEvent& event)
void WinEDA_SelColorFrame::SelColor( wxCommandEvent& event )
int id = event.GetId();
int id = event.GetId();
EndModal( id - ID_COLOR_BLACK );
......@@ -98,8 +98,6 @@ DIALOG_BUILD_BOM::DIALOG_BUILD_BOM( WinEDA_DrawFrame* parent ):
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
/* Get options */
// Name: dialog_eeschema_config.cpp
// Purpose:
// Author: jean-pierre Charras
......@@ -32,14 +31,13 @@ private:
WinEDA_SchematicFrame* m_Parent;
bool m_LibListChanged;
bool m_LibPathChanged;
wxString m_UserLibDirBufferImg; // Copy of original g_UserLibDirBuffer
wxString m_UserLibDirBufferImg; // Copy of original g_UserLibDirBuffer
// event handlers, overiding the fbp handlers
void Init();
void OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& event );
void OnSaveCfgClick( wxCommandEvent& event );
void OnRemoveLibClick( wxCommandEvent& event );
void OnAddOrInsertLibClick( wxCommandEvent& event );
void OnAddOrInsertPath( wxCommandEvent& event );
......@@ -87,27 +85,13 @@ DIALOG_EESCHEMA_CONFIG::DIALOG_EESCHEMA_CONFIG( WinEDA_SchematicFrame* parent )
wxString msg;
m_LibListChanged = false;
m_LibPathChanged = false;
m_UserLibDirBufferImg = m_Parent->m_UserLibraryPath; // Save the original lib path
// Display current files extension (info)
wxString msg = m_InfoCmpFileExt->GetLabel() + g_NetCmpExtBuffer;
m_InfoCmpFileExt->SetLabel( msg );
msg = m_InfoNetFileExt->GetLabel() + NetlistFileExtension;
m_InfoNetFileExt->SetLabel( msg );
msg = m_InfoLibFileExt->GetLabel() + CompLibFileExtension;
m_InfoLibFileExt->SetLabel( msg );
msg = m_InfoSymbFileExt->GetLabel() + g_SymbolExtBuffer;
m_InfoSymbFileExt->SetLabel( msg );
msg = m_InfoSchFileExt->GetLabel() + SchematicFileExtension;
m_InfoSchFileExt->SetLabel( msg );
m_UserLibDirBufferImg = m_Parent->m_UserLibraryPath;
// Init currently availlable netlist formats
wxArrayString NetlistNameItems;
......@@ -165,7 +149,8 @@ void DIALOG_EESCHEMA_CONFIG::OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxGetApp().RemoveLibraryPath( m_listUserPaths->GetString(ii)) ;
wxGetApp().InsertLibraryPath( m_Parent->m_UserLibraryPath, 1);
EndModal( -1 );
EndModal( wxID_CANCEL );
......@@ -188,8 +173,9 @@ void DIALOG_EESCHEMA_CONFIG::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
// Set new active library list if the lib list of if default path list was modified
/* Set new active library list if the lib list of if default path list
* was modified
if( m_LibListChanged || m_LibPathChanged )
// Recreate lib list
......@@ -202,15 +188,16 @@ void DIALOG_EESCHEMA_CONFIG::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( m_Parent->m_ViewlibFrame )
if ( event.GetId() != ID_SAVE_CFG )
EndModal( 0 );
m_Parent->SaveProjectFile( this );
EndModal( wxID_OK );
void DIALOG_EESCHEMA_CONFIG::OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& event )
EndModal( 0 );
EndModal( wxID_CANCEL );
......@@ -277,9 +264,9 @@ void DIALOG_EESCHEMA_CONFIG::OnAddOrInsertLibClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
* list, just add the library name to the list. Otherwise, add
* the library name with the full or relative path.
* the relative path, when possible is preferable,
* because it preserve use of default libraries paths, when the path is a sub path of these default paths
* because it preserve use of default libraries paths, when the path
* is a sub path of these default paths
if( wxGetApp().GetLibraryPathList().Index( fn.GetPath() ) != wxNOT_FOUND ) // Ok, trivial case
libfilename = fn.GetName();
else // not in the default, : see if this file is in a subpath:
......@@ -315,26 +302,15 @@ void DIALOG_EESCHEMA_CONFIG::OnAddOrInsertLibClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
void DIALOG_EESCHEMA_CONFIG::OnSaveCfgClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
OnOkClick( event );
m_Parent->SaveProjectFile( this );
void DIALOG_EESCHEMA_CONFIG::OnAddOrInsertPath( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxString path = wxGetApp().ReturnLastVisitedLibraryPath();
bool select = EDA_DirectorySelector( _( "Default Path for Libraries" ), /* Titre de la fenetre */
path, /* Chemin par defaut */
this, /* parent frame */
wxDefaultPosition );
bool select = EDA_DirectorySelector( _( "Default Path for Libraries" ),
this, wxDefaultPosition );
if( !select )
......@@ -365,7 +341,6 @@ void DIALOG_EESCHEMA_CONFIG::OnAddOrInsertPath( wxCommandEvent& event )
m_DefaultLibraryPathslistBox->Append( libpaths[ii]);
DisplayError(this, _("Path already in use") );
This diff is collapsed.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -11,12 +11,11 @@
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/stattext.h>
#include <wx/listbox.h>
#include <wx/gdicmn.h>
#include <wx/font.h>
#include <wx/colour.h>
#include <wx/settings.h>
#include <wx/listbox.h>
#include <wx/sizer.h>
#include <wx/statbox.h>
#include <wx/button.h>
......@@ -37,50 +36,39 @@ class DIALOG_EESCHEMA_CONFIG_FBP : public wxDialog
ID_ADD_LIB = 1000,
wxStaticText* m_staticTextNetListFormats;
wxListBox* m_NetFormatBox;
wxStaticText* m_InfoCmpFileExt;
wxStaticText* m_InfoNetFileExt;
wxStaticText* m_InfoLibFileExt;
wxStaticText* m_InfoSymbFileExt;
wxStaticText* m_InfoSchFileExt;
wxStaticText* m_staticTextlibList;
wxListBox* m_ListLibr;
wxButton* m_buttonAddLib;
wxButton* m_buttonIns;
wxButton* m_buttonRemoveLib;
wxButton* m_buttonOk;
wxButton* m_buttonCancel;
wxButton* m_buttonSave;
wxStaticLine* m_staticline1;
wxListBox* m_listUserPaths;
wxButton* m_buttonAddPath;
wxButton* m_buttonInsPath;
wxButton* m_buttonRemovePath;
wxStaticText* m_staticTextcurrenpaths;
wxListBox* m_DefaultLibraryPathslistBox;
wxStaticLine* m_staticline3;
// Virtual event handlers, overide them in your derived class
virtual void OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnAddOrInsertLibClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnRemoveLibClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnSaveCfgClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnAddOrInsertPath( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnRemoveUserPath( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
DIALOG_EESCHEMA_CONFIG_FBP( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxString& title = wxEmptyString, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxSize( 593,559 ), long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER );
wxStdDialogButtonSizer* m_sdbSizer1;
wxButton* m_sdbSizer1OK;
wxButton* m_sdbSizer1Cancel;
DIALOG_EESCHEMA_CONFIG_FBP( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxString& title = wxEmptyString, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxSize( -1,-1 ), long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER );
......@@ -420,9 +420,9 @@ void WinEDA_SetOptionsFrame::Accept( wxCommandEvent& event )
g_ShowPageLimits = FALSE;
if( m_SelDirWires->GetSelection() == 0 )
g_HVLines = 1;
g_HVLines = true;
g_HVLines = 0;
g_HVLines = false;
if( m_Selunits->GetSelection() == 0 )
g_UnitMetric = 1;
......@@ -303,6 +303,7 @@ void WinEDA_SchematicFrame::SaveProjectFile( wxWindow* displayframe )
static const wxString MinDrawLineWidthEntry( wxT( "MinimunDrawLineWidth" ) );
static const wxString PlotLineWidthEntry( wxT( "PlotLineWidth" ) );
static const wxString ShowHiddenPinsEntry( wxT( "ShowHiddenPins" ) );
static const wxString HorzVertLinesOnlyEntry( wxT( "HorizVertLinesOnly" ) );
......@@ -428,7 +429,7 @@ void WinEDA_SchematicFrame::LoadSettings()
g_DrawMinimunLineWidth = cfg->Read( MinDrawLineWidthEntry, (long) 0 );
g_PlotLine_Width = cfg->Read( PlotLineWidthEntry, (long) 4 );
cfg->Read( ShowHiddenPinsEntry, &m_ShowAllPins, false );
cfg->Read( HorzVertLinesOnlyEntry, &g_HVLines, true );
......@@ -448,4 +449,5 @@ void WinEDA_SchematicFrame::SaveSettings()
cfg->Write( MinDrawLineWidthEntry, (long) g_DrawMinimunLineWidth );
cfg->Write( PlotLineWidthEntry, (long) g_PlotLine_Width );
cfg->Write( ShowHiddenPinsEntry, m_ShowAllPins );
cfg->Write( HorzVertLinesOnlyEntry, g_HVLines );
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ bool g_LastSearchIsMarker; /* True if last seach is a marker serach
SCH_ITEM* g_BlockSaveDataList; // List of items to paste (Created by Block Save)
// Gestion d'options
int g_HVLines = 1; // Bool: force H or V directions (Wires, Bus ..)
