Commit 02bb2111 authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

Pcbnew: fix issue when creating new tracks: sometimes a ratsnest remains...

Pcbnew: fix issue when creating new tracks: sometimes a ratsnest remains active although a track exists.
parent d5a17363
......@@ -107,8 +107,9 @@ public:
* when not tracks there are a cluster per pad
* @param aFirstTrack = first track of the given net
* @param aLastTrack = last track of the given net
* @param aNetcode = the netcode of the given net
void Build_CurrNet_SubNets_Connections( TRACK* aFirstTrack, TRACK* aLastTrack );
void Build_CurrNet_SubNets_Connections( TRACK* aFirstTrack, TRACK* aLastTrack, int aNetcode );
* Function BuildTracksCandidatesList
......@@ -500,7 +501,7 @@ int CONNECTIONS::searchEntryPoint( const wxPoint & aPoint)
* Connections to pads are assumed to be already initialized.
* and are not recalculated
void CONNECTIONS::Build_CurrNet_SubNets_Connections( TRACK* aFirstTrack, TRACK* aLastTrack )
void CONNECTIONS::Build_CurrNet_SubNets_Connections( TRACK* aFirstTrack, TRACK* aLastTrack, int aNetcode )
m_firstTrack = aFirstTrack; // The first track used to build m_Candidates
......@@ -525,8 +526,11 @@ void CONNECTIONS::Build_CurrNet_SubNets_Connections( TRACK* aFirstTrack, TRACK*
// Creates sub nets (clusters) for the current net:
// Update connections between tracks and pads
BuildPadsList( aNetcode );
// Creates sub nets (clusters) for the current net:
......@@ -703,7 +707,7 @@ void PCB_BASE_FRAME::TestConnections()
TRACK* lastTrack = track->GetEndNetCode( current_net_code );
if( current_net_code ) // do not spend time if net code = 0 ( dummy net )
connections.Build_CurrNet_SubNets_Connections( track, lastTrack );
connections.Build_CurrNet_SubNets_Connections( track, lastTrack, current_net_code );
track = lastTrack->Next(); // this is now the first track of the next net
......@@ -754,7 +758,7 @@ void PCB_BASE_FRAME::TestNetConnection( wxDC* aDC, int aNetCode )
if( firstTrack && lastTrack ) // i.e. if there are segments
connections.Build_CurrNet_SubNets_Connections( firstTrack, lastTrack );
connections.Build_CurrNet_SubNets_Connections( firstTrack, lastTrack, firstTrack->GetNet() );
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