Commit 02d89ad0 authored by Wayne Stambaugh's avatar Wayne Stambaugh

Fix a CMake 3.1 policy violation warning in CMakeLists.txt.

parent fcbce8b6
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ LINK_DIRECTORIES( ${LINK_DIRECTORIES_PATH} )
if( UNIX )
set( KICAD_USER_CONFIG_DIR $ENV{HOME} CACHE PATH "Location of user specific KiCad config files" )
elseif( MINGW )
set( KICAD_USER_CONFIG_DIR $ENV{%APPDATA%} CACHE PATH "Location of user specific KiCad config files" )
set( KICAD_USER_CONFIG_DIR $ENV{APPDATA} CACHE PATH "Location of user specific KiCad config files" )
mark_as_advanced( KICAD_USER_CONFIG_DIR )
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