bool g_HVLines = true; // Bool: force H or V directions (Wires, Bus ..)
int g_PlotPSColorOpt; // True = plot postcript color (see plotps.cpp)
......@@ -115,8 +115,7 @@ extern bool g_LastSearchIsMarker; // True if last seach is a marker se
extern SCH_ITEM* g_BlockSaveDataList; // List of items to paste (Created by Block Save)
// Gestion d'options
extern int g_ShowAllPins;
extern int g_HVLines;
extern bool g_HVLines;
extern int g_PlotPSColorOpt; // True = plot postcript color (see plotps.cpp)
......@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ WinEDA_SchematicFrame::WinEDA_SchematicFrame( wxWindow* father,
m_LibeditFrame = NULL; // Component editor frame.
m_ViewlibFrame = NULL; // Frame for browsing component libraries
m_DefaultSchematicFileName = wxT( "noname.sch" );
m_ShowAllPins = false;
......@@ -152,10 +152,8 @@ extern int g_KeyPressed;
// Font used by kicad.
// these font have a size which do not depend on default size system font
extern wxFont* g_DialogFont; /* Normal font used in dialog box */
extern wxFont* g_FixedFont; /* Affichage de Texte en fenetres de dialogue,
* fonte a pas fixe)*/
extern int g_DialogFontPointSize; /* taille de la fonte */
extern int g_FixedFontPointSize; /* taille de la fonte */
extern int g_FontMinPointSize; /* taille minimum des fontes */
......@@ -92,15 +92,6 @@ enum main_id {
// Find id menu
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ enum id_drawframe {
enum id_toolbar {
TOOLBAR_MAIN = 1, // Main horizontal Toolbar
TOOLBAR_TOOL, // Rigth vertical Toolbar (list of tools)
TOOLBAR_TOOL, // Right vertical Toolbar (list of tools)
TOOLBAR_OPTION, // Left vertical Toolbar (option toolbar
TOOLBAR_AUX // Secondary horizontal Toolbar
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public:
WinEDA_Toolbar* m_HToolBar; // Standard horizontal Toolbar
bool m_FrameIsActive;
wxString m_FrameName; // name used for writting and reading setup
wxString m_FrameName; // name used for writing and reading setup
// It is "SchematicFrame", "PcbFrame" ....
wxString m_AboutTitle; // Name of program displayed in About.
......@@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ public:
struct Ki_HotkeyInfoSectionDescriptor* DescList,
bool verbose );
void SetLanguage( wxCommandEvent& event );
void ProcessFontPreferences( int id );
wxString GetFileFromHistory( int cmdId, const wxString& type );
void SetLastProject( const wxString& FullFileName );
......@@ -193,17 +192,15 @@ public:
* Function GetBaseScreen
* is virtual and returns a pointer to a BASE_SCREEN or one of its derivatives.
* It may be overloaded by derived classes.
* is virtual and returns a pointer to a BASE_SCREEN or one of its
* derivatives. It may be overloaded by derived classes.
virtual BASE_SCREEN* GetBaseScreen() const { return m_CurrentScreen; }
void OnMenuOpen( wxMenuEvent& event );
void OnMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event );
virtual void OnHotKey( wxDC* DC, int hotkey, EDA_BaseStruct* DrawStruct );
void AddFontSelectionMenu( wxMenu* main_menu );
void ProcessFontPreferences( wxCommandEvent& event );
virtual void OnHotKey( wxDC* DC, int hotkey,
EDA_BaseStruct* DrawStruct );
void Affiche_Message( const wxString& message );
void EraseMsgBox();
......@@ -110,10 +110,10 @@ WinEDA_ExecBlockCmdFrame::WinEDA_ExecBlockCmdFrame( WinEDA_BasePcbFrame* parent,
wxButton* m_button2;
m_Parent = parent;
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
this->SetSizeHints( wxDefaultSize, wxDefaultSize );
this->SetFont( wxFont( wxNORMAL_FONT->GetPointSize(), 70, 90, 90, false, wxEmptyString ) );
this->SetFont( wxFont( wxNORMAL_FONT->GetPointSize(), 70, 90, 90,
false, wxEmptyString ) );
/* Sizer 1 creation */
wxFlexGridSizer* fgSizer1;
......@@ -155,10 +155,8 @@ WinEDA_ExecBlockCmdFrame::WinEDA_ExecBlockCmdFrame( WinEDA_BasePcbFrame* parent,
/* Creation des boutons de commande */
m_button2 = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _( "Cancel" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_button2->SetForegroundColour( *wxBLUE );
fgSizer2->Add( m_button2, 0, wxALL, 5 );
m_button1 = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _( "OK" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_button1->SetForegroundColour( *wxRED );
fgSizer2->Add( m_button1, 0, wxALL, 5 );
......@@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ WinEDA_CotationPropertiesFrame::WinEDA_CotationPropertiesFrame( WinEDA_PcbFrame*
wxButton* Button;
m_Parent = parent;
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
m_DC = DC;
......@@ -102,11 +101,9 @@ WinEDA_CotationPropertiesFrame::WinEDA_CotationPropertiesFrame( WinEDA_PcbFrame*
/* Creation des boutons de commande */
Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _( "OK" ) );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxRED );
RightBoxSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _( "Cancel" ) );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxBLUE );
RightBoxSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
wxString display_msg[2] = { _( "Normal" ), _( "Mirror" ) };
......@@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ DIALOG_SVG_PRINT::DIALOG_SVG_PRINT( WinEDA_DrawFrame* parent ) :
void DIALOG_SVG_PRINT::OnInitDialog( wxInitDialogEvent& event )
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
SetFocus(); // Make ESC key working
m_ImageXSize_mm = 270;
......@@ -129,13 +129,9 @@ DialogDisplayOptions_base::DialogDisplayOptions_base( wxWindow* parent, wxWindow
bRightSizer->Add( 10, 10, 0, 0, 5 );
m_buttonOK = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _("OK"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_buttonOK->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 204, 0, 0 ) );
bRightSizer->Add( m_buttonOK, 0, wxALL|wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxEXPAND, 5 );
m_buttonCANCEL = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_buttonCANCEL->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 0, 0, 200 ) );
bRightSizer->Add( m_buttonCANCEL, 0, wxALL|wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxEXPAND, 5 );
bMainSizer->Add( bRightSizer, 0, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5 );
......@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@
<property name="context_help"></property>
<property name="default">0</property>
<property name="enabled">1</property>
<property name="fg">204,0,0</property>
<property name="fg"></property>
<property name="font"></property>
<property name="hidden">0</property>
<property name="id">wxID_OK</property>
......@@ -878,7 +878,7 @@
<property name="context_help"></property>
<property name="default">0</property>
<property name="enabled">1</property>
<property name="fg">0,0,200</property>
<property name="fg"></property>
<property name="font"></property>
<property name="hidden">0</property>
<property name="id">wxID_CANCEL</property>
......@@ -416,10 +416,8 @@ bool DrcDialog::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& caption
void DrcDialog::CreateControls()
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
////@begin DrcDialog content construction
// Generated by DialogBlocks, Wed 19 Mar 2008 11:39:08 CDT (unregistered)
// Generated by DialogBlocks, 29/04/2009 15:13:47 (unregistered)
DrcDialog* itemDialog1 = this;
......@@ -495,19 +493,16 @@ void DrcDialog::CreateControls()
wxButton* itemButton18 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, ID_STARTDRC, _("Start DRC"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
if (DrcDialog::ShowToolTips())
itemButton18->SetToolTip(_("Start the Design Rule Checker"));
itemButton18->SetForegroundColour(wxColour(202, 0, 0));
itemBoxSizer17->Add(itemButton18, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
wxButton* itemButton19 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, ID_LIST_UNCONNECTED, _("List Unconnected"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
if (DrcDialog::ShowToolTips())
itemButton19->SetToolTip(_("List unconnected pads or tracks"));
itemButton19->SetForegroundColour(wxColour(0, 0, 255));
itemBoxSizer17->Add(itemButton19, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
m_DeleteAllButton = new wxButton( itemDialog1, ID_DELETE_ALL, _("Delete All Markers"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
if (DrcDialog::ShowToolTips())
m_DeleteAllButton->SetToolTip(_("Delete every marker"));
m_DeleteAllButton->SetForegroundColour(wxColour(0, 128, 0));
itemBoxSizer17->Add(m_DeleteAllButton, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
m_DeleteCurrentMarkerButton = new wxButton( itemDialog1, ID_DELETE_ONE, _("Delete Current Marker"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
......@@ -546,7 +541,6 @@ void DrcDialog::CreateControls()
m_MainSizer->Add(StdDialogButtonSizer, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 10);
wxButton* itemButton27 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, wxID_CANCEL, _("&Cancel"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemButton27->SetForegroundColour(wxColour(0, 0, 255));
wxButton* itemButton28 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, wxID_OK, _("&OK"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class wxStdDialogButtonSizer;
#define SYMBOL_DRCDIALOG_SIZE wxSize(450, 300)
#define SYMBOL_DRCDIALOG_SIZE wxSize(400, 300)
#define SYMBOL_DRCDIALOG_POSITION wxDefaultPosition
////@end control identifiers
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
<string name="resource_prefix">""</string>
<bool name="use_two_step_construction">0</bool>
<bool name="use_enums">0</bool>
<bool name="generate_for_xrced">0</bool>
<string name="current_platform">"&lt;All platforms&gt;"</string>
<string name="target_wx_version">"&lt;Any&gt;"</string>
<string name="cpp_header_comment">"/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
......@@ -114,6 +115,7 @@
<bool name="archive_all_image_files">0</bool>
<bool name="xrc_retain_relative_paths">1</bool>
<bool name="xrc_generate_id_tags">0</bool>
<bool name="xrc_use_name_property">0</bool>
......@@ -136,6 +138,7 @@
<long name="locked">0</long>
<string name="template-name">""</string>
<bool name="dirty">1</bool>
<long name="makefile-last-written">0</long>
<string name="Compiler name">""</string>
