Commit 03d50b22 authored by Wayne Stambaugh's avatar Wayne Stambaugh

Change Windows install tree to match Linux install tree.

* Move all Windows install subfolders from ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/ to
* Remove unused define DEFAULT_FP_LIB_PATH from build configuration.
* Remove Boost target when skipping internal Boost build.
* Update INSTALL.txt to reflect install tree changes.
parent 7b5318ff
......@@ -303,40 +303,22 @@ set( KIFACE_PREFIX "_" )
# Locations for install targets.
set( KICAD_BIN bin
CACHE PATH "Location of KiCad binaries." )
CACHE PATH "Default path where footprint libraries are installed." )
# Everything without leading / is relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.
set( KICAD_BIN bin
CACHE PATH "Location of KiCad binaries." )
set( KICAD_PLUGINS lib/kicad/plugins
CACHE PATH "Location of KiCad plugins." )
set( KICAD_DATA share/kicad
CACHE PATH "Location of KiCad data files." )
set( KICAD_DOCS share/doc/kicad
CACHE PATH "Location of KiCad documentation files." )
if( MINGW )
# Everything without leading / is relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.
CACHE PATH "Location of KiCad plugins." )
set( KICAD_DATA share
CACHE PATH "Location of KiCad data files." )
set( KICAD_DOCS doc
CACHE PATH "Location of KiCad documentation files." )
CACHE PATH "Location of KiCad demo files." )
CACHE PATH "Location of KiCad template files." )
if( APPLE )
CACHE PATH "Location of KiCad demo files." )
CACHE PATH "Location of KiCad template files." )
# everything without leading / is relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.
# CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is root of .dmg image
......@@ -372,10 +354,6 @@ if( APPLE )
set( KICAD_DEMOS demos
CACHE PATH "Location of KiCad demo files." FORCE )
# used to set DEFAULT_FP_LIB_PATH in config.h.cmake, but then never used
# set it to correct value just in case (see common.cpp)
set( KICAD_FP_LIB_INSTALL_PATH "~/Library/Preferences/kicad" )
# Override default paths for fixup_bundle
function( gp_item_default_embedded_path_override item default_embedded_path_var )
......@@ -553,8 +531,6 @@ if( KICAD_SKIP_BOOST )
message( FATAL_ERROR "Boost 1.54+ libraries are required." )
add_custom_target( boost ) # it is required to meet some further dependencies
message( WARNING "
WARNING: You decided to skip building boost library.
KiCad developers strongly advise you to build the bundled boost library, as it is known to work with KiCad.
......@@ -61,9 +61,6 @@
/// The install prefix defined in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.
/// Default footprint library install path when installed with `make install`.
/// When defined, build the GITHUB_PLUGIN for pcbnew.
......@@ -24,87 +24,43 @@ Installation from binary packages
Installation from binary packages for Windows
KiCad can be installed in 'C:\kicad', 'D:\kicad', 'C:\Program files\kicad',
'D:\Program files\kicad'.
The KiCad binary archive can be installed anywhere on the system that as long as the user
has write privileges.
For example, for an installation in the folder 'C:\kicad', unzip KiCad
to the folder 'C:\kicad'.
The main program is the project manager (kicad.exe) and from it you can run
the other programs (schematic editor - eeschema, pcb editor - pcbnew,
utilities: cvpcb and gerbview).
You can create a shortcut to 'C:\kicad\bin\kicad.exe'.
You can create a shortcut to '${prefix}\bin\kicad.exe' where ${prefix} is the install path.
Installation from binary packages for Linux
KiCad can be installed in '/usr' or '/usr/local'.
You must have "root" access for installation.
cd /
tar -xjf kicad-{version}.tbz2
tar -xjf kicad-doc-{version}.tbz2
tar -xjf kicad-library-{version}.tbz2
The main program is '/usr/bin/kicad'.
Windows KiCad tree
kicad/bin - Binaries (executable files).
kicad/doc - Various documentation.
kicad/doc/help - Interactive help.
kicad/share/demos - Sample schematics and printed boards.
kicad/share/internat - Interface localization files.
kicad/share/library - Libraries for schematic.
kicad/share/modules - Module libraries for printed boards.
kicad/share/modules/packages3d - 3D component models (.wrl and .wings format).
Files '*.mod' are libraries, and files '*.brd' are printed boards you can
view with pcbnew.
Files *.brd show the existing modules (and 3D shapes) in libraries.
