Commit 0390fbf9 authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck


parent f280c737
......@@ -374,11 +374,11 @@ int DSNLEXER::NeedNUMBER( const char* aExpectation ) throw( IO_ERROR )
* i.e. no bytes with MSB on can be considered whitespace, since they are likely part
* of a multibyte UTF8 character.
static bool isSpace( int cc )
static bool isSpace( char cc )
// cc was signed extended from signed char, so it is often negative.
// cc is signed, so it is often negative.
// Treat negative as large positive to exclude rapidly.
if( unsigned( cc ) <= ' ' )
if( (unsigned char) cc <= ' ' )
switch( cc )
......@@ -394,47 +394,41 @@ static bool isSpace( int cc )
inline bool isDigit( char cc )
return '0' <= cc && cc <= '9';
/// return true if @a cc is an s-expression separator character
inline bool isSep( char cc )
return isSpace( cc ) || cc=='(' || cc==')';
* Function isNumber
* return true if the next sequence of s-expression text is a number:
* either an integer, fixed point, or float with exponent.
* returns true if the next sequence of text is a number:
* either an integer, fixed point, or float with exponent. Stops scanning
* at the first non-number character, even if it is not whitespace.
* @param cp is the start of the current token.
* @param limit is the end of the current line of text.
* @param next is where to put a pointer to the start of the token after this one, but is only
* updated if the return value is true.
* @return bool - true if this is a number, else false.
* @return const char* - pointer to the start of the token after this one, but if
* this token is a number, else NULL
static bool isNumber( const char* cp, const char* limit, const char** next )
static const char* isNumber( const char* cp, const char* limit )
#if 0 // no exponents supported
if( strchr( "+-.0123456789", *cp ) )
while( cp<limit && strchr( ".0123456789", *cp ) )
if( cp==limit || isSpace( *cp ) || *cp==')' || *cp=='(' )
*next = cp;
return true;
return false;
#else // support numbers with exponents.
// regex for a float: "^[-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?" i.e. any number
// is traversed, coded manually here:
// regex for a float: "^[-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?" i.e. any number,
// code traversal manually here:
bool sawNumber = false;
if( cp < limit && strchr( "-+", *cp ) )
if( cp < limit && ( *cp=='-' || *cp=='+' ) )
while( cp < limit && strchr( "0123456789", *cp ) )
while( cp < limit && isDigit( *cp ) )
sawNumber = true;
......@@ -444,7 +438,7 @@ static bool isNumber( const char* cp, const char* limit, const char** next )
while( cp < limit && strchr( "0123456789", *cp ) )
while( cp < limit && isDigit( *cp ) )
sawNumber = true;
......@@ -453,16 +447,16 @@ static bool isNumber( const char* cp, const char* limit, const char** next )
if( sawNumber )
if( cp < limit && strchr( "Ee", *cp ) )
if( cp < limit && ( *cp=='E' || *cp=='e' ) )
sawNumber = false; // exponent mandates at least one digit thereafter.
if( cp < limit && strchr( "-+", *cp ) )
if( cp < limit && ( *cp=='-' || *cp=='+' ) )
while( cp < limit && strchr( "0123456789", *cp ) )
while( cp < limit && isDigit( *cp ) )
sawNumber = true;
......@@ -470,18 +464,7 @@ static bool isNumber( const char* cp, const char* limit, const char** next )
if( sawNumber )
// token can only be a number if not adjoined with other non-number token text
if( cp==limit || isSpace( *cp ) || *cp==')' || *cp=='(' )
*next = cp;
return true;
return false;
return sawNumber ? cp : NULL;
......@@ -510,7 +493,7 @@ L_read:
cur = start; // after readLine() since start can change.
// skip leading whitespace
while( cur<limit && isSpace(*cur) )
while( cur<limit && isSpace( *cur ) )
// If the first non-blank character is #, this line is a comment.
......@@ -534,7 +517,7 @@ L_read:
// skip leading whitespace
while( cur<limit && isSpace(*cur) )
while( cur<limit && isSpace( *cur ) )
......@@ -577,7 +560,7 @@ L_read:
head = cur+1;
if( head<limit && *head!=')' && *head!='(' && !isSpace(*head) )
if( head<limit && !isSep( *head ) )
THROW_PARSE_ERROR( errtxt, CurSource(), CurLine(), CurLineNumber(), CurOffset() );
......@@ -598,9 +581,10 @@ L_read:
goto exit;
if( isNumber( cur, limit, &head ) )
if( ( head = isNumber( cur, limit ) ) != NULL &&
// token can only be a number if trailing text is a separator or line end
( head==limit || isSep( *head ) ) )
// handle DSN_NUMBER
curText.append( cur, head );
curTok = DSN_NUMBER;
......@@ -693,7 +677,7 @@ L_read:
} // while
// L_unterminated:
wxString errtxt(_("Un-terminated delimited string") );
wxString errtxt( _( "Un-terminated delimited string" ) );
THROW_PARSE_ERROR( errtxt, CurSource(), CurLine(), CurLineNumber(), CurOffset() );
......@@ -708,7 +692,7 @@ L_read:
if( head >= limit )
wxString errtxt(_("Un-terminated delimited string") );
wxString errtxt( _( "Un-terminated delimited string" ) );
THROW_PARSE_ERROR( errtxt, CurSource(), CurLine(), CurLineNumber(), CurOffset() );
......@@ -726,7 +710,7 @@ L_read:
// If not, then call it a DSN_SYMBOL.
head = cur+1;
while( head<limit && !isSpace( *head ) && *head!=')' && *head!='(' )
while( head<limit && !isSep( *head ) )
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