<string name="Build mode">"Debug"</string>
<string name="Unicode mode">"ANSI"</string>
......@@ -156,6 +159,7 @@
<string name="Compiler location">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="wxWidgets location">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="C++ command">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="C command">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Resource compiler">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Make command">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Project makefile">"%AUTO%"</string>
......@@ -167,6 +171,7 @@
<string name="Optimizations">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Warnings">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Debug flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Extra compile flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Libraries">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Library path">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Linker flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
......@@ -177,6 +182,9 @@
<string name="wxWidgets build command">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="wxWidgets clean command">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="PATH variable">"%AUTO%"</string>
<bool name="Suppress source rules">0</bool>
<bool name="Enable makefile generation">1</bool>
<string name="CFG">""</string>
......@@ -1094,7 +1102,7 @@
<string name="proxy-Data class header filename">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data class manager window">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Background colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Foreground colour">"CA0000"</string>
<string name="proxy-Foreground colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Font">""</string>
<bool name="proxy-Hidden">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-Enabled">1</bool>
......@@ -1161,7 +1169,7 @@
<string name="proxy-Data class header filename">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data class manager window">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Background colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Foreground colour">"0000FF"</string>
<string name="proxy-Foreground colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Font">""</string>
<bool name="proxy-Hidden">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-Enabled">1</bool>
......@@ -1228,7 +1236,7 @@
<string name="proxy-Data class header filename">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data class manager window">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Background colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Foreground colour">"008000"</string>
<string name="proxy-Foreground colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Font">""</string>
<bool name="proxy-Hidden">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-Enabled">1</bool>
......@@ -1690,7 +1698,7 @@
<string name="proxy-Data class header filename">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data class manager window">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Background colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Foreground colour">"0000FF"</string>
<string name="proxy-Foreground colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Font">""</string>
<bool name="proxy-Hidden">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-Enabled">1</bool>
......@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ WinEDA_ModulePropertiesFrame::WinEDA_ModulePropertiesFrame( WinEDA_BasePcbFrame*
SetIcon( wxICON( icon_modedit ) ); // Give an icon
m_Parent = parent;
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
m_DC = DC;
m_LayerCtrl = NULL;
......@@ -85,12 +84,10 @@ void WinEDA_ModulePropertiesFrame::CreateControls()
SetSizer( m_GeneralBoxSizer );
m_NoteBook = new wxNotebook( this, ID_NOTEBOOK );
m_NoteBook->SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
m_GeneralBoxSizer->Add( m_NoteBook, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
// Add panels
m_PanelProperties = new wxPanel( m_NoteBook, -1 );
m_PanelProperties->SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
m_PanelPropertiesBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
m_PanelProperties->SetSizer( m_PanelPropertiesBoxSizer );
BuildPanelModuleProperties( FullOptions );
......@@ -118,11 +115,9 @@ void WinEDA_ModulePropertiesFrame::CreateControls()
m_GeneralBoxSizer->Add( ButtonsBoxSizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxALL, 5 );
Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _( "OK" ) );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxRED );
ButtonsBoxSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5 );
Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _( "Cancel" ) );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxBLUE );
ButtonsBoxSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5 );
......@@ -187,11 +182,9 @@ void WinEDA_ModulePropertiesFrame::BuildPanelModuleProperties( bool FullOptions
wxStaticText* YPositionStatic = new wxStaticText(m_PanelProperties, -1, _("Y"));
Button = new wxButton( m_PanelProperties, ID_MODULE_PROPERTIES_EXCHANGE,
_( "Change module(s)" ) );
Button->SetForegroundColour( wxColor( 80, 40, 0 ) );
PropRightSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
Button = new wxButton( m_PanelProperties, ID_GOTO_MODULE_EDITOR,
_( "Edit Module" ) );
Button->SetForegroundColour( wxColor( 0, 128, 80 ) );
PropRightSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
wxStaticBox* positionBox = new wxStaticBox(m_PanelProperties, -1, _("Position") );
......@@ -244,17 +237,14 @@ void WinEDA_ModulePropertiesFrame::BuildPanelModuleProperties( bool FullOptions
Button = new wxButton( m_PanelProperties, ID_MODULE_EDIT_ADD_TEXT,
_( "Add Field" ) );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxBLACK );
StaticBoxSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP, 5 );
Button = new wxButton( m_PanelProperties, ID_MODULE_EDIT_EDIT_TEXT,
_( "Edit Field" ) );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxBLACK );
StaticBoxSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 5 );
m_DeleteFieddButton = Button = new wxButton( m_PanelProperties, ID_MODULE_EDIT_DELETE_TEXT,
_( "Delete Field" ) );
m_DeleteFieddButton->SetForegroundColour( *wxBLACK );
m_DeleteFieddButton->Enable( FALSE ); // Enable pour fields autres que ref et valeur
StaticBoxSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxBOTTOM, 5 );
......@@ -400,7 +390,6 @@ Panel3D_Ctrl::Panel3D_Ctrl( WinEDA_ModulePropertiesFrame* parentframe,
m_Parent = parent;
m_ParentFrame = parentframe;
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
wxBoxSizer* Panel3DBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
SetSizer( Panel3DBoxSizer );
......@@ -422,17 +411,14 @@ Panel3D_Ctrl::Panel3D_Ctrl( WinEDA_ModulePropertiesFrame* parentframe,
LowerBoxSizer->Add( PropRightSizer, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
button = new wxButton( this, ID_BROWSE_3D_LIB, _( "Browse" ) );
button->SetForegroundColour( *wxBLUE );
PropRightSizer->Add( button, 0, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 5 );
button = new wxButton( this, ID_ADD_3D_SHAPE, _( "Add 3D Shape" ) );
button->SetForegroundColour( *wxRED );
PropRightSizer->Add( button, 0, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 5 );
if( (struct3D == NULL) || (struct3D->Back() != NULL) )
button = new wxButton( this, ID_REMOVE_3D_SHAPE, _( "Remove 3D Shape" ) );
button->SetForegroundColour( *wxRED );
PropRightSizer->Add( button, 0, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 5 );
......@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ void DialogEditModuleText::OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
void DialogEditModuleText::OnInitDialog( wxInitDialogEvent& event )
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
wxString msg;
......@@ -104,13 +104,9 @@ DialogEditModuleText_base::DialogEditModuleText_base( wxWindow* parent, wxWindow
m_buttonOK = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _("OK"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_buttonOK->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 202, 0, 0 ) );
bSizer5->Add( m_buttonOK, 0, wxALL|wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 5 );
m_buttonCANCEL = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_buttonCANCEL->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 0, 0, 220 ) );
bSizer5->Add( m_buttonCANCEL, 0, wxALL|wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 5 );
bSizer2->Add( bSizer5, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxEXPAND, 5 );
......@@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@
<property name="context_help"></property>
<property name="default">1</property>
<property name="enabled">1</property>
<property name="fg">202,0,0</property>
<property name="fg"></property>
<property name="font"></property>
<property name="hidden">0</property>
<property name="id">wxID_OK</property>
......@@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@
<property name="context_help"></property>
<property name="default">0</property>
<property name="enabled">1</property>
<property name="fg">0,0,220</property>
<property name="fg"></property>
<property name="font"></property>
<property name="hidden">0</property>
<property name="id">wxID_CANCEL</property>
......@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ WinEDA_DrillFrame::WinEDA_DrillFrame( WinEDA_PcbFrame* parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxString& caption, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style )
m_Parent = parent;
//SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
SetReturnCode( 1 );
......@@ -152,7 +151,7 @@ void WinEDA_DrillFrame::Init()
void WinEDA_DrillFrame::CreateControls()
////@begin WinEDA_DrillFrame content construction
// Generated by DialogBlocks, 12/08/2008 13:05:18 (unregistered)
// Generated by DialogBlocks, 29/04/2009 15:14:32 (unregistered)
WinEDA_DrillFrame* itemDialog1 = this;
......@@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ void WinEDA_DrillFrame::CreateControls()