KiCad can be installed in '/usr' or '/usr/local'. You must have "root" access for installation.
Linux KiCad tree
KiCad can use the Windows tree or the below tree.
When Kicad is coming from Linux distribution, the tree is:
cd /
tar -xjf kicad-{version}.tbz2
tar -xjf kicad-doc-{version}.tbz2
tar -xjf kicad-library-{version}.tbz2
/usr/bin - Binaries (executable files).
/usr/share/doc/kicad/ - Various documentation.
/usr/share/doc/kicad/help - Interactive help.
/usr/share/kicad/demos - Sample schematics and printed boards.
/usr/share/kicad/internat - Dictionaries for interface localization.
/usr/share/kicad/library - Interface localization files.
/usr/share/kicad/modules - Module libraries for printed boards.
/usr/share/kicad/modules/packages3d - 3D component models (.wrl and .wings format).
The main program is '/usr/bin/kicad'.
if KiCad does not found its files in usr/share, the search is made in
and kicad uses the same tree as the Windows KiCad tree above
*** When KiCad comes from .tgz archive from,
it must me installed in /usr/local and uses the Windows tree ***.
Linux and Windows KiCad install tree
${prefix}/bin - Binaries (executable files).
${prefix}/share/doc/kicad/ - Various documentation.
${prefix}/share/doc/kicad/help - Interactive help.
${prefix}/share/kicad/demos - Sample schematics and printed boards.
${prefix}/share/kicad/internat - Dictionaries for interface localization.
${prefix}/share/kicad/library - Interface localization files.
${prefix}/share/kicad/modules - Module libraries for printed boards.
${prefix}/share/kicad/modules/packages3d - 3D component models (.wrl and .wings format).
Files '*.mod' are the libraries, and files '*.brd' are printed boards you can
view with pcbnew.
Files *.brd show the existing modules (and 3D shapes) in libraries.
KiCad searches for the libraries, templates, 3D models, etc. bin/../share.
Do not change the KiCad tree, or the location of binary files,
else KiCad will not be able to find its required files (configuration,
libraries, etc.).
Do not change the KiCad tree, or the location of binary files. Otherwise
KiCad may not be able to find some or all of its required files.
Mac OS X KiCad tree
......@@ -122,35 +78,35 @@ User files can be the same as the system wide files but only inside the users ho
$HOME/Library/Application Support/kicad
These paths are hardcoded into KiCad, if you put them somewhere else KiCad will not find them when a new
project is created.
These paths are hardcoded into KiCad, if you put them somewhere else KiCad will not find
them when a new project is created.
Installation from source code
Some dependencies must be satisfied for the correct installation of KiCad:
under Linux:
wxWidgets >= 2.8.11
(needs to be compiled with unicode support)
under Windows:MacOSX
wxWidgets >= 2.9.4
CMake >= 2.8.1
wxWidgets >= 3.0.0
CMake >= 2.8.4
Boost C++ Libraries:
files used by kicad are autmatically downloaded and patched if needed
from boost site ( )
Linux: Mesa 3D Graphics Library
Windows: built-in
Zlib Compression Library
In source-tree-build are mostly unwanted, so make a subdir called "build" and
In source-tree-build are mostly unwanted, so make a subdir called "build" and
change to it.
Call cmake with the path to KiCad. E.g., when your build-folder is "build"
Call cmake with the path to KiCad. E.g., when your build-folder is "build"
within source-tree, type "cmake ../".
Now your system get checked if it is able compiling KiCad and cmake generates
Now your system get checked if it is able compiling KiCad and cmake generates
the Makefiles.
After calling cmake just type "make" and build begins.
......@@ -185,14 +141,6 @@ Required for Windows platform.
Can be used only with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
For building statically linked executables. Can be used only if wxWidgets
configured and builded with "--enable-monolithic --disable-shared" parameters.
For building dinamically linked executables. Can be used only if wxWidgets
configured and builded with "--disable-monolithic --enable-shared" parameters.
Build the KiCad with no component name conversion to uppercase (if you want your
ADuC.../Si.../bq... components named as just so).
......@@ -207,7 +155,7 @@ When more output is wanted use this cmake parameter or call "make VERBOSE=1".
Extra CFLAGS and linker flags
If you require extra flags for compiler and linker you may give them via
If you require extra flags for compiler and linker you may give them via
environment variables
"CXXFLAGS" (c++ compiler)
"LDFLAGS" (for linker)
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