Commit 05880921 authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck

DIMENSION::m_Value not being saved in LEGACY_PLUGIN using scaling,...

DIMENSION::m_Value not being saved in LEGACY_PLUGIN using scaling, DIMENSION::AdjustDimensionDetails() uses arrowz appropriate to build
parent 8975fd3c
......@@ -240,14 +240,14 @@ void DIMENSION::Mirror( const wxPoint& axis_pos )
void DIMENSION::AdjustDimensionDetails( bool aDoNotChangeText )
#define ARROW_SIZE 500 //size of arrows
int ii;
int mesure, deltax, deltay; // value of the measure on X and Y axes
int arrow_up_X = 0, arrow_up_Y = 0; // coordinates of arrow line /
int arrow_dw_X = 0, arrow_dw_Y = 0; // coordinates of arrow line '\'
int hx, hy; // dimension line interval
double angle, angle_f;
wxString msg;
const int arrowz = DMils2iu( 500 ); // size of arrows
int ii;
int measure, deltax, deltay; // value of the measure on X and Y axes
int arrow_up_X = 0, arrow_up_Y = 0; // coordinates of arrow line /
int arrow_dw_X = 0, arrow_dw_Y = 0; // coordinates of arrow line '\'
int hx, hy; // dimension line interval
double angle, angle_f;
wxString msg;
// Init layer :
m_Text.SetLayer( GetLayer() );
......@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ void DIMENSION::AdjustDimensionDetails( bool aDoNotChangeText )
deltay = m_featureLineDOy - m_featureLineGOy;
// Calculate dimension value
mesure = KiROUND( hypot( (double) deltax, (double) deltay ) );
measure = KiROUND( hypot( (double) deltax, (double) deltay ) );
if( deltax || deltay )
angle = atan2( (double) deltay, (double) deltax );
......@@ -271,10 +271,10 @@ void DIMENSION::AdjustDimensionDetails( bool aDoNotChangeText )
hx = hy = ii;
// Taking into account the slope of the side lines.
if( mesure )
if( measure )
hx = (abs) ( (int) ( ( (double) deltay * hx ) / mesure ) );
hy = (abs) ( (int) ( ( (double) deltax * hy ) / mesure ) );
hx = (abs) ( (int) ( ( (double) deltay * hx ) / measure ) );
hy = (abs) ( (int) ( ( (double) deltax * hy ) / measure ) );
if( m_featureLineGOx > m_crossBarOx )
hx = -hx;
......@@ -289,14 +289,13 @@ void DIMENSION::AdjustDimensionDetails( bool aDoNotChangeText )
hy = 0;
angle_f = angle + (M_PI * 27.5 / 180);
arrow_up_X = (int) ( ARROW_SIZE * cos( angle_f ) );
arrow_up_Y = (int) ( ARROW_SIZE * sin( angle_f ) );
arrow_up_X = (int) ( arrowz * cos( angle_f ) );
arrow_up_Y = (int) ( arrowz * sin( angle_f ) );
angle_f = angle - (M_PI * 27.5 / 180);
arrow_dw_X = (int) ( ARROW_SIZE * cos( angle_f ) );
arrow_dw_Y = (int) ( ARROW_SIZE * sin( angle_f ) );
arrow_dw_X = (int) ( arrowz * cos( angle_f ) );
arrow_dw_Y = (int) ( arrowz * sin( angle_f ) );
m_arrowG1Ox = m_crossBarOx;
m_arrowG1Oy = m_crossBarOy;
m_arrowG1Fx = m_crossBarOx + arrow_up_X;
......@@ -345,7 +344,7 @@ void DIMENSION::AdjustDimensionDetails( bool aDoNotChangeText )
if( !aDoNotChangeText )
m_Value = mesure;
m_Value = measure;
msg = ::CoordinateToString( m_Value );
SetText( msg );
......@@ -3617,7 +3617,7 @@ void LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveDIMENTION( const DIMENSION* me ) const
fprintf( m_fp, "Ge %d %d %lX\n", me->GetShape(), me->GetLayer(), me->GetTimeStamp() );
fprintf( m_fp, "Va %d\n", me->m_Value );
fprintf( m_fp, "Va %s\n", fmtBIU( me->m_Value ).c_str() );
if( !me->m_Text.GetText().IsEmpty() )
fprintf( m_fp, "Te %s\n", EscapedUTF8( me->m_Text.GetText() ).c_str() );
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