m_Choice_Zeros_Format = new wxRadioBox( itemDialog1, ID_SEL_ZEROS_FMT, _("Zeros Format"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, m_Choice_Zeros_FormatStrings, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS );
if (WinEDA_DrillFrame::ShowToolTips())
m_Choice_Zeros_Format->SetToolTip(_("Choose excellon numbers notation"));
m_Choice_Zeros_Format->SetToolTip(_("Choose EXCELLON numbers notation"));
m_LeftBoxSizer->Add(m_Choice_Zeros_Format, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
wxArrayString m_Choice_PrecisionStrings;
......@@ -186,7 +185,7 @@ void WinEDA_DrillFrame::CreateControls()
m_Choice_Precision = new wxRadioBox( itemDialog1, ID_SEL_PRECISION, _("Precision"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, m_Choice_PrecisionStrings, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS );
if (WinEDA_DrillFrame::ShowToolTips())
m_Choice_Precision->SetToolTip(_("Choose excellon numbers precision"));
m_Choice_Precision->SetToolTip(_("Choose EXCELLON numbers precision"));
m_LeftBoxSizer->Add(m_Choice_Precision, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
wxArrayString m_Choice_Drill_OffsetStrings;
......@@ -247,7 +246,7 @@ void WinEDA_DrillFrame::CreateControls()
m_Check_Minimal = new wxCheckBox( itemDialog1, ID_CHECKBOX3, _("minimal header"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
if (WinEDA_DrillFrame::ShowToolTips())
m_Check_Minimal->SetToolTip(_("If checked, the excellon header is minimal"));
m_Check_Minimal->SetToolTip(_("If checked, the EXCELLON header is minimal"));
itemStaticBoxSizer16->Add(m_Check_Minimal, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer19 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
......@@ -291,11 +290,9 @@ void WinEDA_DrillFrame::CreateControls()
m_OkButton = new wxButton( itemDialog1, wxID_OK, _("OK"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_OkButton->SetForegroundColour(wxColour(156, 1, 5));
itemBoxSizer19->Add(m_OkButton, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALL, 5);
m_CancelButton = new wxButton( itemDialog1, wxID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_CancelButton->SetForegroundColour(wxColour(16, 1, 205));
itemBoxSizer19->Add(m_CancelButton, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALL, 5);
// Set validators
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
<string name="resource_prefix">""</string>
<bool name="use_two_step_construction">0</bool>
<bool name="use_enums">0</bool>
<bool name="generate_for_xrced">0</bool>
<string name="current_platform">"&lt;All platforms&gt;"</string>
<string name="target_wx_version">"2.8.7"</string>
<string name="cpp_header_comment">"/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
......@@ -106,6 +107,7 @@
<bool name="archive_all_image_files">0</bool>
<bool name="xrc_retain_relative_paths">1</bool>
<bool name="xrc_generate_id_tags">0</bool>
<bool name="xrc_use_name_property">0</bool>
......@@ -149,6 +151,7 @@
<string name="Compiler location">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="wxWidgets location">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="C++ command">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="C command">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Resource compiler">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Make command">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Project makefile">"%AUTO%"</string>
......@@ -160,6 +163,7 @@
<string name="Optimizations">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Warnings">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Debug flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Extra compile flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Libraries">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Library path">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Linker flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
......@@ -172,6 +176,7 @@
<string name="PATH variable">"%AUTO%"</string>
<bool name="Suppress source rules">0</bool>
<bool name="Enable makefile generation">1</bool>
<string name="CFG">""</string>
......@@ -1876,7 +1881,7 @@
<string name="proxy-Data class header filename">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data class manager window">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Background colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Foreground colour">"9C0105"</string>
<string name="proxy-Foreground colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Font">""</string>
<bool name="proxy-Hidden">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-Enabled">1</bool>
......@@ -1943,7 +1948,7 @@
<string name="proxy-Data class header filename">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data class manager window">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Background colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Foreground colour">"1001CD"</string>
<string name="proxy-Foreground colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Font">""</string>
<bool name="proxy-Hidden">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-Enabled">1</bool>
......@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ Dialog_GeneralOptions::Dialog_GeneralOptions( WinEDA_PcbFrame* parent, wxDC* DC
void Dialog_GeneralOptions::init()
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
/* Set display options */
// C++ code generated with wxFormBuilder (version Feb 8 2009)
// C++ code generated with wxFormBuilder (version Apr 16 2008)
......@@ -80,42 +80,50 @@ DialogGeneralOptionsBoardEditor_base::DialogGeneralOptionsBoardEditor_base( wxWi
bMiddleRightBoxSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox( this, wxID_ANY, _("Options:") ), wxVERTICAL );
m_DrcOn = new wxCheckBox( this, wxID_DRC_ONOFF, _("Drc ON"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_DrcOn->SetToolTip( _("Enable/disable the DRC control.\nWhen DRC is disable, all connections are allowed.") );
bMiddleRightBoxSizer->Add( m_DrcOn, 0, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5 );
m_ShowGlobalRatsnest = new wxCheckBox( this, wxID_GENERAL_RATSNEST, _("Show Ratsnest"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_ShowGlobalRatsnest->SetToolTip( _("Show (or not) the full rastnest.") );
bMiddleRightBoxSizer->Add( m_ShowGlobalRatsnest, 0, wxALL, 5 );
m_ShowModuleRatsnest = new wxCheckBox( this, wxID_RATSNEST_MODULE, _("Show Mod Ratsnest"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_ShowModuleRatsnest->SetToolTip( _("Shows (or not) the local ratsnest relative to a footprint, when moving it.\nThis ratsnest is useful to place a footprint.") );
bMiddleRightBoxSizer->Add( m_ShowModuleRatsnest, 0, wxALL, 5 );
m_TrackAutodel = new wxCheckBox( this, wxID_TRACK_AUTODEL, _("Tracks Auto Del"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_TrackAutodel->SetToolTip( _("Enable/disable the automatic track deletion when recreating a track.") );
bMiddleRightBoxSizer->Add( m_TrackAutodel, 0, wxALL, 5 );
m_Track_45_Only_Ctrl = new wxCheckBox( this, wxID_TRACKS45, _("Track only 45 degrees"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_Track_45_Only_Ctrl->SetToolTip( _("If enabled, force tracks directions to H, V or 45 degrees, when creating a track.") );
bMiddleRightBoxSizer->Add( m_Track_45_Only_Ctrl, 0, wxALL, 5 );
m_Segments_45_Only_Ctrl = new wxCheckBox( this, wxID_SEGMENTS45, _("Segments 45 Only"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_Segments_45_Only_Ctrl->SetToolTip( _("If enabled, force segments directions to H, V or 45 degrees, when creating a segment on technical layers.") );
bMiddleRightBoxSizer->Add( m_Segments_45_Only_Ctrl, 0, wxALL, 5 );
m_AutoPANOpt = new wxCheckBox( this, wxID_AUTOPAN, _("Auto PAN"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_AutoPANOpt->SetToolTip( _("Allows auto pan when creating a track, or moving an item.") );
bMiddleRightBoxSizer->Add( m_AutoPANOpt, 0, wxALL, 5 );
m_Track_DoubleSegm_Ctrl = new wxCheckBox( this, wxID_ANY, _("Double Segm Track"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_Track_DoubleSegm_Ctrl->SetToolTip( _("If enabled, uses two track segments, with 45 degrees angle between them when creating a new track ") );
bMiddleRightBoxSizer->Add( m_Track_DoubleSegm_Ctrl, 0, wxALL, 5 );
......@@ -143,13 +151,9 @@ DialogGeneralOptionsBoardEditor_base::DialogGeneralOptionsBoardEditor_base( wxWi
m_buttonOK = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _("OK"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_buttonOK->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 174, 0, 0 ) );
bRightSizer->Add( m_buttonOK, 0, wxALL|wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 5 );
m_buttonCANCEL = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_buttonCANCEL->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 0, 0, 200 ) );
bRightSizer->Add( m_buttonCANCEL, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALL, 5 );
bMainSizer->Add( bRightSizer, 1, wxEXPAND, 5 );
// C++ code generated with wxFormBuilder (version Feb 8 2009)
// C++ code generated with wxFormBuilder (version Apr 16 2008)
......@@ -72,12 +72,11 @@ class DialogGeneralOptionsBoardEditor_base : public wxDialog
wxButton* m_buttonCANCEL;
// Virtual event handlers, overide them in your derived class
virtual void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
DialogGeneralOptionsBoardEditor_base( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxString& title = _("General settings"), const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxSize( 585,280 ), long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER );
......@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ void DialogGraphicItemProperties::OnInitDialog( wxInitDialogEvent& event )
* according to the item parameters values
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
wxString msg;
......@@ -181,10 +181,8 @@ bool WinEDA_GraphicItemsOptionsDialog::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
void WinEDA_GraphicItemsOptionsDialog::CreateControls()
////@begin WinEDA_GraphicItemsOptionsDialog content construction
// Generated by DialogBlocks, Mon 26 Nov 2007 18:58:29 CST (unregistered)
// Generated by DialogBlocks, 29/04/2009 15:15:02 (unregistered)
