Commit 035b5102 authored by charras's avatar charras

In popup menu: display grid both in mm and inches

parent 25720516
......@@ -5,6 +5,12 @@ Please add newer entries at the top, list the date and your name with
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2010-Feb-14 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
Eeschema, libedit: fixed add/remove alias functions, broken
All: added in popup menus hotkeys info for zoom commands
2010-Feb-14 UPDATE Jerry Jacobs <[at]gmail[dot]com>
++ KiCad
......@@ -177,14 +177,9 @@ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnZoom( wxCommandEvent& event )
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::AddMenuZoomAndGrid( wxMenu* MasterMenu )
size_t i;
int maxZoomIds;
int zoom;
wxRealPoint grid;
wxString msg;
wxMenu* gridMenu;
double gridValue;
BASE_SCREEN * screen = DrawPanel->GetScreen();
msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Center" ), m_HotkeysZoomAndGridList, HK_ZOOM_CENTER );
......@@ -210,7 +205,7 @@ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::AddMenuZoomAndGrid( wxMenu* MasterMenu )
maxZoomIds : screen->m_ZoomList.GetCount();
/* Populate zoom submenu. */
for( i = 0; i < (size_t) maxZoomIds; i++ )
for( int i = 0; i < maxZoomIds; i++ )
if( ( screen->m_ZoomList[i] % screen->m_ZoomScalar ) == 0 )
msg.Printf( wxT( "%u" ),
......@@ -229,17 +224,20 @@ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::AddMenuZoomAndGrid( wxMenu* MasterMenu )
/* Create grid submenu as required. */
if( !screen->m_GridList.IsEmpty() )
gridMenu = new wxMenu;
wxMenu* gridMenu = new wxMenu;
ID_POPUP_GRID_SELECT, _( "Grid Select" ),
grid_select_xpm );
grid = screen->GetGridSize();
wxRealPoint grid = screen->GetGridSize();
for( i = 0; i < screen->m_GridList.GetCount(); i++ )
for( unsigned i = 0; i < screen->m_GridList.GetCount(); i++ )
tmp = screen->m_GridList[i];
gridValue = To_User_Unit( g_UnitMetric, tmp.m_Size.x,
double gridValueInch = To_User_Unit( 0, tmp.m_Size.x,
m_InternalUnits );
double gridValue_mm = To_User_Unit( 1, tmp.m_Size.x,
m_InternalUnits );
if( tmp.m_Id == ID_POPUP_GRID_USER )
......@@ -249,10 +247,11 @@ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::AddMenuZoomAndGrid( wxMenu* MasterMenu )
if( g_UnitMetric == 0 ) // inches
msg.Printf( wxT( "%.1f mils" ), gridValue * 1000 );
msg.Printf( wxT( "%.1f mils\t(%.3f mm)" ),
gridValueInch * 1000, gridValue_mm );
msg.Printf( wxT( "%.3f mm" ), gridValue );
msg = _( "Grid: " ) + msg;
msg.Printf( wxT( "%.3f mm\t(%.1f mils)" ),
gridValue_mm, gridValueInch * 1000 );
gridMenu->Append( tmp.m_Id, msg, wxEmptyString, true );
if( grid == tmp.m_Size )
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