Commit 021becb4 authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

Kicad: bug fix: in zip project command: filenames are now quoted in command...

Kicad: bug fix: in zip project command: filenames are now quoted in command string. Previously if files have space or other exotic character in name, zip fails.
parent 3e0921ea
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::OnArchiveFiles( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxString cmd = wxT( "-o " ); // run minizip with option -o (overwrite)
cmd += zip.GetFullPath();
cmd += QuoteFullPath(zip);
wxString currdirname = wxT( "." );
currdirname += zip.GetPathSeparator();
......@@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::OnArchiveFiles( wxCommandEvent& event )
while( cont )
wxFileName fn( f );
cmd += wxT( " " );
cmd += fn.GetFullName();
PrintMsg( _( "Compress file " ) + fn.GetFullName() + wxT( "\n" ) );
wxString filename = QuoteFullPath(fn);
cmd += wxT( " " ) + filename;
PrintMsg( _( "Archive file " ) + filename + wxT( "\n" ) );
cont = dir.GetNext( &f );
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