WinEDA_GraphicItemsOptionsDialog* itemDialog1 = this;
......@@ -261,11 +259,9 @@ void WinEDA_GraphicItemsOptionsDialog::CreateControls()
itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemBoxSizer25, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
wxButton* itemButton26 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, wxID_OK, _("&OK"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemButton26->SetForegroundColour(wxColour(206, 0, 0));
itemBoxSizer25->Add(itemButton26, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
wxButton* itemButton27 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, wxID_CANCEL, _("&Cancel"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemButton27->SetForegroundColour(wxColour(0, 0, 255));
itemBoxSizer25->Add(itemButton27, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
////@end WinEDA_GraphicItemsOptionsDialog content construction
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
<string name="resource_prefix">""</string>
<bool name="use_two_step_construction">0</bool>
<bool name="use_enums">0</bool>
<bool name="generate_for_xrced">0</bool>
<string name="current_platform">"&lt;All platforms&gt;"</string>
<string name="target_wx_version">"&lt;Any&gt;"</string>
<string name="cpp_header_comment">"/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
......@@ -114,6 +115,7 @@
<bool name="archive_all_image_files">0</bool>
<bool name="xrc_retain_relative_paths">1</bool>
<bool name="xrc_generate_id_tags">0</bool>
<bool name="xrc_use_name_property">0</bool>
......@@ -136,6 +138,7 @@
<long name="locked">0</long>
<string name="template-name">""</string>
<bool name="dirty">1</bool>
<long name="makefile-last-written">0</long>
<string name="Compiler name">""</string>
<string name="Build mode">"Debug"</string>
<string name="Unicode mode">"ANSI"</string>
......@@ -156,6 +159,7 @@
<string name="Compiler location">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="wxWidgets location">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="C++ command">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="C command">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Resource compiler">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Make command">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Project makefile">"%AUTO%"</string>
......@@ -167,6 +171,7 @@
<string name="Optimizations">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Warnings">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Debug flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Extra compile flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Libraries">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Library path">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="Linker flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
......@@ -177,6 +182,9 @@
<string name="wxWidgets build command">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="wxWidgets clean command">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="PATH variable">"%AUTO%"</string>
<bool name="Suppress source rules">0</bool>
<bool name="Enable makefile generation">1</bool>
<string name="CFG">""</string>
......@@ -1852,7 +1860,7 @@
<string name="proxy-Data class header filename">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data class manager window">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Background colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Foreground colour">"CE0000"</string>
<string name="proxy-Foreground colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Font">""</string>
<bool name="proxy-Hidden">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-Enabled">1</bool>
......@@ -1919,7 +1927,7 @@
<string name="proxy-Data class header filename">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data class manager window">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Background colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Foreground colour">"0000FF"</string>
<string name="proxy-Foreground colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Font">""</string>
<bool name="proxy-Hidden">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-Enabled">1</bool>
......@@ -92,8 +92,6 @@ bool WinEDA_PcbGlobalDeleteFrame::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const
void WinEDA_PcbGlobalDeleteFrame::CreateControls()
////@begin WinEDA_PcbGlobalDeleteFrame content construction
// Generated by DialogBlocks, 15/02/2006 22:10:20 (unregistered)
......@@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ void DialogPadProperties::InitDialog( wxInitDialogEvent& event )
int tmp;
wxCommandEvent cmd_event;
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
SetFocus(); // Required under wxGTK if we want to demiss the dialog with the ESC key
m_PadNumCtrl->SetValue( g_Current_PadName );
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ DialogPadPropertiesBase::DialogPadPropertiesBase( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID i
wxString m_DrillShapeCtrlChoices[] = { _("Circle"), _("Oval") };
int m_DrillShapeCtrlNChoices = sizeof( m_DrillShapeCtrlChoices ) / sizeof( wxString );
m_DrillShapeCtrl = new wxRadioBox( this, ID_RADIOBOX_DRILL_SHAPE, _("Drill Shape:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, m_DrillShapeCtrlNChoices, m_DrillShapeCtrlChoices, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS );
m_DrillShapeCtrl->SetSelection( 0 );
m_DrillShapeCtrl->SetSelection( 1 );
m_DrillShapeBoxSizer->Add( m_DrillShapeCtrl, 0, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5 );
m_MainSizer->Add( m_DrillShapeBoxSizer, 1, wxBOTTOM, 5 );
......@@ -90,13 +90,9 @@ DialogPadPropertiesBase::DialogPadPropertiesBase( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID i
m_buttonOk = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _("Ok"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_buttonOk->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 209, 26, 5 ) );
m_RightBoxSizer->Add( m_buttonOk, 0, wxALL|wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxEXPAND, 5 );
m_buttonCancel = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_buttonCancel->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 14, 2, 164 ) );
m_RightBoxSizer->Add( m_buttonCancel, 0, wxALL|wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxEXPAND, 5 );
......@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@
<property name="context_help"></property>
<property name="default">1</property>
<property name="enabled">1</property>
<property name="fg">209,26,5</property>
<property name="fg"></property>
<property name="font"></property>
<property name="hidden">0</property>
<property name="id">wxID_OK</property>
......@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@
<property name="context_help"></property>
<property name="default">0</property>
<property name="enabled">1</property>
<property name="fg">14,2,164</property>
<property name="fg"></property>
<property name="font"></property>
<property name="hidden">0</property>
<property name="id">wxID_CANCEL</property>
......@@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ WinEDA_TextPCBPropertiesFrame::WinEDA_TextPCBPropertiesFrame( WinEDA_PcbFrame* p
m_Parent = parent;
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
m_DC = DC;
......@@ -48,25 +48,11 @@ DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS::DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS( WinEDA_PcbFrame* parent ):
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
m_LibListChanged = false;
m_LibPathChanged = false;
m_UserLibDirBufferImg = g_UserLibDirBuffer; // Save the original lib path
// Display current files extension (info)
wxString msg = m_InfoBoardFileExt->GetLabel() + PcbExtBuffer;
m_InfoBoardFileExt->SetLabel( msg );
msg = m_InfoCmpFileExt->GetLabel() + NetCmpExtBuffer;
m_InfoCmpFileExt->SetLabel( msg );
msg = m_InfoLibFileExt->GetLabel() + ModuleFileExtension;
m_InfoLibFileExt->SetLabel( msg );
msg = m_InfoNetlistFileExt->GetLabel() + NetExtBuffer;
m_InfoNetlistFileExt->SetLabel( msg );
m_UserLibDirBufferImg = g_UserLibDirBuffer; // Save the original lib path
m_ListLibr->InsertItems( g_LibName_List, 0 );
......@@ -90,7 +76,7 @@ void DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS::Init()
m_DefaultLibraryPathslistBox->Append( libpaths[ii]);
// select the first path afer the current path project
// select the first path after the current path project
if ( libpaths.GetCount() > 1 )
m_DefaultLibraryPathslistBox->Select( 1 );
......@@ -107,7 +93,8 @@ void DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS::OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxGetApp().RemoveLibraryPath( m_listUserPaths->GetString(ii)) ;
wxGetApp().InsertLibraryPath( g_UserLibDirBuffer, 1);
EndModal( -1 );
EndModal( wxID_CANCEL );
......@@ -116,7 +103,7 @@ void DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
m_Config->Write( wxT( "module_doc_file" ),
m_TextHelpModulesFileName->GetValue() );
m_TextHelpModulesFileName->GetValue() );
// Recreate the user lib path
if ( m_LibPathChanged )
......@@ -130,8 +117,8 @@ void DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
// Set new active library list if the lib list of if default path list was modified
// Set new active library list if the lib list of if default path list
// was modified
if( m_LibListChanged || m_LibPathChanged )
// Recreate lib list
......@@ -139,15 +126,17 @@ void DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
for ( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_ListLibr->GetCount(); ii ++ )
g_LibName_List.Add(m_ListLibr->GetString(ii) );
if ( event.GetId() != ID_SAVE_CFG )
EndModal( 0 );
m_Parent->Update_config( this );
EndModal( wxID_OK );
void DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS::OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& event )
EndModal( 0 );
EndModal( wxID_CANCEL );
......@@ -156,7 +145,7 @@ void DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS::OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& event )
void DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS::OnRemoveLibClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
/* Remove a library to the library list.
* The real list (g_LibName_List) is not changed, so the change can be cancelled
* The real list (g_LibName_List) is not changed, so the change can be canceled
int ii;
......@@ -177,7 +166,7 @@ void DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS::OnAddOrInsertLibClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
/* Insert or add a library to the library list:
* The new library is put in list before (insert button) the selection,
* or added (add button) to end of list
* The real list (g_LibName_List) is not changed, so the change can be cancelled
* The real list (g_LibName_List) is not changed, so the change can be canceled
int ii;
......@@ -213,9 +202,9 @@ void DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS::OnAddOrInsertLibClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
* list, just add the library name to the list. Otherwise, add
* the library name with the full or relative path.
* the relative path, when possible is preferable,
* because it preserve use of default libraries paths, when the path is a sub path of these default paths
* because it preserve use of default libraries paths, when the
* path is a sub path of these default paths
if( wxGetApp().GetLibraryPathList().Index( fn.GetPath() ) != wxNOT_FOUND ) // Ok, trivial case
libfilename = fn.GetName();
else // not in the default, : see if this file is in a subpath:
......@@ -250,27 +239,15 @@ void DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS::OnAddOrInsertLibClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
void DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS::OnSaveCfgClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
OnOkClick( event );
m_Parent->Update_config( this );
void DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS::OnAddOrInsertPath( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxString path = wxGetApp().ReturnLastVisitedLibraryPath();
bool select = EDA_DirectorySelector( _( "Default Path for Libraries" ), /* Titre de la fenetre */
path, /* Chemin par defaut */
this, /* parent frame */
wxDefaultPosition );
bool select = EDA_DirectorySelector( _( "Default Path for Libraries" ),
this, wxDefaultPosition );
if( !select )
......@@ -306,7 +283,6 @@ void DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS::OnAddOrInsertPath( wxCommandEvent& event )
DisplayError(this, _("Path already in use") );
wxGetApp().SaveLastVisitedLibraryPath( path );
......@@ -333,19 +309,18 @@ void DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS::OnRemoveUserPath( wxCommandEvent& event )
void DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS::OnBrowseModDocFile( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxString FullFileName, mask;
wxString FullFileName;
wxString docpath, filename;
docpath = wxGetApp().ReturnLastVisitedLibraryPath(wxT( "doc" ));
mask = wxT( "*.pdf" );
wxFileDialog FilesDialog( this, _( "Footprint document file:" ), docpath,
wxEmptyString, mask,
wxEmptyString, PdfFileWildcard,
if( FilesDialog.ShowModal() != wxID_OK )
......@@ -356,7 +331,8 @@ void DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS::OnBrowseModDocFile( wxCommandEvent& event )
* list, just add the library name to the list. Otherwise, add
* the library name with the full or relative path.
* the relative path, when possible is preferable,
* because it preserve use of default libraries paths, when the path is a sub path of these default paths
* because it preserve use of default libraries paths, when the path is
* a sub path of these default paths
wxFileName fn = FullFileName;
wxGetApp().SaveLastVisitedLibraryPath( fn.GetPath() );
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -10,18 +10,17 @@
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/stattext.h>
#include <wx/sizer.h>
#include <wx/gdicmn.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/listbox.h>
#include <wx/font.h>
#include <wx/colour.h>
#include <wx/settings.h>
#include <wx/sizer.h>
#include <wx/statbox.h>
#include <wx/listbox.h>
#include <wx/button.h>
#include <wx/statline.h>
#include <wx/statbox.h>
#include <wx/textctrl.h>
#include <wx/statline.h>
#include <wx/dialog.h>
......@@ -38,50 +37,41 @@ class DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS_FBP : public wxDialog
ID_ADD_LIB = 1000,
wxStaticText* m_InfoBoardFileExt;
wxStaticText* m_InfoCmpFileExt;
wxStaticText* m_InfoLibFileExt;
wxStaticText* m_InfoNetlistFileExt;
wxStaticText* m_staticTextlibList;
wxListBox* m_ListLibr;
wxButton* m_buttonAddLib;
wxButton* m_buttonIns;
wxButton* m_buttonRemoveLib;
wxButton* m_buttonOk;
wxButton* m_buttonCancel;
wxButton* m_buttonSave;
wxStaticLine* m_staticline1;
wxTextCtrl* m_TextHelpModulesFileName;
wxButton* m_buttonModDoc;
wxListBox* m_listUserPaths;
wxButton* m_buttonAddPath;
wxButton* m_buttonInsPath;
wxButton* m_buttonRemovePath;
wxStaticText* m_staticTextcurrenpaths;
wxListBox* m_DefaultLibraryPathslistBox;
wxStaticLine* m_staticline1;
wxStdDialogButtonSizer* m_sdbSizer1;
wxButton* m_sdbSizer1OK;
wxButton* m_sdbSizer1Cancel;
// Virtual event handlers, overide them in your derived class
virtual void OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnAddOrInsertLibClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnRemoveLibClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnSaveCfgClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnBrowseModDocFile( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnAddOrInsertPath( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnRemoveUserPath( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ){ event.Skip(); }
DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS_FBP( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxString& title = wxEmptyString, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxSize( 593,612 ), long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER );
DIALOG_PCBNEW_CONFIG_LIBS_FBP( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxString& title = wxEmptyString, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxSize( -1,-1 ), long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER );
......@@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ DIALOG_PRINT_USING_PRINTER::DIALOG_PRINT_USING_PRINTER( WinEDA_DrawFrame* parent
void DIALOG_PRINT_USING_PRINTER::OnInitDialog( wxInitDialogEvent& event )
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
int layer_max = NB_LAYERS;
wxString msg;
......@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ DIALOG_TRACKS_OPTIONS::DIALOG_TRACKS_OPTIONS( WinEDA_PcbFrame* parent )
void DIALOG_TRACKS_OPTIONS::OnInitDialog( wxInitDialogEvent& event )
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
// deselect the existing text, seems SetFocus() wants to emulate Microsoft, which is not desireable here.
......@@ -131,13 +131,9 @@ DIALOG_TRACKS_OPTIONS_BASE::DIALOG_TRACKS_OPTIONS_BASE( wxWindow* parent, wxWind
m_buttonOK = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _("OK"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_buttonOK->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 194, 0, 0 ) );
bRightSizer->Add( m_buttonOK, 0, wxALL, 5 );
m_buttonCANCEL = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_buttonCANCEL->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 2, 2, 196 ) );
bRightSizer->Add( m_buttonCANCEL, 0, wxALL, 5 );
bMainSizer->Add( bRightSizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5 );
......@@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@
<property name="context_help"></property>
<property name="default">1</property>
<property name="enabled">1</property>
<property name="fg">194,0,0</property>
<property name="fg"></property>
<property name="font"></property>
<property name="hidden">0</property>
<property name="id">wxID_OK</property>
......@@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@
<property name="context_help"></property>
<property name="default">0</property>
<property name="enabled">1</property>
<property name="fg">2,2,196</property>
<property name="fg"></property>
<property name="font"></property>
<property name="hidden">0</property>
<property name="id">wxID_CANCEL</property>
......@@ -151,13 +151,13 @@ IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( WinEDA_PcbFindFrame, wxDialog )
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( WinEDA_PcbFindFrame, wxDialog )
////@begin WinEDA_PcbFindFrame event table entries
EVT_BUTTON( ID_FIND_ITEM, WinEDA_PcbFindFrame::OnFindItemClick )
EVT_BUTTON( ID_FIND_ITEM, WinEDA_PcbFindFrame::OnFindItemClick )
EVT_BUTTON( ID_FIND_NEXT_ITEM, WinEDA_PcbFindFrame::OnFindNextItemClick )
EVT_BUTTON( ID_FIND_NEXT_ITEM, WinEDA_PcbFindFrame::OnFindNextItemClick )
EVT_BUTTON( ID_FIND_MARKER, WinEDA_PcbFindFrame::OnFindMarkerClick )
EVT_BUTTON( ID_FIND_MARKER, WinEDA_PcbFindFrame::OnFindMarkerClick )
EVT_BUTTON( ID_FIND_NEXT_MARKER, WinEDA_PcbFindFrame::OnFindNextMarkerClick )
EVT_BUTTON( ID_FIND_NEXT_MARKER, WinEDA_PcbFindFrame::OnFindNextMarkerClick )
////@end WinEDA_PcbFindFrame event table entries
......@@ -202,18 +202,18 @@ bool WinEDA_PcbFindFrame::Create( wxWindow* parent,
////@begin WinEDA_PcbFindFrame member initialisation
m_NewText = NULL;
////@end WinEDA_PcbFindFrame member initialisation
////@begin WinEDA_PcbFindFrame creation
SetExtraStyle( GetExtraStyle() | wxWS_EX_BLOCK_EVENTS );
wxDialog::Create( parent, id, caption, pos, size, style );
GetSizer()->Fit( this );
GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this );
if (GetSizer())
////@end WinEDA_PcbFindFrame creation
return true;
......@@ -225,64 +225,41 @@ bool WinEDA_PcbFindFrame::Create( wxWindow* parent,
void WinEDA_PcbFindFrame::CreateControls()
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
////@begin WinEDA_PcbFindFrame content construction
// Generated by DialogBlocks, 04/03/2006 14:04:20 (unregistered)
// Generated by DialogBlocks, 29/04/2009 15:15:49 (unregistered)
WinEDA_PcbFindFrame* itemDialog1 = this;
wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer2 = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
itemDialog1->SetSizer( itemBoxSizer2 );
wxStaticText* itemStaticText3 = new wxStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_STATIC,
"Item to find:" ),
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemBoxSizer2->Add( itemStaticText3,
5 );
m_NewText = new wxTextCtrl( itemDialog1, ID_TEXTCTRL, _T(
"" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemBoxSizer2->Add( m_NewText, 0, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxBOTTOM, 5 );
wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer5 = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
itemBoxSizer2->Add( itemBoxSizer5,
5 );
wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer6 = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
itemBoxSizer5->Add( itemBoxSizer6, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 5 );
wxButton* itemButton7 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, ID_FIND_ITEM, _(
"Find Item" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer2 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
wxStaticText* itemStaticText3 = new wxStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_STATIC, _("Item to find:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemStaticText3, 0, wxGROW|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
m_NewText = new wxTextCtrl( itemDialog1, ID_TEXTCTRL, _T(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemBoxSizer2->Add(m_NewText, 0, wxGROW|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxBOTTOM, 5);
wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer5 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemBoxSizer5, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxBOTTOM, 5);
wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer6 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
itemBoxSizer5->Add(itemBoxSizer6, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT, 5);
wxButton* itemButton7 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, ID_FIND_ITEM, _("Find Item"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemButton7->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 102, 0, 0 ) );
itemBoxSizer6->Add( itemButton7, 0, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP, 5 );
wxButton* itemButton8 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, ID_FIND_NEXT_ITEM, _(
"Find Next Item" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
0 );
itemButton8->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 111, 0, 0 ) );
itemBoxSizer6->Add( itemButton8, 0, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxBOTTOM, 5 );
wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer9 = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
itemBoxSizer5->Add( itemBoxSizer9, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 5 );
wxButton* itemButton10 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, ID_FIND_MARKER, _(
"Find Marker" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
0 );
itemButton10->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 0, 0, 255 ) );
itemBoxSizer9->Add( itemButton10, 0, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP, 5 );
wxButton* itemButton11 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, ID_FIND_NEXT_MARKER, _(
"Find Next Marker" ), wxDefaultPosition,
wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemButton11->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 0, 0, 255 ) );
itemBoxSizer9->Add( itemButton11, 0, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxBOTTOM, 5 );
itemBoxSizer6->Add(itemButton7, 0, wxGROW|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP, 5);
wxButton* itemButton8 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, ID_FIND_NEXT_ITEM, _("Find Next Item"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemBoxSizer6->Add(itemButton8, 0, wxGROW|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxBOTTOM, 5);
wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer9 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
itemBoxSizer5->Add(itemBoxSizer9, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT, 5);
wxButton* itemButton10 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, ID_FIND_MARKER, _("Find Marker"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemBoxSizer9->Add(itemButton10, 0, wxGROW|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP, 5);
wxButton* itemButton11 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, ID_FIND_NEXT_MARKER, _("Find Next Marker"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemBoxSizer9->Add(itemButton11, 0, wxGROW|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxBOTTOM, 5);
////@end WinEDA_PcbFindFrame content construction
......@@ -306,9 +283,8 @@ wxBitmap WinEDA_PcbFindFrame::GetBitmapResource( const wxString& name )
// Bitmap retrieval
////@begin WinEDA_PcbFindFrame bitmap retrieval
wxUnusedVar( name );
return wxNullBitmap;
////@end WinEDA_PcbFindFrame bitmap retrieval
......@@ -321,9 +297,8 @@ wxIcon WinEDA_PcbFindFrame::GetIconResource( const wxString& name )
// Icon retrieval
////@begin WinEDA_PcbFindFrame icon retrieval
wxUnusedVar( name );
return wxNullIcon;
////@end WinEDA_PcbFindFrame icon retrieval
......@@ -34,16 +34,16 @@
////@begin control identifiers
#define ID_DIALOG 10000
#define ID_TEXTCTRL 10001
#define ID_FIND_ITEM 10002
#define ID_FIND_NEXT_ITEM 10003
#define ID_FIND_MARKER 10004
#define ID_FIND_NEXT_MARKER 10005
////@end control identifiers
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ WinEDA_PadGlobalEditFrame::WinEDA_PadGlobalEditFrame( WinEDA_BasePcbFrame* paren
wxButton* Button;
m_Parent = parent;
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
CurrentPad = Pad;
......@@ -92,25 +91,17 @@ WinEDA_PadGlobalEditFrame::WinEDA_PadGlobalEditFrame( WinEDA_BasePcbFrame* paren
Button = new wxButton( this, ID_CHANGE_GET_PAD_SETTINGS,
_( "Pad Settings..." ), pos );
Button->SetForegroundColour( wxColor( 0, 80, 0 ) );
pos.y += Button->GetDefaultSize().y + 50;
Button = new wxButton( this, ID_CHANGE_CURRENT_MODULE,
_( "Change Module" ), pos );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxRED );
pos.y += Button->GetDefaultSize().y + 10;
Button = new wxButton( this, ID_CHANGE_ID_MODULES,
_( "Change ID Modules" ), pos );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxRED );
pos.y += Button->GetDefaultSize().y + 10;
Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _( "Cancel" ), pos );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxBLUE );
// Selection des filtres de selection des pads :
pos.x = 5;
pos.y = 5;
......@@ -189,9 +189,6 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ReCreateMenuBar()
item->SetBitmap( display_options_xpm );
configmenu->Append( item );
// Font selection and setup
AddFontSelectionMenu( configmenu );
wxGetApp().AddMenuLanguageList( configmenu );
......@@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ WinEDA_MirePropertiesFrame::WinEDA_MirePropertiesFrame( WinEDA_PcbFrame* parent,
wxButton* Button;
m_Parent = parent;
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
m_DC = DC;
......@@ -97,11 +96,9 @@ WinEDA_MirePropertiesFrame::WinEDA_MirePropertiesFrame( WinEDA_PcbFrame* parent,
/* Creation des boutons de commande */
Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _( "OK" ) );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxRED );
RightBoxSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _( "Cancel" ) );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxBLUE );
RightBoxSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
// Size:
......@@ -849,7 +849,6 @@ WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame::WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame( WinEDA_PcbFrame* parent,
m_Parent = parent;
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
if( PolyEdges )
free( PolyEdges );
......@@ -864,15 +863,12 @@ WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame::WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame( WinEDA_PcbFrame* parent,
MainBoxSizer->Add( RightBoxSizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5 );
wxButton* Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _( "OK" ) );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxRED );
RightBoxSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _( "Cancel" ) );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxBLUE );
RightBoxSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
Button = new wxButton( this, ID_READ_SHAPE_FILE, _( "Read Shape Descr File..." ) );
Button->SetForegroundColour( wxColor( 0, 100, 0 ) );
RightBoxSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
wxString shapelist[3] = { _( "Normal" ), _( "Symmetrical" ), _( "Mirrored" ) };
......@@ -46,9 +46,6 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( WinEDA_PcbFrame, WinEDA_BasePcbFrame )
EVT_TOOL( ID_SAVE_BOARD, WinEDA_PcbFrame::Files_io )
EVT_TOOL( ID_OPEN_MODULE_EDITOR, WinEDA_PcbFrame::Process_Special_Functions )
WinEDA_DrawFrame::ProcessFontPreferences )
// Menu Files:
EVT_MENU( ID_MAIN_MENUBAR, WinEDA_PcbFrame::Process_Special_Functions )
......@@ -171,7 +171,6 @@ void WinEDA_PlotFrame::OnInitDialog( wxInitDialogEvent& event )
wxConfig* config = wxGetApp().m_EDA_Config; // Current config used by application
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
m_Plot_Sheet_Ref = NULL;
wxBoxSizer* MainBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
......@@ -285,19 +284,15 @@ void WinEDA_PlotFrame::OnInitDialog( wxInitDialogEvent& event )
/* Create the command buttons */
m_PlotButton = new wxButton( this, ID_EXEC_PLOT, _( "Plot" ) );
m_PlotButton->SetForegroundColour( *wxRED );
RightBoxSizer->Add( m_PlotButton, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
button = new wxButton( this, ID_SAVE_OPT_PLOT, _( "Save Options" ) );
button->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 0, 80, 0 ) );
RightBoxSizer->Add( button, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
button = new wxButton( this, ID_CREATE_DRILL_FILE, _( "Generate drill file" ) );
button->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 0, 80, 80 ) );
RightBoxSizer->Add( button, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
button = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _( "Close" ) );
button->SetForegroundColour( *wxBLUE );
RightBoxSizer->Add( button, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
......@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ WinEDA_SelLayerFrame::WinEDA_SelLayerFrame( WinEDA_BasePcbFrame* parent,
wxString LayerList[NB_LAYERS + 1]; // One extra element for "(Deselect)" radiobutton
int LayerCount, LayerSelect = -1;
m_Parent = parent;
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
/* Build the layer list */
LayerCount = 0;
......@@ -158,11 +157,9 @@ WinEDA_SelLayerFrame::WinEDA_SelLayerFrame( WinEDA_BasePcbFrame* parent,
FrameBoxSizer->Add(ButtonBoxSizer, 0, wxALIGN_BOTTOM|wxALL, 0);
Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _("OK") );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxRED );
ButtonBoxSizer->Add(Button, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _("Cancel") );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxBLUE );
ButtonBoxSizer->Add(Button, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
if( GetSizer() )
......@@ -273,7 +270,6 @@ WinEDA_SelLayerPairFrame::WinEDA_SelLayerPairFrame( WinEDA_BasePcbFrame* parent
int LayerTopSelect = 0, LayerBottomSelect = 0;
m_Parent = parent;
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
PCB_SCREEN* screen = (PCB_SCREEN*) m_Parent->GetScreen();
/* Construction de la liste des couches autoris�s */
......@@ -317,11 +313,9 @@ WinEDA_SelLayerPairFrame::WinEDA_SelLayerPairFrame( WinEDA_BasePcbFrame* parent
RadioBoxSizer->Add(m_LayerListBOTTOM, 0, wxALIGN_TOP|wxALL, 5);
Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _("OK") );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxRED );
ButtonBoxSizer->Add(Button, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _("Cancel") );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxBLUE );
ButtonBoxSizer->Add(Button, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
if( GetSizer() )
......@@ -123,8 +123,6 @@ void WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::CreateControls()
wxSize CorrectRowSize; // Used while specifying height of various spacers
int ButtonHeight; // Used while specifying height of other spacers
SetFont( *g_DialogFont );
OuterBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
......@@ -280,7 +278,6 @@ void WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::CreateControls()
if (WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::ShowToolTips())
Button->SetToolTip( _("Switch on all of the copper layers") );
Button->SetMinSize( wxSize( GoodWidth, ButtonHeight ) );
Button->SetForegroundColour( wxColor( 0, 100, 0 ) );
FlexColumnBoxSizer->Add(Button, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxRIGHT|wxTOP, 5);
// Now do everything required for providing the second button.
......@@ -289,7 +286,6 @@ void WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::CreateControls()
if (WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::ShowToolTips())
Button->SetToolTip( _("Switch off all of the copper layers") );
Button->SetMinSize( wxSize( GoodWidth, ButtonHeight ) );
Button->SetForegroundColour( wxColor( 100, 0, 0 ) );
FlexColumnBoxSizer->Add(Button, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxRIGHT|wxTOP, 5);
......@@ -342,11 +338,9 @@ void WinEDA_SetColorsFrame::CreateControls()
OuterBoxSizer->Add(StdDialogButtonSizer, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 10);
Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _("OK"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxRED );
Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
Button->SetForegroundColour( *wxBLUE );
Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_APPLY, _("Apply"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ bool WinEDA_PcbGridFrame::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxStrin
////@end WinEDA_PcbGridFrame member initialisation
////@begin WinEDA_PcbGridFrame creation
wxDialog::Create( parent, id, caption, pos, size, style );
......@@ -108,9 +108,8 @@ bool WinEDA_PcbGridFrame::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxStrin
void WinEDA_PcbGridFrame::CreateControls()
////@begin WinEDA_PcbGridFrame content construction
// Generated by DialogBlocks, 17/08/2006 09:27:19 (unregistered)
// Generated by DialogBlocks, 29/04/2009 15:16:09 (unregistered)
WinEDA_PcbGridFrame* itemDialog1 = this;
......@@ -120,11 +119,10 @@ void WinEDA_PcbGridFrame::CreateControls()
wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer3 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemBoxSizer3, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
wxString m_UnitGridStrings[] = {
m_UnitGrid = new wxRadioBox( itemDialog1, ID_RADIOBOX, _("Grid Size Units"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 2, m_UnitGridStrings, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS );
wxArrayString m_UnitGridStrings;
m_UnitGrid = new wxRadioBox( itemDialog1, ID_RADIOBOX, _("Grid Size Units"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, m_UnitGridStrings, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS );
itemBoxSizer3->Add(m_UnitGrid, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
......@@ -147,11 +145,9 @@ void WinEDA_PcbGridFrame::CreateControls()
wxButton* itemButton11 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, wxID_OK, _("&OK"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemButton11->SetForegroundColour(wxColour(202, 0, 0));
itemBoxSizer10->Add(itemButton11, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALL, 5);
wxButton* itemButton12 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, wxID_CANCEL, _("&Cancel"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemButton12->SetForegroundColour(wxColour(0, 0, 255));
itemBoxSizer10->Add(itemButton12, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALL, 5);
////@end WinEDA_PcbGridFrame content construction
......@@ -35,14 +35,14 @@
////@begin control identifiers
#define ID_DIALOG 10000
#define ID_RADIOBOX 10001
#define ID_TEXTCTRL 10002
#define ID_TEXTCTRL1 10003
#define ID_RADIOBOX 10001
#define ID_TEXTCTRL 10002
#define ID_TEXTCTRL1 10003
////@end control identifiers
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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